
Auction part ten

Isadora, with her characteristic stoicism, sips her coconut methodically. She sits calmly, her feet gently swinging back and forth, the natural light from the window accentuating the shine in her raven-black hair and deep black eyes. Around her, a testament to her relentless training, lie thousands of broken swords – each a casualty of her unyielding discipline and strength.

Outside the gym, Duke Alister peers through the window, a soft smile playing on his lips as he watches his daughter enjoy her drink. His paternal concern is palpable, even in his silent observation. Neo, approaching him, chides with a weary tone, "It's disrespectful to peek at someone training, especially at a lady, even if she is your daughter." He rubs his temples, visibly exasperated.

Duke Alister, slightly embarrassed, steps back from the window. "H-hey, you know I'm just worried, what if—" he starts, but Neo cuts him off.

"She has never asked for anything or needed help in any way," Neo reminds him, then adds with a hint of urgency, "Dutchess Rosalind is waiting. Please, don't make me wait in the same room as her."

Sighing deeply, Duke Alister complies, heading towards the dining area where Duchess Rosalind awaits. The Duchess, humming a tune and smiling, locks her gaze on the Duke as he enters. Her lustrous brown hair and strikingly mismatched eyes – one hazel, one vibrant green – seem to charm everyone in the room.

Duke Alister takes his seat, attempting to initiate conversation. "M—" he begins, only to be interrupted by the Duchess.

"Tsk tsk tsk, Duke Alister, just what authority do you have to decide where my daughter goes?" Duchess Rosalind inquires, her voice laced with both charm and challenge as she leans forward, tapping her nails on the table rhythmically.

Duke Alister, unperturbed by her demeanor, replies calmly, "Dutchess Rosalind, I have no right, however—"

She interrupts him again, the tapping of her nail growing louder and more insistent. "100,000 thousand platinum coins. Lend them to me," she demands, extending her hand expectantly.

The Duke, unfazed by her bold request, retorts with a mix of concern and resignation. "Your gambling addiction is getting worse," he states matter-of-factly, his voice devoid of judgment.

Duke Alister, his brow furrowed with confusion poses a direct question to Duchess Rosalind. "May I ask why you need such a substantial loan?" He watches as servants begin to serve food, continuing his inquiry with a note of skepticism. "Why does the wealthiest noble in the country seek a loan from someone like me?" His tone reflects a mix of curiosity and wariness.

As they engage in this verbal dance, Isadora silently enters the dining room and takes her seat. She begins to eat, her demeanor detached, showing no acknowledgment of the others in the room. Duchess Rosalind, observing Isadora, can't help but express her admiration. "My my~ I knew you were beautiful, but seeing you in person..." She trails off with a wistful smile. "Makes me want to steal you~"

As she speaks, a flow of pink mana emanates from her tapping nail, gliding across the table like a stream of ethereal water. It gently touches Isadora, magically cleaning her sweat, straightening her hair, and freshening her clothes. Isadora, in her typical stoic fashion, continues eating, unaffected by the Duchess's enchantment.

Duke Alister, observing this exchange, concedes with resignation, "Thank you. I will lend you the money." His decision, though seemingly reluctant, is made with a sense of inevitability.

Duchess Rosalind, standing up, her eyes reflecting a playful yet calculating glint, turns her attention to Isadora. "If only my daughter trained as hard as Isadora," she muses aloud, her tone wistful yet shrewd.

With a graceful wave of her finger, Isadora begins to hover above her seat. Duchess Rosalind announces her intention, "I'll be taking her with me~" Duke Alister, his paternal instincts triggered, stands abruptly, his voice cold and authoritative. "Put her down."

But Duchess Rosalind is undeterred, her smile widening mischievously. "Have her belongings and the money sent by tonight," she instructs, squeezing Isadora's cheeks affectionately. "I'll take her to my daughter. She'll be able to train without 'someone' spying on her." With a flick of her wrist, she teleports away with Isadora.

Duke Alister, his frustration boiling over, slams his hand on the table. "Dammit, she stole my girl..." His voice is a mix of anger and helplessness.

Neo, struggling to maintain his composure, offers a restrained commentary, barely holding back his laughter. "See, this is what happens when you spy on your daughter." His words are tinged with humor and a hint of 'I told you so.'

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Kael, a sly grin playing on his lips, spins his cane with a flair, reveling in the anticipation of the auction. 'Hmhmhmhm, let's see how deep their pockets are,' he muses, watching as the lights dance and converge on him. "Ladies and gentlemen! It's time to commence the bidding for the Dragon's Eye Sniper!" he announces, his voice echoing through the silent crowd, where everyone, save for Lilith, is shrouded in cloaks.

Kael's smirk widens, his confidence palpable. 'The ones bidding for it have already paid their hefty deposit. No need for formalities then.' He places his cane down authoritatively and declares, "Let's not dilly-dally. The bidding shall start at 200,000 platinum coins."

Stepping back, Kael observes the holographic screen above him, which displays the numbers assigned to each bidder. Each participant has been given a device to place their bids discreetly, allowing Kael the luxury to simply watch the numbers escalate. The screen flickers rapidly as bids are placed in quick succession:

[3] [215,000]

[5] [217,000]

[15] [219,000]

[1] [225,000]

[2] [227,000]

[3] [227,000]

[3] [230,000]

Kael's grin widens. 'Ahahaha, that's it, keep it coming. These aristocrats and their boundless coffers, let's see how far they're willing to push,' he thinks, his amusement barely contained.

Queen Celeste, her composure unshaken, clicks her tongue softly. Observing the screen's rapid changes, she strategizes silently. 'Patience is key. Let the others jostle while I bide my time,' she thinks, her eyes sharp and calculating.

The bidding continues fiercely, with numbers jumping and tumbling in a high-stakes dance:

[7] [247,000]

[3] [252,000]

[8] [258,000]

[6] [263,000]

[9] [267,000]

[8] [271,000]

[1] [279,000]

Kael, expertly concealing his trembling hands behind a facade of calm, can't help but marvel internally at the escalating numbers. 'Holy hell, this is beyond wild. If these bids keep soaring, I might actually have a heart attack,' he thinks, his gaze fixated on the holographic screen. The numbers continue to climb, each bid outdoing the last:

[1] [289,000]

[5] [295,000]

[1] [299,000]

[4] [302,000]

[9] [307,000]

[11] [309,000]

[13] [315,000]

Kael smirks, a mix of disbelief and thrill in his thoughts. 'Are they seriously ready to empty their treasuries? This is utterly insane...'

Lilith, lounging in her seat, lets out a sigh. 'This cloak-and-dagger bidding is tedious. Time to stir the pot,' she decides, her boredom evident. Her number appears on the screen:

[10] [500,000]

Kael's eyes widen. 'That's Lilith's number... Half a million? She's not holding back. This auction just turned nuclear,' he realizes, his heart pounding with excitement.

Noticing Lilith's beckoning gesture, Kael gathers his composure. 'Hmhmhmhm, good, I prepared for her. The bidding can run without me for a bit.' With his cane in hand, he strides backstage, making his way to Lilith's room. Taking a deep breath, he prepares himself, 'Alright, let's see what she's up to.'

Upon entering, Kael finds Leo waiting. "I-I'll be waiting outside," Leo stammers, quickly excusing himself. Kael nods, closing the door behind him, and takes a seat across from Lilith.

Lilith, her expression unreadable, smirks slightly, 'I can't see his face, the mask completely covers every little detail but that doesn't matter.' She waves at Kael with a kind smile, "Well, well, Sir Seven graces me with his presence. I didn't expect you to actually show up," she remarks with a hint of amusement.

Kael, leaning back in his chair, responds casually. "A request from Lady Lilith herself is not something I can easily ignore. What can I do you for?"

Lilith cuts to the chase. "I need to know who's buying what. Who's placing which bids."

Kael's smirk is evident even under his mask. "That's quite the ask, Lady Lilith. I've promised everyone anonymity. Breaking that would be... problematic, to say the least."

Lilith taps her chin thoughtfully, her smile widening. "I'm being very generous here, Sir Seven. It'd be a shame if things got... messy."

Kael raises an eyebrow, his tone playful yet cautious. "Is that a threat I detect?"

Lilith's smile remains, but her eyes harden. 'He's a mystery, no hint of his power. But that doesn't matter. I found a loophole in the seals,' she thinks, her mind racing with possibilities.

Lilith, with a composed smile, inquires softly, "What do you think?" Internally, she's calculating her next move. 'If I trigger the seals, he'll know instantly. No need for that though. He's unaware I can use soul incantations. Although I'm limited in what I can do, I can still glean something about him by examining his soul.' 

Kael, his smirk hidden behind the mask, offers a suggestion, "It would be best not to cause a scene. Let's discuss our options." In his mind, he's already several steps ahead. 'I intentionally left a loophole in the seals, but any soul spell she tries will be ineffective. My soul is linked with Ilka's. I don't fully understand the mechanics, but that's what the system indicated. When she uses her spell, her soul will encounter Ilka's spiritual pressure. I've instructed Ilka to keep it low and tread carefully. I can't risk harming Lilith.'

Lilith's eyes narrow, her determination unwavering. "Let's see who you really are," she declares, snapping her fingers. A white light envelops them both. She feels a moment of confusion. 'Odd... No resistance? His soul domain seems unprotected.' 

As her eyes adjust, she finds herself surrounded by an overwhelming golden radiance. 'This brightness... it's abnormal for a soul domain. Where is his soul?' She braces herself to confront it, but is taken aback when the light appears to shift before her. 'No, wait – it's not the light moving. It's... his soul?'

Paralyzed by the revelation, Lilith's soul trembles. The light she initially mistook for movement reveals itself as the eye of the soul – a massive, glowing, bright yellow eye. 'It's massive, easily a hundred times my size. This... he isn't a human! T-This soul is thousands of years old.'

As she stares in awe and fear, the eye recedes, and a colossal light pillar approaches. 'That's not a pillar. It's his finger!' Lilith realizes, her mind racing to comprehend the enormity of the soul she's encountered.

Lilith, reeling from her soul domain encounter, gasps for air as she collapses onto her knees, her breathing heavy and erratic. Sweat pours down her face as she struggles to comprehend what she just experienced. "W-what are you! Y-your soul... it's thousands of years old!" she exclaims, her voice a mix of awe and fear.

Kael, hiding his amusement behind a smirk, internally acknowledges the encounter. 'She must have seen Ilka's soul. I hadn't realized the gap in their strength was so vast,' he muses. Outwardly, he adopts a playful tone. "Tsk tsk tsk, venturing into my soul domain uninvited is quite impolite, wouldn't you say?" he teases, his grin evident even under his mask.

Lilith, still trembling and struggling to find her bearings, looks up at him with wide eyes. "J-just who are you?" she stammers, the shock of her discovery evident in her voice.

Kael stands, then crouches down beside her, offering a reassuring pat on her shoulder. "Don't worry about it," he says softly. "And do me a favor – keep this little secret between us, okay? You're the only person I've ever allowed into my soul domain."

Lilith, slowly regaining her composure, stands up and collapses back into her seat, her mind racing with questions. 'If he's this powerful, how strong are the others?' She glances towards the enigmatic figure of Number Six, who sits still, observing everything from above. 'She's ranked higher than Sir Seven. What kind of world is Darius entangled in?' 

Turning back to Kael, she speaks with a mix of curiosity and trepidation, "Sure thing. B-but seriously, who are you?" Her eyes search for answers behind the mask.

Do you guys want to see more of Isadora's life? Or any other character at that?

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