
A World Unwritten

Stuck in the worst dream possible – the reality of my own creation. Here I am, not the all-powerful author, but an unsuspecting character, woken up in a beggar's body in the world of my own novel. How? Why? I don't know, but what I do know is that I need to survive. My memories of the story's plot are sketchy at best, but I remember enough to know I've got to stick to the main storyline. Life-or-death decisions, cryptic mysteries, formidable enemies, I wrote them all. Now I must face them firsthand. The irony would be delicious if it weren't so deadly. Am I stuck in my worst nightmare or have I been given a chance to rewrite my destiny? Only time will tell. Until then, I’ve got to survive in this Insane world, a plot to follow, and one hell of a story to write... by living it.

QTV · Fantasy
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308 Chs


I watch as Isadora enjoys her coconut, her seemingly impervious demeanor back in place as if nothing happened. Dammit Isadora, why would you lose on purpose? I shake my head, quietly pondering. I know you too well, there's no way in hell you'd mess up that bad unless you wanted to. It's like watching a cat play with a mouse before the final blow.

Turning my gaze away from her, I focus on Biana, still in the midst of her uproarious mockery of Isadora. With a smirk, I reach out and flick her forehead hard, causing her to fall back with a thud. "Tsk, reel it in, would you?" I admonish lightly, struggling to suppress a chuckle. For fucks sake Biana, you're going to end up pissing her off if you keep that up. That would be a sight though, Biana getting a good beating. 

Lysandra, with a sigh of disappointment, mumbles, "Tsk, the fun's over," and continues to stuff her face with popcorn. What a creature, only stirred by chaos and food. I need to take her somewhere where she can let go. She holds herself back a lot and needs a place to run around and actually train without hurting someone, a place where she-... where I won't have to worry about her breaking anything. I also need to check how much control she has at the moment. 

Finally, a visibly pained but stoic Lyria approaches us. To anyone else, she would appear the picture of composure, but I can easily spot the strain in her eyes, the hidden wince with every step. Inside, I'm having a laughing fit. Stupid dumbass. Bet you regret your decision now. Faking calm after a beating like that? Priceless. This is what you get trying to get us involved in those stupid politics. 

She struggles to maintain her calm facade, "That was an interesting match. I would love to spar with you all, but unfortunately, I need to head out now." Her voice doesn't betray her pain, but oh, the sweet taste of her struggle to maintain her dignity is evident to my amused eyes. Hahaha, like you would want another round of that. 

A grin crosses my face, "Well, that's too bad. It was a fun match. Feel free to visit us again. I'm sure Isadora would love to spar again." Internally, I'm laughing so hard I might actually hurt myself. Come back for more? I highly doubt you'd be jumping at that opportunity anytime soon.

I can see Lyria's jaw tense at my words, but she holds her composure, nodding politely before turning to leave. I watch her retreat, wondering if her pride is feeling just as sore as her body right now. Poor senior, got her ass handed to her by a freshman.

★  ★  ★  ★  ★

-Sera's POV

The walk to Kael's store feels like an eternity. With every step I take, the sensation of 'their Lord' warms me from the inside. It's as if I'm filled with a glorious light, guiding me through the darkest alleys of the city, leading me to where I must go.

Ah, their Lord... The sheer thought of him brings a song to my lips. I find myself humming, the melody free-flowing, echoing the chants and praises I've come to learn from our church. The notes sound delicate, yet they reverberate with an undeniable power.

"Our Lord, oh divine," I sing softly to myself, my voice gaining strength with each word, "guide me through, for your purpose is mine."

A part of me can't help but be grateful to Nyssa for showing me this path. Before the enlightenment, I was lost. But now, oh, the clarity! The purpose! The bliss!

The image of Ash, my dear little brother, flashes through my mind. He's always been such a troublemaker, ever curious and questioning, never content. How marvelous would it be if he could share this blessing? Feel the same divine connection, the same unbreakable bond with the Lord?

And then, there's Des, the young girl who seems so attached to Kael. She's sweet, with those innocent eyes and infectious laughter. Ah, to bring her into the fold, to have her sing praises to our Lord. The very thought sends shivers of joy down my spine.

But...is this really right? A sliver of doubt creeps into my thoughts. Is it truly my place to decide what's best for them?

No, no! The uncertainty is a test, surely! A trial the Lord set for me. I can't waver now, not when I'm this close. With renewed fervor, I think of how our Lord will show Ash the way. And if Kael, or V, as many know him, could be convinced to join, it'd be magnificent. Together, our church would grow, expand, and the Lord's blessings would touch many more lives.

I imagine Ash, his face bright with enlightenment, Des by his side, hand in hand, surrounded by the aura of the Lord. Kael, with us, softened by the grace of our Lord. Oh, the sheer ecstasy of it!

However, a gnawing thought claws at the edge of my consciousness. Should I really tell Nyssa about Kael's true identity? V's money, his true strength he likes to hide, his people... it all seems to beckon, a ripe fruit ready for the taking. But is it really my place? Do I have the right?

A sigh escapes my lips. How much simpler things were before. But no, I can't turn back. Not now. The Lord has shown me a path, a purpose. These fleeting moments of uncertainty? They are but small tests, challenges that I must overcome.

★  ★  ★  ★  ★

Eira's POV

The weight of the metal in my hand, which I've affectionately named 'Dranium', feels strangely comforting. Its heft is deceptive; to any regular person, it'd be like lifting a boulder. But for me, it's as easy as lifting a feather. Still, the damned thing is incredibly stubborn to work with. This piece of shit refuses to work with an already advanced engraver, tsk, there's no way I'm buying an expensive one. I'll just have to make one, it shouldn't be to difficult. 

With a disgruntled sigh, I set the Dranium down with a resounding thud. The noise reverberates in the room, resonating with my current frustration. It's always some issue or the other with these rare materials. I then shift my attention to the vial in my hand. Inside, a thick, dark liquid sloshes around — dragon's blood. Except it's different. Altered, perhaps? There's no way this is natural. Unless this dragon blood is from a mutant or perhaps an evolved dragon but what are the chances of that? That blood would cost a fortune. 

Kael, you absolute mule. Always getting me into these messes. If it wasn't for your damn schemes, I wouldn't have to deal with this. Maybe I should just pull some funds out of your account. Just how much do you owe me for all my hard work? It's only fair if you pay me, so I'll be taking some for sure. 

My hair accessory blinking red snaps me from my musings. With a touch, the accessory morphs into glasses, resting neatly on my face. As the myriad of camera feeds come into view, one particular image catches my eye — Sera.

Her usual poised demeanor seems shattered, replaced by a weariness that seems out of place on her. I can't help the smirk that forms on my lips. Heartbreak will do that to you, I guess. Although the idea of Kael being involved in any romantic entanglement is... nothing but a joke. Hahahaha, just who would think of being with him? Sure he's somewhat smart and a good planner with lots of information, but that's all there is to him. 

Making my way downstairs, I notice Des interacting with a customer, her innocent enthusiasm clear as day. Ash, on the other hand, seems to have taken to one of the lounge couches for a quick nap. Oh, that fucker is going to get his ass beaten, we're paying you goddammit! 

"Des," I call out as I approach her, "take Ash up to the second floor. And do me a favor, yeah? Stay there until I give you the go-ahead."

Des offers a cute nod, her fingers fidgeting, "Sure thing, Eira. Umm... by the way, do you know when Kael will be visiting? I... I kinda have something I want to tell him."

I pat her head affectionately, brushing away some of her stray hair. "Just head on up. I'll give him a call, okay?" She smiles, grateful, before scampering off to execute my instructions.

The sight of Sera approaching, tired yet smiling, throws me off a bit. How the tables have turned. From the confident girl she was to this... whatever this is. As she greets me, there's a subtle change in her tone, something that's difficult to place but impossible to ignore.

"Oh hey Eira... um I know it's wrong to do this without an early notice but could I perhaps take my brother out for today?"

My gaze locks onto her for a few seconds, analyzing the odd demeanor she carries. Her eyes, which were always so vibrant, now look a touch clouded. The way she clutches that bottle makes me even more suspicious. 

"Are you alright?" I ask, not out of concern, but more out of sheer curiosity, "You seem very... tired? Or are you feeling down?"

Her reaction to my question is...odd. Sera tilts her head slightly, and the slight tremble as she does so doesn't escape me. "Oh, I got sick and I forgot to take my medicine." With shaky hands, she retrieves a bottle, taking a long sip. Almost instantly, the fatigue that was all over her face just... vanishes. Like mist under the sun. A quick solution, but for how long? What's with her reaction? And more importantly, why does she look like she's fighting something?

She's definitely using a healing potion. That or something far stronger. It's not a permanent fix, just a temporary patch-up.

Sighing, I muster up the most indifferent tone I can manage. "Unfortunately Des and Ash are currently in Cytro city. Des saw a merchant class for beginners and asked if she could take it. They recently went on a trip to see the different methods they use to make sales. Ash insisted on going with her, so neither of them are here at the moment. The trip should last at least a month."

The disappointment in Sera's face is clear, her smile faltering for just a split second. "I'm glad he's doing something... I understand."

Then she asks something that genuinely catches me off guard, "By the way, are you part of any church?"

What in the seven hells does that have to do with anything? I raise an eyebrow, unable to contain the amusement bubbling up. "Church? Me? You've got to be joking. Look, if you're selling something, I'm not buying."

Sera's smile seems sincere, if not a bit too eager. "No no, Haha. I've recently been heading to this new church. It's really great, but they could use some volunteers." Her gaze drifts to the store, sizing up the bustling activity within. "You must get tired of talking and selling things all day. Why don't you come with me? It will be fun."

I can't help the grin that tugs at the corners of my mouth. The very thought of me, Eira, in some church, volunteering? The universe surely has a twisted sense of humor. The suggestion is so absurd that it almost — almost — makes me chuckle right there. But I hold it in, lest I offend the already fragile-looking Sera.

"Don't worry," I reply, with feigned politeness, "I'm okay. I have a lot of work to do, so I need to head out."

Sera's face falls a bit, but she quickly recovers. "Oh, okay then. Well, if you ever change your mind, you know where to find me." She offers a small wave, her previous enthusiasm somewhat dimmed, and starts to walk away.

Fun Fact: Whenever Sera feels like something is off and she questions herself she hears someone whisper to her until she is caught in the web again.

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