

Meanwhile, back in the Shaw's Manor in the west of Ardenia, Tirzah mopped her brow in exhaustion. She had finished her runs for her new boss, buying many things from the market place and buying new clothes and dresses for the children from boutiques here and there. Items in Ardenia were suddenly becoming more affordable, which was a good thing for... maids.

Now she was assisting the kitchen staff in a long morning full of breakfast perfection.

Tirzah had found a new job a couple of weeks ago- it payed well and was the best job she had had in a long time. Flyers were posted around the shack she used to live in for new help in a manor.


Bell for breakfast.

It had been two months since her encounter with Prince Aditya Zaire Romanovs Slade, and she dared to believe it was all a dream. It didn't happen, she tried to reassure herself that it didn't happen.