

The dimly lit alley reverberates with our breathing. Kaleidos, panting heavily, finds himself trapped between the unforgiving walls and me. My heart races, a heady mix of thrill and rage.

"You sure know how to run," I quip, a smirk playing on my lips, reveling in the moment.

Heh, this moron really did trap himself.

But instead of the fear I expected, a hint of mischief gleams in Kaleidos's eyes. He clicks his tongue, and a glinting chain slips into his hand. "Hey, can you just forget you saw me?" he proposes, almost too casually. "Come on, shouldn't you help out your friend? That girl didn't seem weak. Your buddy might be in trouble, you know."

I stretch my arms, letting out a tired sigh. Thankfully, I can't sense any other presence nearby. The last thing I need right now is a nagging voice in my ear telling me what to do. "He won't get mad if I do this, right?" I mutter to myself, closing my eyes briefly.

I open them slowly, focusing every ounce of mana on my eyes. A surge of my dragon aura strikes directly at Kaleidos. The raw power hits him squarely in the chest, and he staggers backward, his face contorted in pain.

"W-what the hell are you!?" he stammers, shock evident in his widened eyes.

Heh, Kael was right. I can be really intimidating when I want to be.

I flash a devilish grin, balling my fists and punching them together. "I need to give you a good beating after all that running, you bastard," I declare, stalking towards him with determination.

However, just as I get close, Kaleidos's grin returns, wider and more manic than before. Before I can react, a metallic spike shoots out of the ground, aiming directly for my stomach. I barely register the impact as it hits.

Kaleidos's face lights up, a look of sheer triumph. But that joy quickly fades as he sees me, completely unharmed.

"W-what!? How!? You didn't use mana or aura to block," he stammers, eyes darting frantically. "Just how the fuck!? You can't be a human!"

Internally chuckling at his reaction, I roll my eyes. Instinctively, I run my finger over my mask, feeling the unfamiliar crack. Damn it. That short thing is definitely going to yell at me again.

With a flick of my wrist, I snap the pesky metallic spike in half as if it's a mere twig. I tilt my head, smirking at him. "Who said I was a human?" I tease.

Kaleidos forces out an awkward laugh, sweat trickling down his temple. "Why do I feel so important right now? Come on, your friend is fighting that girl. Aren't you going to help him?"

I tap my mask absentmindedly, recalling Kael's stern warning. Ah, that fucker said I can't fight her or I might break her restraints, making her way more powerful than any of us. Tsk. Just how strong can that girl be?

Seeing my distraction, Kaleidos seizes the opportunity. With a swift movement, he activates his ability, and dozens of metallic attacks burst from the ground, each one coated in shimmering mana. They come at me from all sides, like a flurry of silver arrows. But to be honest? I couldn't give less of a shit. The attacks either shatter upon impact or just slide harmlessly off my body.

Casually, I grab one of the metallic strands, snapping it into pieces like it's nothing more than cheap jewelry. "I see, this must be the current affinity of that body you have," I say, feigning knowledge.

Kaleidos's eyes go wide, disbelief evident in his gaze. "H-how do you know about that!?"

Ignoring his question, I continue, "A rare physique that can change the body on a molecular level." I pause, trying to remember exactly how Kael had explained it. I have no clue what that mumbo jumbo means, but when Kael said it, it sounded kinda badass.

Before he can react, I close the distance between us. Metallic shards fly towards me, but I walk through them as if they're nothing but pesky raindrops. With one swift movement, I grab Kaleidos by the collar, hoisting him up effortlessly.

"Hey, I've been curious about something," I start, staring him down. "Why do you refuse to have a female body?"

His eyes dart around, clearly looking for an escape. But trapped in my grasp, he's powerless. He chuckles, the sound strained and nervous. "I see, you all know everything about me, huh?" He squirms, trying to break free, but it's futile. "Why would I want to be a woman? It's so damn weird being one."

I can't help but raise an eyebrow. "Oh, really? Being a woman is weird? Look who's talking."

Kaleidos gasps, his face turning a deep shade of red as I grip him by the collar. "H-hey, is that offer still available? You know, the one where I work with you guys?" He wheezes, his voice strained.

A smirk stretches across my lips. "Why would that matter? Didn't you say 'I don't work with anyone'?"

Managing a grin, despite his situation, Kaleidos retorts, "I had a change of heart. I feel like working with you all might be... better than I thought."

Rolling my eyes, I drop him, watching as he falls to the ground in a disheveled heap. I turn my back to him, pondering his words. Should I really let him off so easily? After all that trouble? No way. He needs a beating.

My train of thought is interrupted by the unmistakable sensation of mana gathering behind me. Reacting quickly, I spin around, just as a metallic spike speeds towards my face. With a surge of my power, my hand becomes engulfed in roaring flames. The metal meets my blazing palm, instantly melting like wax in the face of a blowtorch.

Kaleidos, slightly taken aback, forces a shaky smile. "S-so, what do you think? Pretty good, right? I thought I'd show you my abilities to prove my worth."

I lift my mask, covering my face, but letting out a genuine, yet sinister laugh. "Hmhmhmhm. Not bad. But maybe I should show you my abilities. So you know who you're working with."

Before he can react, I'm upon him, my fists delivering a symphony of blows. My first punch lands squarely on his face, then one to his gut, forcing the air from his lungs. Back to the face, there's a sickening crunch - oops, looks like I broke his nose. Another punch to the gut, then one to the chest, and the sound of a rib snapping echoes through the alley. With each punch, I can feel the strength draining from him, his attempts to block growing feebler.

After what feels like an eternity, but was probably only a minute, I finally relent, stepping back and admiring my handiwork. Kaleidos looks worse for wear, bloody and battered.

"What do you think?" I ask mockingly, tilting my head. He groans in response, but doesn't offer a coherent answer. I crouch down to his level, nudging him with my foot. "Are my fists not good enough? Should I use some magic next?"

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

On the gusty platform, the atmosphere is charged with a tension that mirrors the swirling winds. Zara and Lorian stand mere feet apart, yet the distance between them feels vast, an invisible chasm created by the ongoing political drama of the academy.

Lorian, a known devotee of Kuza, wears a smirk that's become familiar to those who've witnessed previous duels. His posture is casual, almost dismissive, and he leans on his sword as though it's a mere accessory, not a weapon of battle. His eyes, however, tell a different story: they're sharp, calculating, watching Zara's every move.

Zara, for her part, seems unperturbed by the winds or Lorian's attempts to rile her up. Having recently joined the student council, she's no stranger to the whispers that trail her, the sideways glances, the underhanded comments. But she's also no stranger to conflict, and her calm demeanor hides a steely resolve.

With the wind howling around them, Lorian decides to break the silence. "Quite the leap you made there, Zara," he drawls, his voice dripping with faux concern. "From an ordinary student to the student council's lapdog. Do they feed you well?"

Zara's face remains impassive, her eyes locked onto Lorian's. "I make my own choices," she replies evenly. "And I stand by them."

Lorian chuckles, the sound carried away by the wind. "Of course, of course. But choices have consequences. Aligning yourself with them... well, it's not the most... strategic move."

Verdan, observing from the side, narrows his eyes. He's aware of the undercurrents at play, the power struggles that have been threatening to boil over in fact he himself is deep in it. He knows that this duel, ostensibly about swordsmanship, is just as much about politics and influence.

But Zara isn't one to rise to bait. She simply readies her stance, her grip on her sword firm. "Are we here to chat, or are we here to duel?"

Lorian's smirk grows wider. "Oh, I can multitask," he taunts, drawing his own sword in a fluid motion.

As the two square off, the wind around them intensifies, throwing their hair and clothing into a chaotic dance. The crowd leans in, waiting with bated breath for the first strike.

And then, in a flash, it begins. Lorian lunges at Zara, his sword gleaming in the torchlight. But Zara is ready, deflecting his blow and counterattacking with a swift strike of her own. Their blades meet in a cacophony of metal on metal, each trying to find an opening in the other's defense.

The wind adds an unpredictable element to the duel. Gusts throw them off balance, and swirling debris becomes an additional hazard. Yet both fighters remain focused, their movements fluid and deliberate.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

-Raelle's POV

The wind from the balcony carries with it the distant sounds of the duel, but I can barely hear it over the cacophony of thoughts raging in my mind. Dammit, Kuza, you snake. This isn't even a subtle move for him; it's a declaration. He's marking his territory, and the festival is his chessboard. The irony isn't lost on me. I feel an itch between my shoulder blades, the weight of his unseen gaze.

I exhale and allow myself to fall back onto the plush couch. The cushions barely have time to sink beneath me before I'm reaching for the nearby frame, fingers tracing over the glass that encloses a picture from better days. Days filled with genuine laughter and camaraderie — days without political quagmires or silent power plays. And at the center of it all is him, my brother, beaming with pride, surrounded by the previous student council. I can almost hear his laughter, echoing from the past.

Why did you have to play hero? Why did you think it was a good idea to face those terrorists head-on? The memory is still too raw, too painful. The academy has never been the same since that fateful day.

"I swear, big brother," I whisper, my voice choked with emotion, "you just had to be that guy, didn't you? Leaving your sister to clean up the mess."

The weight in my chest grows heavier as I stand, placing the frame next to his urn filled with ashes. He should've been here, guiding the council, keeping the peace. Instead, the role is thrust upon me, and every day feels like a battle.

The sudden buzz of a notification from my communication crystal jolts me from my melancholy. Blinking, I see the alert flashing with urgency. "Intruders?" I mutter, opening the message. The image shows a man fleeing from a woman dressed in an oddly sophisticated suit — black and white. Her mask conceals her identity, but there's no mistaking the danger she represents.

Swiftly, I activate the surveillance crystals, manipulating their energy to get a view of the academy's grounds. Everything has to go smoothly tonight. The duels, the festival, it's more than just entertainment — it's a war. If I mess this festival up, Kuza will overexaggerate the situation to his advantage. 

From the crystals, images of various corners of the academy flash before me. There's a sense of urgency in the air, and I can see guards patrolling with increased alertness.

"Damn it," I mutter, gritting my teeth. "Of all the nights they choose to intrude, it had to be tonight. I guess I should call those two."

Guys I'm still working on the auxiliary volume. I know some of you would like the information regarding, characters and places; if there's something in particular you want to know about, feel free to ask.

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