
A Supernatural Enemy

Abelene eventually broke the window after a couple of hits. She wasn't the most athletic, but at least she was on que.

As she flung her body out the window, time seemed to stop. Something wasn't right about the day that had just occured. In fact, she might never continue it.

It all began when a peculiar man walked into her office. He apologized for his tardiness.

"Sorry, Ma'am." He started, "my watch was ten minutes behind." Then, he started fiddling with his watch, acting as if the events that just occured never really happened. In fact, none of this really was supposed to happen. She never has seen this man in her life, but apparently, he was late to an appointment.

"But what appointment? This isn't a clinic, this is an office, people walk in, talk, and walk out. They don't walk in and come back two days later," she thought.

Abelene, though, didn't express this interest. Instead, she wondered what he had to say.

"I think that I-"

"Shush!" Abelene said. Though she did ponder to the thought of what could have came out of his mouth, something more strange struck her. His eyes were blue. His eyes were brown when he walked in. Or were they? She thought.

"What is it?" He finally said.

"Your eyes."

"Yeah, what about them?"

She thought for a moment. "Your eyes are blue," she finally said, "they were brown when you walked in."

The man was confused more then he was impressed. Not that she noticed, but that she thought that she noticed.

"They were blue ever since I walked in. Is something wrong, Angelica?"

Angelica. Not even her mother called her by her name, that is, when she had one. It was her choice to persue a career and leave her family, but it still took a toll on her. She couldn't go back. She broke her family's heart Enough.

She didn't care that he called him Angelica, but she did care on how he knew to call her that. She would have to dig a bigger hole then the one in the backyard of the apartment complex, and go deeper.

"Alright, tell me, what is your problem?"

"I think that I've seen something you might want to."

Abelene's heart almost skipped a beat. Was this the moment she was waiting for?

"Enlighten me."

"Well, I saw a baby-looking creature in an alleyway on 4th street."

"Describe it."

"Green eyes, pointy ears, and wearing some kind of jumpsuit." The man said. As he said this, Abelene could have sworn he turned pale, and his eyes turned a light green. Was this bigger then what she thought it was? Or was it just a hoax?

Before we can answer those questions, we must first answer some. Abelene has always kept her occupation a secret to the world, except for the small few who she thought could help her, whether they liked it or not. She knew they'd share it with others, but who's going to believe that a 14 year old girl is solving crimes and the secrets of the world?

Abelene thought of the worst. Is this a shapeshifter? Is that even a thing?

"Listen," Abelene started, "What... what are you?"

"I'm Tom." It said. This wasn't the first time something stupidly strange happened to her.

"Well, Tom, if you give me what I want, I won't question you or my sanity."

"Ok, well, 4th street is where I saw it." He repeated

Abelene decided that "Tom" wasn't of her biggest interest. So, she decided to tell him to leave, and started off...