

'Get out of my sight' is a bit harsh.' Johannsen stated matter-of-factly as they paced, the hair on his head dancing slightly in the cool breeze.

'Would you rather I punch them into bloody oblivion?'

'My Lord, if you want to win the people before your reign, you need to be less...' he searched for a word that wouldn't offend his companion. Finding none, the old man concluded with, 'An 'excuse us' would have done, very well indeed.'

'But I don't want to win the people. I don't want to win anyone. I want to sleep, I want to be a normal teenaged boy, I want to listen to my classical music and read my novels in peace. I don't want to have to rule over millions of people in a short time, I don't want these responsibilities, to be quite frank.' Aadi raked a hand through his unruly hair, eyes drooping in exhaustion.


'Easy on the lecture.' Aadi rolled his eyes.

'Did you know that I studied Aeronautical Engineering in my prime? I wanted to be a world renowned pilot.'