
find him...

In a very big mansion in Abuja,an old man in his early 60s was sitting in the mansion garden with his walking stick and a glass of orange juice on the stool beside him..two heavy bodyguards stood at each side of his sit..he keep on hitting his stick on the grass floor as he waited for news from his men he send for mission..

one of the bodyguard phone began to ring..

boss..spider is calling..the bodyguard picked the phone and hand it to his boss..

speak spider..the old man said..

sir its done..the man at the other side of the phone responded..

is Williams and his family erased from this earth?...the old man ask again

sir Williams and his pregnant wife are gone....spider respond..

Good..what..wait what about the small boy?

we couldn't find him sir..

are you stupid spider,a Wilson is still out there..find him,find the boy spider..the man cut the call..

He have vow to erase all the Wilson,his junior brother makes him look like an idiot in front of his father,his pride was wiped away from him...Williams think he was smart,he allowed him to run and raise his empire before killing him like his father,and he will find his little boy and kill him too..they deserve it..

the old man laughed at his achievement not knowing "karma is a bitch"he has wake a sleeping lion,...


A week after the death of their parent, Aaron and his baby sister with Rose was taken to America after the hidden burial of his parent. his father lawyer have put his father and mother every single property under his name..the boy is just 10 years but life have set a big responsibilities for him,he have to protect himself and his sister,they have to make their parents proud..

He his lucky his brain is sharp,the man who came and take care of everything about his parent death before taking them to America has told him everything..

this things is too much for him to handle,he needs help and direction..

uncle Gerald....will you help me..

the man smile as he nod his head..

I've promise your father Aaron,that I will guide and grow you into a machine as long as you are willing to follow the rules..

I want to avenge my parents uncle Gerald,I want the person who did this,who deprived little willow from her parent to taste his own breakfast..from his generation to generation..the little boy said as he fold his palm into a blow..

mmmmm...don't worry Aaron I will guide you until you are fit to let them taste their own cup of coffee..

thank you uncle Gerald..

the man smile as he lead the boy inside the mansion study room...

Rose has never been to America before,the weather and system was too new to her that she fell sick..but she couldn't show it because two little souls depends on her for survival..

Its been six month they have been to America, Aaron was enrolled into a private elite school while the 6 months old baby willow was enrolled in baby day care so rose can have a little time for herself..

Gerald have been helping Aaron to stabilize the companies from both parent..

Williams and his family were gone but their company still operate as normal.this surprise the old man,they have search for the little boy but no trace of him.just like he didn't exist before.

sir I suggest we wait for like two years let's see because its not yet a year since the Wilson's left..spider said to his boss

mmmmm..thats true,let's see how they will continue to operate without an owner for two years..the old man and his men began to laugh....


Aaron is now 15years old..but the boy behave like a 25years old..he loses his innocent heart the day his father ask him to avenge them and protect his sister from this cruel world..

he has become so heartless that he don't even smile or give chance for any activities at his age..his classmate and teacher thinks his weird..His five years old sister who looks just like their loves him so much because he don't even allow fly to cross her face..He made sure he show her how they parent were,she didn't see them but she felt the love she would have..Rose have teach them a lot of kitchen things because she's getting old and weak..she will miss them if she retired..

Aaron Cynthia said she's scared of you thats why she won't play with me..willow said as she climb on Aaron who was reading a document on his iPad that his Uncle Gerald send to him..

is that what she said?..Aaron locked back his screen as he drop his iPad on his study desk..

yes..she said you are handsome but scary..willow said noding her head..

oh..so what did you say?

I said you are the best brother in the world..willow giggle as she jump on Aaron..

Aaron laugh as he carried his sister on his lap..

and you are the best baby sister in the whole world..Aaron smile as he could see his mom eyes in his baby sister's..

willow giggle as she hug Aaron..

will you tell her to play with me..willow said as she look with a puppy dog eye..

hmmmmm.let me think about it..

Aaron said forming a thinking face..

yes..I will tell her to play with you..

yey!!thank you so much Aaron..

she came down from her lap and ran out of his study...

Aaron smile as he wanted to open his iPad back to continue when his phone rang..

it was a no name he hesitated before he picked..

hello..he said waiting for reply..

hi Aaron...A girl voice came from the other side of the phone....