
A year in a cave and I finally get my system

For a year yes a total of 365 days I have been in a dark cave without food or water. But how have I survived so long you ask? Simple I learn cultivation and used the energy of the earth to survive. But now you might ask why have I not left well that is also simple when I arrived to this world and was trapped in this cave I gained a system. But it has been a year and today it has finally loaded up and I can finally leave this place. (I'll write once and a while so don't expect constant updates)

Endlessdragon · Urban
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36 Chs

Not a chapter I hate SIL novels

Seriously son in law novels just suck if you have never read them I recommend don't it's like the most brain dead thing ever!

Like how can the ML like the FL when she's always pulling stupid shit I get if it's once or twice but 10! 100! Ten centillion! Like is the ML so starved for affection that he has to live like that?

Like I know to examples of brain dead moments that you'll just literally vomit blood not even kidding.

In one novel the FL cheats on him like a few times and the ML forgives her he also owns like 1/3 of the world with his company or whatnot like you would think someone like him would have some self-respect or pride?

Another one the ML has proof about what the antagonist is doing to the FL but doesn't show it to the family for no reason he then later divorces her which is great but then it's just stuck with the family starting trouble and face slapping.

Like if you think normal CN novels can be brain dead you haven't read son-in-law novels those are a whole other reality compared to normal cultivation/ martial arts novels.

Ok, that's my rant thanks for listening or not now my question what's the most brain dead SIL novel you've read and what made it brain dead?