
A Zombie's Dream

A Zombie stranded inside a lab for many years, watching movies, reading, training etc. dreaming that one day to meet humans not to open their skulls for brain or to bite them but to be their savior! When found a way out of the lab, he saw different types of creature but no humans. is there still humans out there in this world?

Lord69Rain · Fantasy
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6 Chs

The Zombie Gamer

Rohan followed Fames the whole day from place to place.

looking in front of the mirror rohan was satisfied with the modifications of his avatar, choosing hair style and modifying his facial structure in the salon and facial shop, made him look like 25 years old young man with gray hair, silver eyes and a knife scar on his chin, wearing a black coat given to him by the shop owner of the clothing shop, that made him looks more like a vampire hunter from a movie than a zombie.

fames also enrolled him at the city academy where he would start studying from preschool to college.

he was also given a gold vip membership at a cinema corner shop where he could watch many movies, cartoons, tv series and anime in a private room.

he created accounts to offline games available mostly RPG.

all of that was supposed to be paid with a lot of money, but since he was the first beta tester of purgatory, all of it was for free so he applied to every available Games, purgatory could offer.

After Rohan completed the tutorials, fames left him alone to explore on his own.

Rohan first target was to learn reading and writing so he focused studying for 1 year inside the city academy building, when he got out of the academy he was confused why the time inside the academy feels longer and in purgatory the time runs faster. thinking about it he couldn't help but ask fames about it,

"Why is the time inside the academy feels longer?" the answer he got from fames was only "BECAUSE IT IS."

After scratching his head a few times and thinking about it he shrugs his shoulders and go to cinema corner and decided not to think much about complicated things anymore and relax.

he spent his time in watching anime, and tv series for 20 hours then go back to academy to study for also 20 hours back and forth for 6 months, then tried gaming after he learned how to read.

Rohan walk inside the gaming hub and choose the game fames recommended to him, he walk passed through the multicolored portal inside the game room [Heavens Empire], arriving at the golden holly temple.

A female angel with six pairs of wings flew towards Rohan. golden hair, blue eyes and a light radiating at the back of her head.

"Hello Adventurer, welcome to God's temple. I am your Angel guide, Azriel. I will be introducing to you the twelve main jobs and four main classes. please choose the job you like the most."

With the wave of Azriel's delicate hand, an illustration introducing the twelve main jobs appeared in front of Rohan.

These twelve jobs were categorized into four main classes.

Warrior: Brawler, Berserker, Monk

Weapon Master: Ranger, Swordsman, Mecha

Healer: Cleric, Shaman, Druid

Mage: Elementalist, Sorcerer, Wizard

Warriors specialized in defending against monsters

Weapon Masters focused on physical damage output

Healers as it's name represents focused on healing and support buffs

Mages focused on magical damage output.

Every jobs had their own style of battle, which the user may feel it's uniqueness as the game progress.

Rohan was been a fan of sci-fi movies and love weapons, so naturally, he would not hesitate to choose Mecha a Weapon Master Class that he really likes.

"Job Mecha Class Weapon Master selected, 'SUCCESS'. What would be the name of your character?"

"Name again? can I use Rohan?"

Rohan choose the same name he had as his user name.

"Name Accepted. Would you like to adjust your appearance?"


Thinking about it for awhile, Rohan choose to leave it as it is, as it was too time consuming and thought that he was already handsome as it is. But he didn't really need to wory about the time he spent in games, studying and watching movies.

To accommodate the majority of the users in Purgatory as it was intended to be released in public, the game hub, city academy, cinema corner buildings and other facilities in Purgatory has time expansion, the difference in reality were 2 times more.

Within this buildings two hours was equal to one hour in reality as the time runs slower.

36 hours in day time and 18 hours of nights, consisting of 48 hours a day.


Rohan entered the Floating city after creating his character, with a slight wave of his hand and touch of his finger, a player's attribute panel appeared before him.

Character: Rohan (Human)

Affiliated Empire: Neo-Babylonian Empire

Titles: None

Job: Mecha

Level: 0

HP: 100/100

MP: 100/100

Physical Attack: 10

Defence: 5

Attack Speed: 5

Attributes: Str 5, Agi 3, End 3, Int 2, Vit 3

Free Attribute Points: 4

Weapon Mastery:

Mecha Arm Mastery +5 (Apprentice Rank – Increases Mecha Arms Damage by 5%)

Armour Weaponry Control + 5 (Apprentice Rank – Increases Armour Weaponry Damage by 5%)

Free Mastery Points: 0

Job Talent:

Mecha Talent 1: Mechanical Weapons-related Mastery +5

Mecha Talent 2: Obtain 8 Free Mastery Points every 5 Levels.

Mecha Talent 3: Mecha-related skills proficiency increased by 50%.


[Blast]-Active skill

Requirement: Cannon

Additional 8 points of damage

Cooldown: 5 seconds

Skill Level: 1 (Proficiency 0/300)


[Mecha's Armor Suit] (Rank: Trainee)

Level Requirement: 0

Defense +2

Durability 10/10

[Novice Cannon] (Rank: Trainee, Two-handed Weapon)

Level Requirement: 0

Equipment Requirement: Strength 3

Attack Power +3

Durability 15/15

Inside his Inventory, there were ten pieces of Bread and ten pouches of Water. Eating the Bread would recover 10 HP per second while drinking Water will recover 10 MP per second, and both effects lasted ten seconds.

Every Mecha started with the same Attributes, the only difference being the allocation of the Free Attribute Points.

From the Class Weapon Master, Mecha was the best balance job that has close combat equipment and long range weapons that can be used at the same time, whereas the swordsman focuses on close quarter combat and Ranger mainly focused on long range attacks.

Each player could obtain 4 Free Attribute Points with each increase in Level. With each rise in Level, the different ways players used these points would result in their own unique style.

There were Hundreds of NPCs in Floating City. However, the NPCs that gave Quests only numbered in tens, while Hidden Quests was only 5, and there's only 1 Unique Quest.

When a player reached a higher Level they could choose a kingdom they want to be affiliated with, reaching level 100 they can enter the Empire.

Azriel given him all the information he need to know about the game.

Rohan arrived at the city gate to go out of the city, to finish the tutorial he need to hunt 8 Silver Wolves.

3 Silver Wolves approach him aggressively as soon as he left the safe zone of the city.

"Get lost!"

Rohan yelled as he pulled out his Novice Cannon and blasted out the wolves to keep some distance.



Furious roars reverberated

He jumped back as the wolves try to surround him.

Observing the surroundings, Rohan quickly run towards a narrow pathway while shooting his weapon at the wolves.




"ROAR your face! amma skin you alive stinky dogs!"

Rohan attached the cannon on his back and pulling 2 light saber from his hips cutting the neck of one of the wolves, he quickly duck out as the claw of the other 2 wolves aims at his face.




Using the tight space as his advantage and not get surrounded as he move, he switched weapon again, used the Blast skill at the 2 wolves which lost a big chunk of HP from the explosion.

"Still alive and kicking huh!"

Smiling maniacally he fired the Novice Cannon repeatedly at the 3 immobile wolves. Panel appeared as the 3 wolves died

Tutorial Quest:

Hunting Silver Wolves: 3/8

Reward: 60 Exp, 7 Free Attribute Points, 10 Free Mastery Points, 1 [Beginner Lucky Box]

"I wonder what's inside the Beginner Lucky Box? 5 more and it's over!"

Rohan repeated the pattern and lure another group of wolves killing another 5 of them, that concluded the quest.

With a Bell sound, Rohan became level 1 and he was only 160 Exp away from level 2.

100 Exp is required in order to rise to level 1 and level 2 needs 200 Exp, 2X Exp are needed for next level each time he levels up.

The wolves only given him 10 Exp each kill, the higher Level he is the higher the difficulty to level up.

"Hopefully, something good came out of this Box! Although it's just a Beginner Lucky Box there's a 10 percent chance to acquire a PET and 5 percent chance to acquire a MOUNT"

Though the Free Mastery Points and Exp were great, what Rohan really wanted was the item inside the Lucky Box. A PET or MOUNT was important for him to speed up his leveling and earn money faster.

"Open Sesame!"

As the Beginner Lucky Box slowly opened, a dazzling array of golden light bursts out from within.

Please be a MOUNT or even a PET is acceptable! Rohan chant silently in his mind

When the glowing brilliance faded, a cute black and silver coloured wolf cub could be seen lying inside the expanded Beginner Lucky Box.

"Lucky me! is it really a PET!?" Rohan was breathless when he saw the panel. Carefully reading it repeatedly as he can't believe it him self.

[Light and Darkness Dweller Wolf] (F-Rank)

Name: ??? (Mountable Pet)

HP: 50

MP: 60

Attack: 2

Defence: 1

Equipment: None

Attribute: Str 2, Agi 1, End 1, Int 2, Vit 1


[Darkness Liberation]-Active Skill

Releases Dark aura

Additional 8 points of damage for 2 minutes

Cooldown: 10 Minutes

Skill Level: 1 (Proficiency 0/150)

[Holly Light]-Passive Skill

Heals master's HP by 10 percent every 8 seconds.

Skill Level: 1 (Proficiency 0/100)

"Awesome! It's not just a PET but also a MOUNT? did the game given this to me because I was the first one to play it?What should I name this wolf?" Rohan think carefully for a cool name for his wolf.

"Twilight! I shall name you Twilight since you have the light and dark element"

Twilight received his name and a black wolf symbol tattoo appeared on Rohan's right arm.


"Coool!..." Touching his tattoo as he exclaimed. Rohan then added the 12 Free Attribute Points that came from leveling up all into Agility.

Rohan's Agility rose to 15 points, his Attack Speed increased 5 points, and his Movement Speed increased 6 points. He could almost rival a pure Agility Ranger of the same Level now.

"My Agility will reach 20 points after rising to Level 3. At that time, I can unlock the New Basic Skill of the Agility System." Rohan looked at his Attribute Panel in anticipation.

Rohan moved his body, feeling it become a lot livelier than before. He wouldn't be in his previous sorry state if he were to face off with Silver Wolves, right now. If his Agility reached twenty points, the condition of his body would become even greater after activating the Basic Skill [Light Movement], he could even rival against those Ninjas depicted in Movies.

Afterward, Rohan added 15 of the Free Mastery Points towards his Mecha Arms Mastery, keeping the remaining 5 points for future use. With his Mecha Arms Mastery now at a total of 20 points, Rohan advanced from Apprentice to Basic Mecha and the additional damage dealt by using a Cannon increased to 10%. He was still 30 Mastery Points away from advancing to an Intermediate Mecha.

Rohan returned inside the city looking for more quest with his ever cute little PET twilight.

he played the game for 36 hours and only reach lvl 5, he wondered how long it would take him before he could enter the empire.


Fames help him schedule his time spent in his every day activities and Rohan also help Fames do the maintenance of the lab.

Time past them as it was been 15 years since Rohan started going in and out of purgatory, he had already finished 3 college courses, which is Programming, Robotics, and Civil Engineering, he is now taking architecture as his 4th course in the purgatory city academy.

Rohan took this courses so he can help Fames more in the lab.

After all this years Rohan still played [Heavens Empire], he is already level 84 and taking a job quest in the Tower of Babel to acquire Mechanical Gunner Job and reach level 85.

But as he and Twilight was in the middle of the quest Fames urged him to logout quickly and see her at lab as there was an emergency