

Okay! Here’s the deal: My master was killed and I was thrown into a river that connects the world of mechanics to the world of fantasy. Two worlds that have been at war ever since they collided. Confused? Good. It gets weirder. My mission is to be of help for my master. But they all keep dying on me! Now, I am really just going with the flow of things. Wait...I need to save the world from total destruction? What?! But I’m just an A.I. Helper...

Flor_De_Miel · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
28 Chs

Chapter 24

"Alright, someone tell me what's going on! The king?! She talks?!" Redhead said

The others started explaining things to the elves. Ignoring them, I focused my vision on the air and the gamma rays surrounding us. Funny thing is, they aren't really touching us. If they were, we'd be long dead. I wonder why. It's like there's a shield around us. Oh well. One problem at a time.

My visions grew sharper and the colors around us became even more vibrant. My eyes were hurting but I ignored the pain. Instead, I thought about where I should teleport these gamma rays. Hmm…

I envisioned the other side and the transmission towers and placed the gamma rays there. Hopefully no one will wonder why there's a sudden surge of gamma rays there.

"Telepathy? And you're saying that the king is supposed to arrive soon?" He said

*No. The king is already here* I turned to the king *Right?*

The king smiled and joined us. For a second, no one said anything.

Then, all the elves kneeled down.

"Ehh...you guys can stand up" the king said awkwardly

They stood up and Pinky said "Sorry sir, were just used to King Zaxary"

"Ah. Yeah. He likes to do things old fashioned." The king said

*Master, can I ask a question?* I asked

"Eh...sure. But just call me Camrin. My first name" The king said

*Understood. I would like to know if you knew about the gamma rays in the air*

"I knew it was something dangerous so I put shields around anyone who came close to this area but since I didn't know what it was exactly, I couldn't completely protect us" he said and showed his arms which were covered in blemishes from the radiation.

"Sire! Those look really bad. We should take you to a hospital" Leah said

"We can take him in" Gramps said "you can explain the situation on the way there"

After checking that the area was safe for everyone, I grew the plants in the area again. But I was still wondering how so many gamma rays were in one area and in this specific spot…


We climbed into the carriage and rode off into the woods.

That sounds like the start of a horror movie...


We get to the village where people gather around us. When they see the king, they stop in their tracks and bow down.

(Eye roll) Alright, we get it. He's the king.

"Please stand. No need to bow" the king said nervously

We take the king to the nearby hospital where they give him herbs for the swelling.

"I'm sorry, sure. We do not have much medicine other than this. Our income has been very poor recently and we haven't been able to gather much in the woods" the doctor explained

The king smiled kindly "No need to worry. I just wish these burns wouldn't itch as much. It's getting kind of annoying"

Oh! I think that was an order.

I walk up to the king and swipe my hands over the burns on his arms. Within a few seconds, the burns vanish.

"H-how..?" The king stuttered

"A m-m-miracle!" The doctor exclaimed

Not really. All I did was fast forward time on the burns to when they would be healed. Nothing too special.

"Someone tell me what's going on. You told me what's going on but you haven't told me what's going on!" Pinky said

Geez...this guy has lost it.

"Basically, we have no idea either" Ezra said with his head hung low "As I've told you before, we have only just met Niko"

"So, you guys just met a miracle worker and decided to bring her here for, what? A test run? How do we not know if she is dangerous?" Redhead asked

*I understand why you do not trust me. But please have faith in the king.* I said

He is my master after all and I am pretty picky when choosing one.

Hmm? I was begging for anyone to take me in in the first chapter? No. I do not recall that.

"Yes. We should have faith in the king and all that he does to protect us." Gramps said "I now regret telling you all the tales of the war god because it may hold you all back on great fortune"

"We are just cautious people. We apologize" Pinky said to us

Redhead didn't say anything.

The elves are known for their great minds but I'm starting to think that they might have good instincts as well. After all, I shouldn't have been trusted.