
Abigail Phillips, Elan Adamson

This is about love or betrayals. Elan Adamson was an Heavenly God. He kills demons in order to protect innocent lives but was soon betrayed by his wife. He knew his wife was a demon but he never expected her to turn this evil because since the day he met her, she was just a very little innocent flower. He dies when his wife kills him. But unexpectedly he is reborn. He goes into the next life where he meets a demon who doesn't know she is a demon, Abigail Phillips.

Cutie_Bear · Music & Bands
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10 Chs

Chapter 10

Abi took Elan to an uncompleted building. Elan said: This should be 100% enough for me to use as practice. I can protect this place with magic and make it Indestructible so as to not break down easily. Abi smiled: I'm glad I can help. Elan started walking close to her. Abi had to move one step backwards till her back hit the floor. Elan used one of his finger to lift her chin up and said - You're very beautiful and I really wanna try it now but there's no time. Better be ready any time. He then kissed her on the forehead and on her nape. Abi almost held his head to push him to do more. Just one touch and this man made her crazy. She started to bite her lip. Elan smiled and pats her on the forehead.

Elan said - would you like to see me practice or go meet the other guys. Abi said: well I want to practice with you. I don't really know how to control my powers. I've used it once. Elan said: I know, I saw your memory. You saved a girl in your class by killing the person that bullied and tried to kill her. You got expelled from the school. You were just nineteen and at that time you could've been arrested if not that you killed her in the school backyards. Both of you were severely hurt but the person you killed died and you survived so there was no proof so I understand.

Tears started to roll down Abigail's eyes. I made my mother suffer a lot, she had to sell our house and her Shop. Thankfully Uncle Sebastian was there for us so he provided for us - Abi said.

Elan touched her shoulder- You did the right thing. If I were in your shoes, I would've done the same and you're really lucky to be gifted. I've never seen this power but I've heard that a woman had this power. Lots of people studied it in Evermore but one day she committed suicide. The witches said that they can't figure out why she killed herself and there must be something stopping their magic from checking her memory.

The Witches, Demons, Elves and other supernatural beings tried looking for someone that'd this power but there was no one. And I can't believe I am the first person to find another one. Abi stopped crying and she said: Then what kind of power is this?. Elan said: You're meant to be a human with this power but you're both a half demon and a human which means either one of your parents was half demon and human.

Abi said: I also have very good eyesight but I don't know how to use it or control it. It like as if I can see from afar and I can see through walls, doors, pillars and so on with my eyes. But it's just that it comes when not needed and also when needed. It rarely comes.

Elan said: Well, that means you've got a lot to learn. I don't know which of your two powers is from one of your parents and you naturally have it. You're really really special. More special than me and I'm very lucky to have met you. Abi said: Me too. Her cheeks were already full red.

Elan chuckled lightly: What a beautiful sight. So know, we will be starting with your tree branch power. You've the power to control branches of any plants. And it can also come from your hands. You know, I came here to train and here I am training you.

Abigail said: why don't we train together?.

Elan smiled - Okay princess.

He said - now I'll act as a demon. This is how you protect yourself from demons. He showed her a tricky move and surprisingly, Abi got the hang of it? Elan said - note that there are low level demons and higher level demons?. 1-2, are low level demons and 3 -5 are higher level demons. Low level demons has a very short horn that even a God can bearly see it, while higher level demons have longer horns. They can be in a form of human. Once low level demons are in human form, they tend to look weak.

Abi nodded in understatement and asked - I'm a demon, why don't you take me to hell?? Elan answered - It is because your fate is different. Now as I was saying, I'll act as the demon and you act as the God. Abigail nodded.

It was already twilight when Abi and Elan were done practicing with their powers. They got to the mansion and that was when Alex started to question them. Elan lied - We went on a date. You've got a prob?. Abi could only blink and blush. Elan said - now if you don't mind, we would be going upstairs. Alex eyes twitched at the sudden answer. Don't worry soon enough your so called girlfriend would be mine, Alex said. Elan said - we shall see about it then.

Dex said - Mr Robert Williams is the one who will introduce us to other singers and make us to be invited to places we can visit. Elan said - yes I know him, he is my manager. I even forgot he exists. Dex, Alex, Brian and Hunter all had question marks on their forehead. Brian asked - you know him?. Elan said - yeah he is working for me. Dex said - then this is great news. Finally you're being useful, if not for you we wouldn't have known how to persuade him into helping us. Alex said - you know your father is a very rich man so he could help you like that. Dex said - you're quite right. Elan said - wait so are you trying to tell me that I wasn't useful before?.

Dex was about to make a lie until Alex said - you were a zero percent useful but now you're ten percent useful. You were so fucking damn useless. Elan was on the verge of exploding into anger until Abi held his hand and told him to calm down. Elan didn't know why but he some how calmed down. He said - Good luck on your day of persuading him into helping us. Since I'm very useless of any help. Elan went upstairs angrily.

Abi said - lookat what you've caused. I'll try to persuade him into helping us. She quickly followed him upstairs. Everyone looked at Alex and went into their different rooms. Alex dashed outside angrily to sustain his anger of killing any one. He must be well cautioned of Elan and find away to make Abi kill him but he must be sure that he is in love with Abi.

Abi held Elan's hand. Please don't be angry, they may think you're useless but you're very useful, infact you're more than that. I like you just the way you're because you're more than a person to me in my life. Elan halted to those words. He'd never heard this kind of words before even from his ex - wife. His heart started to beat faster and faster. What's happening to me?, he thought to himself.

He breathed in and out - This cannot be happening, I cannot be falling for her words. Abi said- are you even listening to what I'm saying?. I know you don't like me but..., Elan removed his hand from her hand and left right away. Abi felt pain in there and left for her room.