
Chapter 012: Selling Fresh Soup Noodles

Translator: 549690339

The old man laughingly stroked his beard. His eyes twinkled kind and full of humor, implying an easy-going disposition.

"Since you have such a small amount of it, it must be very precious. What makes it so special?" the elderly man inquired.

"Elder, this product is called Pure Soup Powder, it works best when added to soups. Why not have someone serve two bowls of the same soup, one with this powder added, and taste the difference." Bai Ruozhu suggested.

"Alright. Fetch two bowls of soup." The elderly man ordered the shopkeeper, who had been respectfully waiting outside the door, never daring to enter without being summoned.

The shopkeeper scurried away and quickly returned with a tray bearing two bowls of soup.

Bai Ruozhu added some of the Pure Soup Powder to one bowl, then carefully stirred it, saying, "It's ready."

As the old man reached for the spoon, he was halted by the middle-aged man standing behind him, "Master, allow me."

"To get an accurate taste, I must try it myself. You two obviously mean me no harm." The old man chuckled loosely, uninhibited, yet making the middle-aged follower very anxious.

Bai Zehao couldn't help but feel proud hearing the old man's compliment, "Old Man, good eyes. We are simple folks and we've tried this Pure Soup Powder ourselves. The taste is quite wonderful."

Bai Ruozhu gave her elder brother a knowing look. Their family had strong genes, all three siblings were good looking but her second brother had the best looks and temperament, being a scholar. Her elder brother carried a sense of stability and reliability that made people naturally warm up to him.

The elderly man nodded in agreement, picked up his spoon and tasted the soup without the powder first, then commented, "The chef has improved his skills. Keep it up."

Upon hearing this, the shopkeeper radiated joy and responded, "Thank you for the kind words, I'll be sure to keep an eye on the kitchen."

Following that, the elderly man tried the soup into which Bai Ruozhu had added the Pure Soup Powder. It was clear he was a connoisseur.

After a sip, he fell silent for a while with everyone's eyes fixed on him, unsure of his reaction.

Bai Zehao clenched his fists nervously, while Bai Ruozhu maintained her serene demeanor, confident that her Pure Soup Powder would be appreciated by a true gourmet. After all, her powder wasn't just a blend of ordinary fish and shellfish, but was made with specific proportions filled with seafood from her special space, far surpassing the quality of ordinary species.

After a pause, the old man quickly took several sips of the soup. Though he didn't speak, the expression on his face suggested that he found the soup very tasty and couldn't stop drinking.

"Excellent! This Pure Soup Powder is fresh, rich, and not at all greasy leaving a lingering aftertaste!" He exclaimed after nearly finishing the bowl.

"You know your stuff indeed, elder." Bai Ruozhu replied, giving him a thumbs up.

The shopkeeper wasn't sure how to react and his face turned red. He almost let such a precious product slip away. Definitely, he lacked the discerning eye of his master.

"So, how do you plan to sell this?" Asked the elderly man nonchalantly after wiping soup from the corner of his mouth.

"Seeing as I don't have much of it and essentially just lucked upon it, maybe you could make an offer? If it's reasonable, I can let you have it for your customers." Bai Ruozhu proposed with a smile.

The elderly man stroked his beard and laughed heartily, "This young lady here is quite smart."

Bai Ruozhu complemented the old man, "I wouldn't dare to show off in front of such a connoisseur."

The old man continued to laugh openly, then poised, "I'm a straightforward man. How does thirty taels of silver sound?"

Bai Ruozhu was delighted. In her mind, she had thought that ten taels of silver would have been nice. This could have helped subsidize their family a little. Never had she expected such a generous offer. Yet outwardly, she remained unperturbed and nodded, "Elder's offer is fair, I have no objections."

"However, I have one condition…" the elderly man added.

"Please tell me, elder." Bai Ruozhu knew it couldn't have been this simple.

"You must tell me from where I can buy more of it. What happens once we run out of the Pure Soup Powder?" The elderly man asked, scrutinizing Bai Ruozhu as though he would see through her if she were to lie.

Bai Ruozhu suppressed her sudden surge of nervousness. On the trip, she had thought up an explanation, her initial idea was to claim that she could mix more and supply the restaurant regularly which would serve as an additional source of income for her family. But, as soon as the old man offered thirty taels, she quickly changed her mind.

Those who possessed jade usually invited trouble. Considering her family had neither power, nor any influence nor notable background, she had to tread lightly with this matter. After all, causing any major trouble for her family in an attempt to gain some quick benefits wouldn't be worthwhile.

Thus, Bai Ruozhu repeated the explanation she gave her family to the old man. He scrutinized her closely the entire time, but she didn't even blink. Even though he didn't entirely believe her, he was at least generally convinced. After all, the town often served as a rest stop for foreign merchants. Perhaps the product was an ingredient brought in from a different country.

The elderly man, Shen Lu, was the founder of the establishment. Although he resided in this small northwestern town, he was a man of worldly experience. In his heart, he was pondering - 'Could it be the Turkic Kingdom in the north? That's unlikely. That barbaric land knew only to roast meat seasoned with salt and chili pepper, how could they come up with this Pure Soup Powder?

It must be the Chengshui Country to the southeast, a land rich in biodiversity fostering an emperor who knew to indulge in the pleasures of life. It probably was a merchant from the Chengshui Country who brought it in. How on earth did a merchant from the Chengshui Country end up in the small village the woman talked about? pondered Shen Lu.

"Do you remember what that person looked like?" Shen Lu asked, not yet giving up hope.

Bai Ruozhu put on a thoughtful face and said, "I only remember he had dark skin, a somewhat square face and small but bright eyes. If this doesn't meet elder's requirement, we could negotiate the price."

Waving his hand, Shen Lu interjected, "Not at all, your honesty is appreciated." As he said this, he looked at Bai Ruozhu, his eyes full of bright curiosity.

The old ginger is hotter, Bai Ruozhu thought, keeping her poker face on. She calmly responded, "Younger generations would not dare to hold back anything."

Shen Lu continued to stroke his beard as his cordial smile returned, "The agreed price of thirty taels of silver stands. The extra is for your child's Red Envelope."

Overwhelmed with gratitude, Bai Ruozhu and Bai Zehao showed their appreciation. Shen Lu waved his hand and instructed the shopkeeper to take the two downstairs to collect their silver. They bid him farewell and left with the shopkeeper.

Bai Ruozhu breathed a sigh of relief, thankful that she'd managed to fool him. This was thanks to her mastering the skill of deceiving people from a young age. Her father had been a gambler, always demanding money from her mother, beating, and scolding them. Anytime he'd ask, "Where is the money?" she'd be beaten if she showed any signs of procrastination or guilt. She consequently developed the skill of lying with a straight face, often crying and claiming, "We really have no money left, I haven't even paid my school fees!"

She silently scoffed, it was, in fact, her father she should be thanking.