

Okay! Here’s the deal: My master was killed and I was thrown into a river that connects the world of mechanics to the world of fantasy. Two worlds that have been at war ever since they collided. Confused? Good. It gets weirder. My mission is to be of help for my master. But they all keep dying on me! Now, I am really just going with the flow of things. Wait...I need to save the world from total destruction? What?! But I’m just an A.I. Helper...

Flor_De_Miel · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
28 Chs

Chapter 21

"That tree wasn't there before, was it?" Quillon asked

Everyone shook their heads.

"Where did that come from?" Pinky asked

"From the ground. Obviously" Leah scoffed

"Well no shit Sherlocks. I want to know how that grew so fast. It's obvious that she has something to do with it." Pinky pointed at me

I was eating the fruit that fell. It was really yummy.

"Well...she is a witch" Xavier said

"Witches can't grow something so fast. Not without the proper ingredients" Quil said

"She's a really skilled witch?" Ezra asked

"Was that a question?" Quil asked


"Alright! We're going nowhere like this! We won't tell anyone your secrets. We just want to know if you could do it again" Gramps asked

I nodded my head

"Great! Then as payment for letting you eat here, taking shelter, and giving you our clothes, we would like for you to help us with our crops"

"Grandpa! We shouldn't let them-" Pinky started

I nodded my head again

"Great! Tomorrow morning we will leave" Gramps said and walked to his house. His son followed. Along with the twins.

The people behind him gathered around the tree. They pointed at the fruits with hunger in their eyes.

"Can we have some?" A woman asked me

I shrugged. It's not my property.

They all gathered the fruit and ate around the tree.

I finished my fruit and went back to my group.

"You have something you want to say?" Ezra asked

I tilted my head. Say? I don't think you want me to do that.

"Something concerning the tree?"

I looked back at the tree and back at Ezra with a confused look.

"Why'd you grow that tree? You could have ruined the entire plan" Xavier whispered that last part.


*My last order from my master was to live. This body needs food. Without food, I will starve and die.* I explained

Ezra opened his mouth to speak but no words came out.

Eventually Leo stepped in "Next time, just be careful"

I nodded

We went to the house next door where we changed clothes.

Lana opened the door for us and showed us to a room.

"Sorry but you guys will need to share this room. We don't have an extra." She said as she laid some clothes on the bed "These are some clean clothes. You guys can bathe and change in the bathroom outside"

After she left, I stopped time. I sorted through the clothes and picked out some pajama pants and a shirt. Sorry Ezra. I will be taking this.

I let time run normal again.

"No you don't!" Ezra yelled as he lunged for the clothes on the bed.

He threw the pajama dresses in the air and the only clothes left were two pairs of pants and two shirts that were too big for him.

"I'll take those," Xavier said and plucked them from the bed and handed Leo a set.

"How did she…?" Ezra whispered and looked at me.

I held the clothes close to me.

"I'm guessing you're taking the yellow dress and I'm taking the green one?" Leah asked

"I...no...um…" Ezra has now been broken

"You girls can take a shower first. We can go after" Leo said

I nodded and walked to the bathroom. I insisted that we should shower together so we could go to sleep faster. I'm guessing she was really against the idea because her face turned red and insisted that I should go first. I didn't really argue much.

I showered, changed, and got out. Everyone got ready to sleep.

Pinky brought sleeping bags for us but too be honest? They were all in terrible condition.

"This is all we've got. Use 'em or don't. I don't care" And with that, he left.

"Don't worry everyone! I've come prepared!" Xavier said "Niko? My bags"

I was about to make them bigger before he stopped me.

"Wait wait!" He took his bags out of his pocket and placed them on the floor "Okay. Now you can do it"

I heard Ezra whisper "dang it" but I could be wrong

I made them bigger and Xavier dug through the bag with clothes. He pulled out five small pills. He gave one to each of us.

He cracked his open and a liquid came out. He let the liquid fall to the ground and it formed into a mattress.

"Travel mattress!" He said

We all open ours and placed them on the ground. I went to the corner and stood there for a while.

"Aren't you going to sleep, Niko?" Leah asked

Oh right. Old habits are hard to escape. I mean break.

I layed down and closed my eyes. Before I fell asleep, I heard Leo whisper into the darkness.

"Are you guys awake?"

A collective yes rang around the room.


They went silent again. Ahh...time for rest.

"I can't sleep, can't help but keep a lookout. You know?" Leah said

Everyone agreed



"Niko. Can you really help their crops grow?" Xavier asked

*If you don't want me to kill the damn crops then you will let me sleep!*

"Ack!" They yelled in pain

"Sorry. We'll be quite"
