

Growing up in the most unbearable situation Arielle is set on gaining freedom and acknowledgment from her family and loved ones but as easy as it may sound it's the most complicated to archive, for her life is made up of shackles. Her parents nor her siblings love and appreciate her for the things she is doing for them and she finds herself doing everything possible to make them happy “for you can choose your friends but you can't choose your family” with the struggle to gain financial she meets her best friend Solange who is from a rich family and fiance Gabriel Adsence but due to the struggle between career and marriage Solange is cut up in the middle and has to make a drastic decision which will change her life, Solange ends up leaving her groom on the day of their wedding in pursuit of her dreams, but Gabriel doesn't want to be the talk of the country for the second time so he proposes to marry the next available option which turns to be Arielle Cowel but she rejects his offer, not wanting to go in for a loveless marriage….things never go as planned her greedy family accepts the money Gabriel offers and Arielle is bound to walk down the aisle with him, she was sold without a second thought and thus the journey of Gab and Ariel Kicks off. Ariel struggles to impress her newfound family while still trying to gain the love of her parents but one thing is sure Gab won't let anyone come between his family nor hurt his wife for they are committed in a world of their own

Starlive · Fantasy
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21 Chs

chapter 8

Gabrielle Adsence Pov

Work was hectic but am grateful for the team i have, i can finally have a break its been from one meeting to another… while working on some recent files Gladyse comes in

"Sir there has been a little change of schedule, your trip will be first flight tomorrow morning" she informs me

"But Gladyse I thought I rejected all business trips for this week so why the sudden change of plans?

"Sir, it was not changed according to our own accord, the president accepted and moreover you will have to gain the trust of the LAGS on these trip"

"What's all these since when did I start doing the job of the marketing department? I asked more furious… i mean if i should handle their jobs the why do i pay them

"Get me he head of the marketing and sales department"

"Sir am afraid i can't do it" Gladyse spoke her voice trembling, am sure she can guess my next reaction

"What?? I bang the table as i stand up

"And whose orders are those?


I hear the voice which I have been avoiding for a while now, i guess it's time we settle these ones and for all.

"Grandfather, why are you doing this? I thought our agreement was clear enough, so why are you breaching the contract?"

"I am not breaching the contract and so what if I do? Your marriage to that lowlife has brought nothing but shame and downfall to the Adsense household. Do you know two shareholders are ready to withdraw their share if we don't win the deal with the LAGS? are you aware of that


"Yes i am aware, but that does not answer my question, why am I the one to go for the meeting?"

"You are the CEO it's just right you go so you can show some sincerity.i dont really give a damn who goes all i want at this time is question is results, so if i were you i will go so no mistakes are done, because if there is any ….. You know what i'm capable of doing"

These old folk is really something, with that said he walks out of my office

"As much as am prepared i can't take chances, i have to go" i put a call through to Gladyse

"Gladyse i will be leaving to the airport with my wife so no need to pick me up and please do not inform her about the trip"

"Sir what about your luggage?she asked

"I will get it when i get home"

"Okay sir"

The day went by with the blink of an eye and soon it was time for me to head home. I walked in through the main door only to notice my wife fast asleep on the couch. It seems she has been waiting for me for a long time.

I walk towards bend over and give her a kiss on her forehead, but she wakes up

"Gabrielle!!! Finally your home"

"Yes, how was your day?

"My day was good and yours?

"Mine was okay just missing a little angle I left back at home" I could see the blush on her face as she tried to hide it.

"Come go freshen up let's have dinner" she says as she pushes me towards the stairs

"Come with me i have something to tell you" i had my bath and i made Arie sit next to me

"I have to travel to France tomorrow morning, and will be back in a month i don't know how you will be treated when i am not around, and am very positive my family will make things hard for you,

I just want you to be strong, and keep in mind that no matter what happens, you will always have my support.

I have arranged business and finance alongside mathematics research course classes for you, so you can get away from home and the troubles, and secondly I have gone through your profile and despite your major in mathematics you are very good in business…

Have you given a thought about what you want to do dont worry i will give you my full support so tell me which do you want.

"I have made up my mind to study business i can always open up a research center in the future but as of now i want to help you Gabrielle, so please let me okay promise me you will agree to it"

I could not say no to her so I accepted. I secretly wished she chose business because I will be needing her help when I come back from the trip.

"Let's go down for dinner so I can pack your things early and make sure to cross check everything so you don't forget anything."

"You're so sweet, okay... why don't you start packing when I freshen up and we can go down for dinner together." I freshen up once I am done. I stood by the door and watched my wife do my luggage, this is a rare feeling. I haven't felt like these for ages.

I thought I loved my ex but am skeptical about what I felt for her, for what I feel for Arie is way stronger, i think i felt for her way back during honeymoon night. I will give her a surprise when I come back.

I take her by the waist as i lead her towards the dinning, after we were done i called all the servants

"Listen and listen carefully because I won't repeat myself but I can be deadly when my orders are being played with. Arielle is the mistress of this house and her orders are mine. She is my wife so I expect all of you should obey her, and if any one dares disobey her I will make sure to render your life and your family disappeared from the face of the earth. Am i understood"

"Yes sir" they chorused


I lead my wife towards my bedroom, I feel I need to hug to be assured she will be alright when I am gone. Her security is all set and is well informed so I am assured my family will not go too extreme.

I pull her to bed with me and hug her tight, I could feel her tensed muscles relax under my embrace and she moves in more seeking for warmth. The night flew like the speed of life and it was soon dawn

Arie helped me dress up and we set out for the airport. I gave her a long hug as we separated and I boarded my flight. I am already missing her, "These 1 month is going to be long" I lamented inwardly as I took my seat.

Ariel Cowell Pov

I am going to miss my husband and last night was the best night so far. I cried when he left. I don't know why but I felt like it so I cried when I got home. After i had regained my composure i asked Gracia and the others to help me park into his room.

Arielle Cowell pov

A night in the villa without Gabrielle around was not worth it. I am to start classes next week so I sought out his study. I placed my stuff and I found things arranged for me. I smile as I go through them. I found a box with bold writing which reads " for Arielle ".

So gently take it down. The shelf and open it my mouth falls open when I am content. A laptop, a phone, textbooks, car keys ,bank card and a beautiful white teddy bear bag. Wow, I am so touched he got all these for me . When did he get the time to prepare so much I literally cried. I am.not used to people treating me these well and he is practically pointing at me with so much love and care.

I never thought in my life I would own such an expensive mobile phone, not to mention a laptop but here I am with an iPhone 13max pro. I dance in the room holding my phone in my arms

After my little dance I unpack the things in the box and arrange them nearly on the shelf and create space on the table for my laptop. After I was done with those I switch on my phone and the screensaver is a picture of myself and Gabrielle in the pool at the resort, wow that's so thoughtful of him I go through the contact list an I have three numbers saved




I think these are the contacts of my guards.he has done all the necessary adjustments so my phone and laptop are ready for use.

Three days and no call or text from Gabrielle made me tempted to call him which I did but unfortunately his line is disconnected we'll it's not like I did not expect that his family won't let him off easily.

Just like the cold wind of winter, my mood has not improved any bit. I take pleasure in reading while waiting for the day of my resume. Sitting on the couch And reading some notes on my mobile, the door suddenly burst open and little miss peal walks in with her luggage

The last person I want to see it's like the goods are against peace this time around

" hello sister in law long time no see, " peal greater but I couldn't help but laugh

"So the bitch finally learned some manners"i thought to myself but I know these greetings of hers is not genuine so rather than wasting energy on her I simply reply with a smile.

" mother told me your all alone at home and that brother has travelled to France and won't be coming anytime soon so I decided to come spend so time with you"

"Cathy take my things to my room" she ordered

"Yes miss peal"

" Cathy, tell Gracia to come"

"Okay meme"

" Wow, that's some improvement… so they now call you mme as in the mistress of the house, but don't get too excited my love because that title won't be yours for too long.

Because i'm here and here to stay, am in my room if you need some chat call me and when it's time for dinner co let me know" she walks off but not before I hear her mutter under her breath

"Let the game begin!!!

But I pretend not to hear because I don't care. I know her purpose for coming is to make my life miserable but I won't give her the chance.

The noise in the house has been unbearable since that little demon moved in a couple of hours ago, she goes around dancing like a mad woman not forgetting the fact she spills alcohol everywhere in the name of drinking

The house stings and those useless maids are doing nothing about it, the stench from her body can bring a corpse back to life

I can barely breath so I take my dinner to the garden I rather eat outside than suffocate in therr.

"Mme miss peal passed out" Cathy ran to me panicking


" What happened? How? Let's go"

"She fell from the stairs" Cathy informed me as I rush inside but little did I know it was a well planned stage act by the media and her, I rush in only to see her sitting on the couch sipping a glass of juice

When she saw me she burst into laughter laughing really hard

"Oh come on sister in law don't tell me you feel for that little trick, I can't let myself fall off the stairs if it's not to impersonate you so rest assured. I will only be leaving for the hospital when you're leaving for the police station.

" You think this is funny, you think playing with your goddamn life is funny?

"Am sorry I just wanted to know if you really love me, and yes it's funny" She replied with no shame

" if that's how you see it then I wont mind saying you should know your limit, I won't take these behavior in my house and for the rest of you….GO BACK TO YOUR DUTY POST" but none moved an inch

"Well well how interesting I like it"/

" they are following orders from above, Arielle I wont be nice with you because you're my rival .grandfather has given orders for you to leave the villa on your own accord

But judging from your type, I know you love money and will pretend. not to care even if I offer you some because what you stand to gain as Gabrielle'swife is way bigger than a few notes I might offer you

So I will make life unbearable for you, I will make sure you see hell before leaving this house so be ready okay cause you can't escape me not even death can make you escape"she laughs hysterically and the others join her.

"The line has ben drowned"