

'Do you want to go?' Queen Dale asked her son.

'No, I'm alright. This food is amazing.' And indeed it was, but food wasn't the pending matter.

'Mother, why is the press here?' Aadi murmured as he silently chewed his food. Moments earlier, he had been thrown off my Garai de Macron's request.

Number one, he couldn't tell his parents. At least not now. There was already enough drama as is.

Number two, of course, he wouldn't let Garai win. But was the throne really worth fighting for? When he had never felt like he belonged? Was it really worth risking his life over to 'protect'? Aadi rubbed his brows as his mother answered.

'For publicity, mon ange. Couibous Royale is a big deal, Aadi. And our people will have a live airing of the event. Say, do you know why your father keeps grinning?'
