
A Zombie's Dream

A Zombie stranded inside a lab for many years, watching movies, reading, training etc. dreaming that one day to meet humans not to open their skulls for brain or to bite them but to be their savior! When found a way out of the lab, he saw different types of creature but no humans. is there still humans out there in this world?

Lord69Rain · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chuuni Zombie

In a place of darkness with a flashing red lights,

only 2 sounds can be heard





Every time a Beep sounds a growling sounds replies,

Every time a red light flash a creature moves to a place where light appears, this routine repeats by the pasing seconds, minutes, hours, days, week, months and years.

The creature then bump on a wall near where the red light flashed.



different noises made the creature anxious, when the whole place became bright!


The creature screams!

it didn't know what is happening, there's an emotion boiling inside its body that it can't understand, it is something new to it.

when it opens it's eyes, surprised, the place it's always stayed wash now different.

the darkness was nowhere to be seen. this new sensations made it feel fear, anxiety and curiosity.

"Throw it!"


It runs to where different sounds came, the noises made the creature attracted to a room nearby.


When it saw the humans on the wall coming from the projector, it's instincts kicked in! it attacked the wall, scratching and bitting the wall for 3 hours then backed off in Annoyance and confusion.


it stayed standing looking at this humans in confusion.


The movie ended with music and writing appears on the wall.

The creature stay still until another movie played...


lifting it's arms touching the wall then stepped back...

It watched movies for many day's and weeks then months passed. it was captivated by the action movies, it tried following the jumps and punches the actor made, growling at the actors cool lines when explosions or when it finishes it's enemies, even though it didn't understand the meaning of the actor's end liners it sounded cool.

then a year passed the growling creature was no more.

"Run! don't look back! I said RUN! Dumb girl!"

"Aaaaarrgggghhhhh! idiot girl I told you to run! now look you're dead!"

The creature that only knows how to growl learned how to speak English with a husky voice.


Sighing in disappointment to the horror/thriller movie it watched, turn and roam the lab.

it was been three months when it started to familiarized it self roaming in the lab facilities, it learned from the movies it watched what the rooms and objects called and it's uses, still not know all of them though. but it identified this whole place to be a lab, for what the lab researching for it didn't know.

it's new hobby apart from watching movies was roaming and touching objects clicking buttons and opening doors.

it was trying to look for places like beach, ocean, lake, trees, grass, and snows, like in the movie.

there are many tunnels and doors, but it failed to find the door that leads to a place where there is a tree, to prove the movies it watched was reality, just like when it first saw it self in a mirror and learned that he was a ZOMBIE just like in the movie.

there are lots of movies he watched which depicted zombies with different traits, there's a lot of human eating zombies,

but there are also good zombies and some return to being human.

When he watched a zombie apocalypse movie where the main character was a zombie which was strong and cool that was saving humans, a tingling and boiling feeling enveloped him at that time. it was that emotion made him accept and learned what he is.

It was a movie that made him declare:

"From today on I will be like that zombie!"

"I shall be called Zombie Slayer! saving humans from other zombies! hahaha!"

The zombie that was infected by the movies became the first zombie chuunibyou.

The zombie found a room with bed and cabinets, table and chairs.

"Hmmmm... not bad. from here on this room will be the heroes masters bed room! hahaha"

"let me look at the outfits stock in the closet"

The zombie imitates his favourite movie characters exclamations and actions even talking to it self when doing things.

after taking shower the zombie took a match making outfits changing clothes every day cosplaying every favorite movie of the day.

the zombie scheduled what to do every passing time.

taking shower in the morning, changing clothes, going to the gym to make his self stronger to confront the other zombies then go to entertainment room to watch movies, after 3 movies he would go out scouting the lab to look for new objects and place he don't know yet, then go back to entertainment room to watch movies again and check the digital clock in there to wait until it's 10:00 PM to go back in his *HMB (Heroes Masters Bed room) then he would go to bed after wearing his pajamas. he would close his eyes acting like his really sleeping, though he can't really sleep hes only waiting until it's 7 in the morning to do it again as daily routine.

The zombie never failed to follow his daily routine for many years that passed.

In years that he was here, he realized that even though he goes to gym lifting and running, he never developed a muscle and got thinner instead, but it made him moves faster and more agile. facing the mirror in gym made him sad.

"I don't look like a cool zombie anymore..."

"I'm more like a skeleton wearing a skin than a super cool strong zombie... haiszt..."

Sighing in sadness he decided to go to entertainment room that never stop playing random movies 24/7 from all years that passed.

"I hope the movie that played this time is something that can lift my mood..."

the movie that played was in a language he didn't understand.

"haiszt... even the movie can't take my sadness... it made me depressed instead!"

"I want to learn how to read so that I can enjoy all the movies even if it's in other language!"

"I'll go to my *PSR(Private Storage Room) instead of watching this"

his PRS was a room where he stored all the stuff he collected from daily roaming the whole lab from the years that passed, it was at the front of the entertainment room.

inside the PRS there is a long table and 4 shelves made of metal and glass.

The shelves was filled with different kind of tools and objects. 2 shelves are for the things he don't know what it is used for, 1 shelve for the things he knows what or how it is supposed to be used and the last shelve was for his favorite toys such us knives, pipes or any metal that shaped like a weapon which he use for acting like a hero. the long table was full of clothes, pants, white lab gown etc. he took it from all the personel quarters in the lab.

"I'll wear this white doctor's outfit today!"

"hmmmm... I look like a soul collector than a life saving doctor."

"Anywaaay... it's been along time that im here in this lab, but I never seen anyone?"

he started thinking if he ate all the people in this lab that it maybe the reason why he is alone in this big lab.

"But if there is people in here aside from me why am I the only zombie? or if they died because of me eating them why is it that there is no bones?"

"Holy mama! did I eat the humans whole without spitting bones?"

he was starting to get annoyed thinking of reasons, his brain capacity is to small for big ideas to pop. then a realization hit him in his thick skull!

"Ahh! maybe I'm a lab rat, no a lab zombie! locked here by the humans for research, observation or something! since I'm in the lab!"

he made him self believe this than thinking for more other probabilities that would only make him dizzy.

This was the beginnin of him becoming more aware of him self and his surroundings.

As the years passed like a wind that blows in a never ending cycle in the shores, his intelligence grows, the movies he watched was now only repeating as he already watched all of the movie that is available in the entertainment room and he no longer have any interest in the unlocked doors that lead to the places he already been to from the 1st floor to the 3rd.

he attacked the all the locked doors open for years and only 2 doors are left but it was the hardest of all!

It was a big and thick metal doors this 2 are more like a gate unlike the other doors made with hard to break glass or thin metal doors.

he started to try opening the bigger one since it was easier than the smaller door.

The bigger door has an electronic number code which needed 8 digit code to open unlike the smaller door that has nothing like that or even a lever or a nob to open it.

it's just like bock of metal that sticks on the wall!

his thin skeletal like fingers started clicking the number 0 eight times.



Appeared in the mini screen, then he typed another code








"What!? how long will this take to open?"

This made him annoyed but there is nothing he can do but wait and try again.

"Just wait and see this master hacker don't believe that I the great and most capable hacker in this whole Lab can't open you! Hmmmpft!"

"You wouldn't be able to see the sun rise again when I get serious!"

He never stop boasting in front of the door until that 5 minutes was up.

the plan was to start from 00000000 to 99999999.

clicked, wait and blabbed the cool lines he learned in the movies.

this cycle repeated for 4 days until the door opened!

"Finally! you opened up to me! now we can get to know each other! hahaha!"

he jumps and run inside! what was in front of him made his eyes glows!

"wow! what is this place?"



Hi guys... this is my first time writing a novel or a web novel.

don't be too harsh on me please hehe...

PLEASE comment anything that can help me improve writing since I'm not good at grammars and structure of writing in literature but I'm still trying. no?

and I don't think I can update a daily chapter so please bear with me.

what do you think about the story?

why do you think there is no one apart from him in the lab?

who was the one that welcomed him in the end?

Lord69Raincreators' thoughts