

After his brief romance with the door, Aadi gazed around at the large room. His mum had it re-designed every two years, with Aadi's input on how he wanted his dwelling to look like. At the middle of the room, his huge bed lay, propped up with satin white, and beige Imperiale pillows from Greece. In a half spade above the cream, beige and white colored bed was a mirror, encasing the sleeping space; giving a visitor the view of the perfect room beyond. It ended at the floor in three curves.

Two white lamp stands held warm-toned, luminous lights, that often brightened Aadi's mood.

To the left of Aadi's bed were majestic copper drapes, which protected the French windows that held a beautiful view of the life outside. The glimmered in the sunlight and, now that it was night, cast a glow of the comforting moon on Aadi's room which he was grateful.

Seated at the foot of the bed was a sofa that held the same design of cream, beige and dark beige pillows and a red Qbedding silk blanket, a discarded controller that Aadi found little joy in using, and a Cartier watch. At its front was a rounded table that he often used to prop his legs upon, it was a crimson mahogany with jewels at the rim.

Opposite his sleeping space was his TV, an impressive, Wall Luxury by Samsung that graced the wall in a black adornment, underneath was his Play Station and a bunch of other video games from his naïve childhood. There was no iota of playfulness in him, not anymore.

He tossed his phone on the bed before striding over to his open walk in closet that could have housed three; it was magnificent art, a ring of light hung from the high ceiling, wide and grey. Below it, a waiting couch, also from Qbedding, seated atop a sinking white carpet that stretched across the room. The real glory of the closet was the setting of clothes upon racks and racks and glass shelves.

Color customized, designer customized and label customized suits had their place at the left side of the room, his graphic tees and casual clothing. In the very middle of the closet was a large space for accessories; his watches, necklaces, rings, designer bags..

Each shelf had white toned lighting at both sides, capsule-like.

A drawer behind the designer shelves revealed rows upon rows of shoes.

Balenciaga and Louis Vuitton were most prominent.

Aadi had never really bothered with dressing, his mother always had it handled, however, his style was impeccable; he never left the house looking inadequately dressed. Grey, beige, white and black were his favorite colors, although he wasn't picky.

Tossing his clothes off with a shrug of fabric upon fabric, Aadi sighed in relief at the freedom in his bottom half that elicited from his trousers coming off. He put them in the hamper by the side of the closet and flopped on the couch, sprawling in Calvin Klein boxers. Back to the ceiling, he absentmindedly traced circles in the carpet before groaning. The groan echoed around the room.

Get up, Aadi, he thought.

His back muscles rippled as he pushed himself up, sleep threatening to tackle him with swiftness. Aadi pulled on a pair of well-fitting grey sweatpants and brushed his teeth and washed his face in the closet bathroom. Whilst doing so, he glared at his reflection; a million thoughts running through his mind about the present, future, and least he forget, the past. Confused as to why he was conflicted so much, he spat and rinsed his mouth, before turning off all the lights, and slamming the doors of the closet with a thud of finality for the night.

Aadi trudged over to the bed and threw a few pillows to the ground, before laying down. His large hands made a loud tapping sound as he clapped twice, and all the lights went off. He clapped three times and his air conditioners, at all corners of the room, blared immediately. Sighing in exhausted content, he forgot that he hadn't locked the doors and was about to fall into deep slumber, when,


The sound of the door wrenching open and banging against the wall made him sit up immediately. A disheveled Dahlia had forgotten to knock. Trying hard to be composed, he asked, with a baritone voice,

'Do you want me to lose my temper on purpose?' with a raised, perfect eyebrow.

'I-I, my Lord, your cuff links- I thought you might have been asleep and there was- I deeply apologize.' she said with her head bowed.

'I could have you lose your job, if you're not careful.'

She remained silent, his voice was scaring her.

Seeing the effect he had on her, he smirked and got up off the bed. Her heart raced, fast.

Please, don't let him come close, Dahlia thought in desperation. Unfortunately for her, the universe wasn't on her side at that point, because Aadi had started to cross over to the other side of the room, where her small frame trembled.

She finally had the courage to raise her head, and her eyes widened as she took in his 6'2 self walking towards her. The moon glimmered in happiness at the thought of evening excitement. Her eyes traveled in jealousy of the golden necklace that graced his neck, his broad shoulders and tan chest, washboard abs and the low hung, grey sweatpants that had a different look in the light from the illuminating moon.

Dahlia allowed her eyes roam, until they found the line snaking into his sweats and she mentally gasped. Oh my word, this boy is packed, she thought. At this point he had reached her, towered over her, even.

'Thank you.'

'My Lord?' she asked in confusion.

'I know I'm packed,'' he chuckled.

Unbeknownst to her, she had 'complimented' him out loud. Her cheeks immediately developed a red hue, her chest burning in acute embarrassment. She mentally facepalmed and wished the ground would swallow her whole. Oh no.

Aadi grabbed her chin with his index finger and thumb, drawing her flush to himself. Giving her a coy smile, he bent and leaned forward, causing Dahlia to flutter her eyes closed and lean upwards, in excitement at the prospect of something happening with the Prince of Ardenia. Her mood was immediately soiled, when Aadi turned her jaw and whispered instead in her ear.

'Give me, my bloody cuff links.' and with that he released her.

'I- yes sir.'

Without a word, she placed them in his hand and exited the room.