

As they walked towards the breakfast hall, Aadi's ears tingled. That was a beautiful piano rendition. He had stood, back to the wall as Samantha had played.

She played with happiness at the beginning, he could tell. Towards the latter part of her one-man concert, Aadi noticed how the play became furious, almost heartbroken. He related very well, in fact.

'Your hand.'

She linked her arm in his outstretched elbow and they waited for the doors to be opened before they walked through.

They bowed to their parents as greeting in Ardenia and Aadi shifted on one foot to the other. He was very irritated.

'Oh, there you guys are. You lot took a while, you seemed to have enjoyed the tour, then.' the Queen centered at Samantha.

'Oh, one hundred percent. Aadi was an amazing tour guide.'

Aadi almost laughed out loud.


'Yes, your Grace. I particularly enjoyed the room with the grand piano, reminded me of home.' Samantha remarked.

'And how was it for you, Aadi?'