
A Star Is Born

Kyle stood there standing and pondering about how all the ancient mythology that had just been stories to him had just turned into the most primal truth there ever was.

"All this is little hard to take in I understand Kyle. It was also hard for me the first time but we must begin training or else your universe might develop into something not within your control",said God as he saw the shards were now starting to move towards each other.

"Oh..okay so how do we start?"

"We must decide how many galaxies you wish to make and their respective sizes. Then we must choose only twenty percent of those galaxies to contain life. Remember there can only be one race per galaxy in order to avoid large scale conflicts from the get go and to let the galaxies to adjust their frequencies to life itself. You can have all the galaxies to be life supporting but life should only exist in twenty percent of them."

"I understand"

"Good then let Us begin. First decide the average size of a galaxy in your universe. You can do this by taking one or two shards and molding them into spirals slowly but with extreme concentration any mistake in the spiralling can lead to multiple supernovae which in the end destroy the galaxy. The average size range in my universe is 1000 to 100000 parsecs since your universe is going to be a larger one your average size should be from 10000 to 130000 parsecs"

Kyle picked up a shard and started to grind and mold it into a spiral shape but he was very excited to do it and started to speed up.

"Kyle go slo....BOOOOOMMM!!!...er",the galactic spiral blasted right in front of Kyle's face creating a severe burn on him.

"Ahhhhhhhhh....it burns it burns ahh",but suddenly the burn started to heal at astronomical speed and in a matter of five seconds Kyle's face was as good as new.

God stood there looking at Kyle and thinking how naive the both of them were at the start of Creation. A light chuckle escaped God's lips.

"I warned you to be very slow and concentrate. Here let me create one for you",God walked towards Kyle and picked up another shard floating in space to create another galaxy. In what seemed to be an hour to Kyle he had his first galaxy. It looked absolutely blank for some reason. Then Kyle realised,'It doesn't have a star at all'

God had already seen the expression on Kyle's face.

"Okay now you form your first star its the easiest thing to do just think of pressure and release your divine power. Go on try it"

Kyle started to focus his entire will towards releasing divine strength. Since he had grown accustomed to divinity by now it all came naturally to him. Slowly dense clouds started to come out of Kyle's hands and enveloped the galaxy created by God then there was a lot of lightning. After the lighting had died down nebula started becoming thicker and thicker finally forming a round mass which was so hot it could burn an entire planet to dust but to Kyle and God it had the effect of a firefly being around them.

After sometime many of these fireflies started to form in the galaxy and it finally looked like a giant lightbulb in space from afar. Kyle was so excited he couldn't believe the fact that he had just created a star. Something one could only dream of had been achieved by him.

"Well done Kyle well done. It looks absolutely magnificent your first red giant. Why don't you name it"

"How about Initium?"

"Ah a nice play on words I see good very good indeed"

"What now?"

"What do you mean what now continue making galaxies,time is of the essence. Did you think one was enough? Get to work then chop-chop"

Kyle started to form more galaxies and stars. He failed a lot of times but he kept on trying harder and continued to persevere.


Kyle had now formed a million galaxies and innumerable number of stars. The universe was now illuminating itself the first phase of the universe was now over.

"Father I have been meaning to ask this,in our universe according to scientist's explanations galaxies take millions of years to form why are mine forming in such a short amount of time",hearing this God started to chuckle.

"Forgive me Kyle I forgot to tell you,since you are now divine the flow of time has changed for you. An hour for us is a billion years and from your birth until now it has been nine billion years that is nine hours"

"Oh so now I understand. Is this enough? I am very tired now and would like to wait sometime before doing anything else"

"Its quite all right. Ah how I remember my first creation such magnificent beauty it was its been so long"

"No it hasn't isnt our universe only thirteen billion years old that very young if you ask me isn't"

"Oh you and your scientist are complete idiots. The universe you used to live in has been destroyed and created more than two thousand times. The universe you came from is the final perfected version. It was the same for previous Gods as well, they tried and failed but they kept on trying"

"Now I understand. Thank you for enlightening me"

"Then lets end it with a cheesy line shall we?",winked God who then went towards the galaxies. He stood there looking at them for a while and then said,