
Village Hall

"I'll cook some stew and fruit juice. Would you mind helping me?",asked God as he looked at all the work Kyle and Jason has done.

"Not at all,come Jason lets get to work"

Kyle and Kason started boiling water in a cauldron that Kyle brought into existence.

God on the other hand started to slowly pour in the vegetables after carefully chopping them. He added some salt to it but no spices since Jason had was to not be given all comforts of life.

After sometime the dish was ready and everybody gobbled it down till their stomachs were about to burst.

"Ah thats the finest meal I have eaten in decades. Wonderful! Wonderful I say"

"Now now God how long has it been since you last ate?",asked Kyle.

"I think it was 1938,I remember because that was the year macroni and cheese was invented rather perfected. That was the last meal I had"

"Well thats a long time ago",said Kyle.

"Father I am very tired I shall retire to bed now"

"Alright son have a good night"



Kyle woke up from his sleep and decided that he would complete all the furniture making tonight since whatever Kyle knew Jason would automatically learn if Kyle wanted him to.

"Are you really going to work?",asked God as he was already awake or tonbe exact he never slept.

"Yes,is there a problem with that? I want my son to be happy when he wakes up tomorrow"

"Oh Kyle you poor poor child"

"What? What is it?"

"I would have told you sooner ,I thought you could control yourself but now it is time. You cannot live with Jason. Tomorrow will be the last day you spend with him in his life"

As God said these words a death knell started to sound in Kyle's heart and mind. He never would have thought that his firstborn would only be able to spend two days with him.

"Why?",it was the only question,the only word that spun in Kyle's mind.

"For thou art divine and the divine hath no care for one but all"

As these words were spoken they seemed to be the most unreasonable ones to Kyle but that was only to his fatherly side not the divinity in him. Kyle had grown fond of his son because Jason was a part of Kyle something that was very hard for Kyle to let go of.

"Remember Kyle what your true goal is you are God o'oer this universe you cannot run from its responsibilities"

'I wish for a world of my own',the words started to ring in Kyle's mind and finally he broke down and fell to the floor. Kyle could not believe what he was about to do,he started weeping and did so for a long time.



Kyle finally stood up his face was emotionless. He walked towards God who had started working on building a fence around the village area.

"I have had time to ponder over what you asked of me last night and I believe I am ready"

"Very good Kyle very good. I know it must have been hard for you,if it eases your pain I did the same thing you know. You see my first born,Adam wasn't banished from Eden or anything I simply left him because of my responsibilities. That poor boy spent the rest of his life thinking I had banished him. It is one of my greatest regrets and I encourage not to make yours. So before we leave you can bid farewell to Jason"

"I understand"

By this time Jason had woken up. After eating the leftover from last night as breakfast all the men got to working. God started to teach Jason how to build a house and Kyle taught him to build furniture. After the first house which Jason wanted to be a temple for his Father and Grandfather was built,Kyle took out the plans for the rest of the village.

"Guys come here you need to know what we are building in the village",said Kyle as he beckoned the other two to come towards him.

"This is the plan accroding to which the shape of the village will be square shape which will be further divided into four smaller sqaures each housing ten houses,one medical centre and a security building. The centre of the city will have a village hall which is house to the city leader and his family"

"Isn't it too big for just me?",asked Jason a bit confused.

"It isn't only for you son,today we will only build the village hall and the roads connceting the four sectors. As and when your population starts growing you can use these designs to continue building the sectors"

"Well thats very thoughtful of you Kyle. Jason since the village boundary is set you do not need to worry about the wilderness anymore",said God as he looked at the wooden boundary he had created around the village.

"Lets start building the hall",said Kyle as he walked towards a pile of wood to pick it up.

All three of them soon got to work and slowly a structure came into existence. Since the trio were divine even Jason had some of Kyle's divinity all the heavy lifting and joining ends was done through magic.

By the time it was late afternoon there stood a magnificent piece of woodwork in the centre of the village. It was a two storey building triangular at the top with huge pillars of bark carved in a circular manner at the entrance. Inside it there were three rooms on the ground floor with a hall and two rooms with an office on the first floor.

"Looks magnificent doesn't it",said God who was sweating yet giving a divine feeling around him.

"It's beautiful Father",sadi Jason as he ran inside to look.

Kyle at this moment looked towards God and God looked towards Kyle. As their eyes met God said,"It is time Kyle"

"I know and I will do it tonight"