Powers and abilities

So the mc has powers wich are inspired by the abilities of the MC of the game: shadow or war wich is a great game.

elven speed: using this talion can run faster than a horse but also depletes stamina a lot quicker

weapon conjuration: can use Celebrimbor wraith wapens wich include: a bow, a glaive, a throwing dagger and a smithing/one handed hammer, but these weapons disappear shortly after and consume stamina

elven agility: enables talion to use quick moves to freerun over obstacles or enemies and also climb building way faster and easier that normal humans.

Wrath's vision: able to use the shift between life and death to see the life force of living enemies

more will be added later in the story but this is currently his abilities

elven stealth: using the power of the elves talion is able to use the surroundings to hide himself in an almost magical way

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