
A World He Knew Not

Dion was young man with no clue of the disastrous future that he will walk in. He was missing memories and had a photo of a girl who looked similar to him but had no memories of. He was in a world he knew nothing about. He will fight, survive, and gain precious people along the way. He will get his memories back and solve the mystery of the thing that did this to him. Expect he will end up learning too much and it could be his undoing.

xscara · Fantasy
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Highwire Emotions

In the crown princess's royal palace, a meeting was being held. In a room with a long table sat eight people. At the head of the table sat Crown Princess Vivica, on her right sat Killian and to her left sat a white-haired man, next to him was a green haired man. Next to Killian was Fleur and next to her was a blue haired woman. The last two on each side were dressed in fancy clothing unlike the rest of them, who wore the same uniform except for their capes. They all wore different colored capes.

Vivica's eyes, that were a mixture of green and blue, looked at Killian.

"Sir Killian, how is the investigation going?" Vivica spoke with a voice that was not soft but strong, a voice commanding respect.

"I found traces in the forest earlier in the day. A scent similar to the clothing of the dead Masked." Killian said as he pointed to the map.

The closest forest to the capital and the only non-dangerous one, the Malek Forest. Fleur wondered if that was the place where he found the white-haired guy at.

"I see. Killian and Nero will go and scout the area for any more clues, while everyone else will check the neighboring towns." Killian, who sat right across of Nero, saw his eye twitch. Killian could not help but look towards Kaius, who sat next to Nero. Killian made eye contact with him. His eyes were taunting, and all Killian could do was look away.

"Yes, Your Highness." They replied in unison. Vivica stood up first and the rest followed.

"Report to me your findings by sunrise." She said as she walked towards the doors. They bowed respectfully until she was out of the room.

Once the double doors were closed, Kaius threw a taunting smirk at Nero, "I suppose you will be stuck with killjoy over there."

Everyone's eyes were on Killian, who was staring at the door. "Tch. Yeah, I fucking know." Said Nero, shooting Kaius an annoyed look.

"Behave boys. Act civil even if it's with Killian." Alba said walking towards the exit. Killian watched as she left the room with an unreadable look in his eye.

"You heard her, don't be too mean to Killian." Fleur joyfully said as she followed after Alba.

"Well gentlemen, see you in the next meeting." Duke Caesar smiled angelically towards them and walked out, followed by Duke Emil, who did not spare them a parting glance.

"See ya." Kaius half-heartedly waved, his back already facing Killian and Nero and left.

Nero felt irritated being partnered with Killian. Nero glanced at Killian to find his blank face staring at him already. He scowled, "Let's go. We don't have all day." He turned and started to walk away.

"Right." Killian mumbled and followed after him.


In the Malek forest, Nero and Killian were deep inside of it. Nothing but trees could be seen. Nero enhanced his senses with his Aura to receive a better visual. With his now enhanced senses, he felt eyes staring at him. He turned to look at Killian, his own black eyes meeting his. "What?" His voice sounding irritated.

Killian averted his eyes, "Nothing."

Nero felt his eye twitch at the bastards one-word response. "Right. Let's go." He started to walk off but froze once Killian spoke.

"Do you have any relatives?"

Nero whipped his head around, visible confusion on his face, "Why are you asking me that?"

Killian averted his eyes to the floor and softly spoke, "I found this guy in the forest earlier and he has the same white hair as yours and there aren't many people with white hair in the world and..." He trailed off unsure.

Nero stared at him for a bit, waiting if he would continue but after a while of silence he spoke, "And what?"

"I-I promised to keep his secret safe. Can I trust you not to say anything?" Killian sincerely looked at Nero in the eyes as he asked.

Nero was completely thrown off, he answered with a question, "Do you trust me to keep it?"

Killian lips turned up and a ghost of a smile was on his face making Nero flinch and stare at Killian wide eyed. "I suppose I can tell you." That statement made Nero internally question everything he knew of Killian.

"The guy, Dion, claims he came from another world, and I did not sense any lies from him."

"Pfft. God, you have so many bombshells to drop today, don't you?" Nero sarcastically drawled as he brought up both his hands to his face. 'God, Killian always drove me insane but this? It's all so new. A new type of insanity.'


Both Killian and Nero whipped their heads towards the sound. A noise a mile or two south from them. They concealed their presence and ran towards the sound. In less than thirty seconds they arrived near the noise. They jumped up towards the branches of the trees.

Two Masked were walking side by side. "Who's the new guy?" One of the Masked asked.

Nero furrowed his eyebrows. 'A new member to the organization? This could be useful information.'

"He isn't new. He was undercover." The other Masked answered.

'A spy?!' Nero thought as he looked towards Killian in alarm. Killian glanced towards him with eyebrows furrowed.

"Huh? For real?" The Masked was shocked as well.

The other Masked nodded.

"How long was he undercover for?"

"Eight years."

"Right after the war?"

"Yes. It was easy to slip in the cracks."

"What was his position?"

" A butler, I believe." A slow smirk spread its way to his mouth. "He was under The Obsidian Commander, Lord Killian."

"What? Pfft...HAHA!" The Masked laughed in pure glee.

Nero face drained of color as he slowly turned his head towards Killian. Killian expression showed many expressions, starting with shock, then fear, anger, and lastly, he looked murderous. Killian's hand that was on the trunk of the tree cracked under his strength.

"Why did he return now though?" The Masked that was laughing looked towards the other Masked with a tilt of his head in question.

"Leader wanted someone Killian happened to find, a white-haired guy."

In a blur, gloved hands were on each side of the Masked man that was speaking. The last thing the Masked saw was black eyes that held a wild look. His eyes rolled to the back of his head; Killian held onto his head. Killian's hands were glowing, and his eyes were blank.

Nero, who jumped into action as soon as he saw Killian move, stood beside him. He held his sword against the other Masked neck. 'I've never seen Killian act this way.' Nero nervously thought, glancing at Killian with a wisp of worry in his eyes.

Killian abruptly let go of the Masked. He looked down at him with wild eyes. "Explode." He mumbled. The head of the unconscious Masked exploded spraying Killian, Nero, and the other Masked with blood.

The Masked mouth was open in shock, he looked up towards black wild eyes and chewed onto the suicide pill.

"Ugh!" The Masked gasped as a sword impaled through his neck. Killian, who impaled the man, reached into his mouth and magically removed all of the substance of the pill.

"You are not allowed to die." Killian said, pulling his sword out of the Masked throat. "Knock him out."

Nero quickly did as he was told.

"Are you alright?"

"No. We need to go."

Killian turned and ran back the way they came from.

"Insane bastard." Nero mumbled. He picked up The Masked and sped back the same way. 'Seriously though, Killian isn't right in the head.'

They arrived back to the capital in no time. Killian entered the Crown Princess Palace followed by Nero.

"We need to take The Masked to a healer before he dies."

Killian looked at Nero and nodded. They made their way towards the healers of the palace, which was not far from the entrance.

Sensing three presences, one being a dying presence, a young man opened the door.

"Lord Nero! Lord Killian! What happened?!" Lovita, the young healer, ran up to Nero looking at the bleeding man. He immediately started to heal the injured man.

"He is a Masked."

Nero words froze Lovita. He stopped healing the Masked and stepped away.

"Oh. He is no longer dying, so he should be fine."

Lovita voice sounded spooked.

"Thank you." Killian spoke, making Lovita flinch.

"No problem, Lord Killian. Now if you two would excuse me, I need to return to work."

He bowed and quickly left, shutting the door.

"Guards! Take the Masked to the Dungeon and do let him out of your sights. Understood?" Nero commanded rather loudly.

"Yes sir!" Two knights took the Masked to the underground Dungeon.

"Let's go inform her highness of our findings."

Nero noticed the distress in Killian's body and face. Killian nodded and began to walk away from Nero, who stared at his back with a complicated look.