
God King Azir

Gender: Male

Bio: Ruler of The Kingdom Where Gods Tread. Often simply called The Empire Eternal. Azir's godly domain is in idea of sealing and enslaving. Many claim that his power is from the False Gods that he was know to enslave in his younger days but none knows for sure. After all quantity is a quality of its own.

Description: Azir started as a lowly champion to the Lowe God Cain, The God of Slaves, he took his gods mantle when Cain was slain by the Hero Brutus. Azir took his gods domian and expanded it to previously unknown limits. He found that each person enslaved by one of his priest he could call upon the power. Soon he found the power of quantity, if one High Gods power was equal to the power of 100 Low Gods then he would enslave 101 Low Gods. He sits at the peak of power in his realm and has done the impossible, taking on a second domian. He knows that there is another world above his own but has decided to make a nation dedicated to growing strong because if quantity is quality then what if everyone was stronger.