
my mother is rather ugly

<p>Everything has a lifespan be it plants animals humans stars and even dimensions among those dimension lay the celestial continent a place where some of the most powerfull beings of the multiverse reside that powerfull dimension is curently experincing its greatest calamity the natural end of Its lifespan the heavens turned red the earth cracked Blood rain started pouring without end and the countless gods and supremes started to age at a frightening speed in the blink of an eye those mayestick And divine beings with a suposed infinite lifespan become nothing More than dust carried away by the wind and in the midlle of the supremes despair and the demons howling bottom level cultivator Scott freeman was laughting crazily <br/>ha ha ha ha i did it i finaly did it its complete just in time with this treasure i have hope <br/>in the midst of such pandemmonium such joy was incredible conspicious the reason behind such joy is because althougt Scott was merely a foundation establishement cultivator he was the greatest forging master of the entire Continet and at the moment When the cataclism started he had just finished his masterpice the cosmos tower refined with the must precious material the universe seed a material only born when an entire universe is destroyed And is about to be born again what makes it precious is not just Its rarity but the fact that it allows the preservation of a soul without a fleshy body and also allows the comunication with all sentinent beings using this in his favor he created an artifac with the capablity of interaction with all Kinds of beings in the multiverse like a gigantic network Scott got this idea from a strange man named george Lewis who came from a place called earth in his words altought earth didnt have spiritual energy it was like a paradise a Land of peace with a wonderfull invention called internet a tool that allows comunication across long distances and easy access of information gaining inspiration from that Scott created his own internet but instead of a single planet his net Will cover the entire multiverse besides also having the ability to protect his soul from the cataclism following his laughter a drop of the bloody rain touched his shoulder and in less than a second his body rotted and become a puddle of blood red water but even thought he should have died a golden tower resting inside his soul Shone with a dazling light absorbing his soul and dashing into the distance the cruel blood rain the ferocius earthquakes and vicious ageing winds having no effect whatsover on the tower and in the blink of an eye like a bolt of lighting the tower broke throughout dimensions and escaped the cataclysmic destiny of the celestial continent<br/>inside the tower a ball of blue light was tinking by itself <br/>damn damn altought the cosmos tower protected me really fast my soul was greatly damaged im afraid i Will have to go into a big slumber until i recover <br/>15 years later epitax dimension galiant galaxy teronia planet a loud impact was sudenly heard in the ruins of what used to be a powerfull city a gigantic cloud of dust rouse from the ground only dispersing a few minutes later revealing a deep cráter with a tall golden tower in the center of it but that tower that was as tall as a 50 floors building started to shrink until it couldnt be seen with the naked eye in Its place a blue light ball appeared in the Next second that ball vibrated and started to move slowly at the same time a Group of people atracted by the loud sound started gatering around the crater but as if blind they failed to see that blue ball that was floating besides them and slowly making its way toward what looked like an abandoned house in the distance the curious crowd lost interest in the cráter seeing as there was nothing more to it <br/>Roar Roar<br/>in the next moment however their expresions changed because they heard the roars of a bunch of creatures that looked like zombies <br/>damn Its the living death run <br/>a midle aged man who looked like the leader of the group snapped out of his daze and roared not daring to stay any longer the group hurriedly escaped in the dirección of the houses altought the mayority of the houses were broken some of them were in good state and sturdy enought to bear the charge of the monsters once inside the house the midle aged man asked is everyone here in an instant a man said Isabel is not here Mark the midle aged man named Mark replied with a simple oh his expresión indifferent it was clear that he did not care yo much for Isabel but sudenly frantic shouting and knocking came from outsider the door <br/>letme in letme in <br/>a young woman was about to Open the door when mark stood in front of her and slaped her face saying with a cold expresion dont put the entire group in danger for death weight <br/>death weight? the young woman was confused <br/>seeing her expresión Mark knew what she had in mind saying to her Isabel is 8 months pregnant besides consuming the resources of the group she doesnt contribute anything to the group hearing that the young woman turned silent and sat on the ground with a complicated look meanwhile isabel knowing that the group has given up on her started running for her life but altought the living death were slow the eight months pregnant Isabel was slower after running for a little more than five minutes a living death managed to scratch her shoulder but with an explosion of adrenaline isabel accelerated and managed to enter a house and closed the door surviving the catastrophe but the expresión on her face was downcasted she looked at her shoulder and a tiny wound that was dripping blood was there under the gaze full of despair of Isabel starting from that wound her body started to rot and after 3 minutes she was another living death her last thought was my poor child <br/>maybe the regret was too strong but Isabel who should no longer feel emotions after dying and becoming a living death but she actually started crying even thought her face was stiff and her sobing sunded like hideous roars everyone who saw her would be able to see her sadness cincidentaly a blue ball of light was also in that house as if atracted to someting the ball actually entered her bulging stomach and then nothing happened until 1 month later Isabel who was dazedly walking around the house started screaming and touching her stomach blood started flowing from her crotch and then a pair of tiny green arms started to crawl until a baby head body and finaly Its legs got out the little green baby looked up and saw its mother and a single thought crossed his mind man my mother is rather ugly</p>

hi this is my first work sorry for any errors english is not my first language

leperiamcreators' thoughts