
A World Full of Yanderes

He's a man that's always been special, whether you consider it a gift or a curse. He has however tragically died in the most heroic way possible, attempting to save his own life, but accidents happen. Now unless he wants to go through a virtually never-ending torment, he will complete a mission he's been given by God to travel across worlds, from cultivation face slapping to isekai magic. He will burn through it all and escape this never-ending adventure, with some scary yandere girls on his tale. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's my first story but I'll try my best! I love your comments and recommendations, also if you love yandere, you will love this. If yandere isn't your thing, hopefully, this will be a gateway to a whole new world. Anyways, Have a great day And enjoy the story! Btw I don't own the art, so if you are the creator and want it taken down just let me know through a review ill be sure to see it and change it, and speaking on that if you wanted to create art for my story I would love it so just let me know any artists out there.

desdodo · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Adrianna POV

I always knew I was different. Besides my immediate family members, everyone treated me with respect and fear, I was special, and I hated it. Everything was given to me, all my wishes granted, I was even treated better than most members of my family.

Life was so dull, so boring. I attempted to find an interest in anything. I studied all subjects in the royal library, and there was a lot.

Being taught how to read and write at the age of 2 was a blessing, it let me scavenge across our libraries in all subjects for something that piqued my interest.

Over time I became darker, dirtier. I began to experiment, see if I could find joy in anything. Cooking, chemistry, torture. I attempted a broad range of... hobbies.

I began to experiment with magic, it became a small enjoyment, though much more enjoyable than the common black and white that life seemed to be, it was still nothing special.

It was a clear day, an ordinary day, full of black and white. That was the day I found my passion.

I was travelling to the slave market in search of some more materials for my recent endeavours. I had been experimenting with the effects of specific magics on the human body, with the help of magicians that were in my family's service. I was specifically interested in mind magic. It could if powerful enough, completely change someone's personality.

To change them, make them forget certain things, or place memories in their head that never truly occurred. It was fascinating magic.

As we were scouring the marketplace for some test subjects, I began to feel a deep instinctual feeling in my soul, it was as if I was being called, drawn towards something, or someone. I began to blindly follow the feeling, more out of curiosity than anything else.

Of course, I kept my guard up, I had no idea if this was a type of mind magic, after all, I was a highly sought after target by assassins and kidnappers.

However, after finding the person that was calling me, I realized it wasn't a kidnapper or assassin, it was my reason to live. The moment I saw him, I felt a deep instinctual need to own him. To control him. To be controlled by him.

Is this love at first sight I asked myself. From my extensive research, I had obviously explored all types of romance, violent romance, kind romance, sexual romance. I also believed that love at first sight, was pure lunacy, likely due to simple attraction based on appearance. That isn't loving, it's hornyness.

And though I definitely felt sexual attraction just looking at him. I also found perfection, it seemed his everything was perfection, not a single action he could take could be imperfect. I wanted to be part of that perfection. I needed to be part of it, I needed to be part of him.

I bought him without another thought. When we entered the carriage, I could only stare at him, admiring him in all his beauty, it was pure bliss. The world had colour.

I instantly needed to know everything about him, first asking his name, and deciding to work from there. When we arrived at the castle, I took him to my room. I decided to let him explore his new, and last home.

I began preparations. Though I was often looked down upon for being a child. I was in fact quite smart, I'm sure not as smart as my darling, but even my father had praised me for it, he would never speak empty flattery, even to a child.

I knew for a fact that many would attempt to get in the way of our love, whether because of his origins or because they wanted him for themselves. I began preparing.

The first step was to gain permission from my father to keep him. I knew that if I didn't have my father's approval, we would have to leave the country, It was possible but the danger increased greatly, my minions could keep us alive, but I would never want to put my darling through any hardship.

After giving several undeniable reasons, and using my importance as the greatest tool. I had convinced my father to let me do as I see fit without my father's involvement.

I knew this would never have never been approved if I wasn't more special than my siblings, besides maybe my eldest brother, I am much more important to the kingdom. You see, to be born with magic is rare, and to be born with a powerful element, and a large mana pool was extremely rare. So myself, who is not only royalty but also born with an almost record-breaking mana pool, as well as 2 elements. It was unheard of. My great grandfather made the Ashton family the way it is today. He also had two elements and was the last known person to possess such power. Paired with my unnatural intelligence for a 4-year-old. My father allowed me much more leeway than my other siblings.

Following the first step, I tasked my organization to protect him at all costs, my life was less important than his. I never needed to give a reason either. These minions were trained well. I also tasked many of them to begin a purge against any noble's who could interfere with him and me.

Sadly my organization's strength wasn't as high as I desired, likely due to the creation of it simply being a year ago. So I still couldn't deal with any of the more powerful families. But the small fry were easy targets.

After returning from the tasks, I also ordered a maid to bring the most expensive and exquisite baby crib they could find. Though I desired to sleep with him, I thought he should have his own space, even though it would be so, sooooo lovely if he needed to depend on me in the future. I couldn't risk any mental diseases for my darling.

When I returned to my chambers, seeing him there, cuddled in a large bundle of blankets and fur coats I used on cold days. Two thoughts ran through my mind. I thought "Finally, I found my passion" and "I will never wash those blankets again".

We spent the rest of the afternoon together, it was pure bliss. I have never been happier throughout my entire existence. I love him.

As he explained his life experiences, however, I began to feel a deep sense of hate. Why!? An entire year had gone by and I had no idea he existed! What if someone else bought him before me, what if he died!!!

Though the suicide-inducing thoughts were unpleasant, I used them as fuel. No matter what, we would have a perfect life together. When it came close to bedtime, I wrapped him up in his new crib and sang him to sleep, he's sleeping face was truly the cutest.

After entering my blankets, I attempted to fall asleep, when suddenly I realized I couldn't. All I could think about was him, no matter the amount of effort or patience, sleep never came to me. I decided to use him as comfort to fall asleep.

After slowly pulling him out of the crib, I brought him to the bed with me and placed him in my embrace, I always slept in pyjamas, but I wondered what his flawlessly soft skin would feel like on mine. After losing my clothes, I wrapped myself around him and tightly embraced him.

I began to feel wet from just his smell alone. Ahhh, I love you, my darling.

I also realized an important detail, Luke seemed to be a deep sleeper. I began to test his limits, while he was still a child, if he somehow woke up now, he wouldn't think anything weird about it, or more importantly, he wouldn't think I'm weird.

I began by sniffing him, them combing his hair, I moved my hands along his body and eventually started licking him, I licked every part of his body, it was the sweetest taste imaginable, no you could never even imagine it.

Following my admiration for his everything, I quickly fell asleep into the most comfortable sleep of my life. I wish every night was like this, but from now on, ill make sure it is.

When morning came, I woke up and began to simply stare at him, I admired him for over two hours until he woke up.

After getting ready for the day, we began to spend more time together, I taught him a great number of things. This was when I found out he truly was much more intelligent than I am.

Even at his age, he picked up everything I taught him much faster than I did back then. Though I expected nothing less from my darling, his intelligence, however, will also create more problems for my goal, mainly because I can't just keep him locked up with me inside. But one day his everything will be me, and my everything is already his. Once that happens we will live a long and happy life together, then we will spend eternity in hell together, I'll need to make him commit some crimes so he will join me in hell, if we were separated between heaven and hell that would be terrible.

Sadly our lovely alone time came to an end when dinner came around. Though I wanted to keep the knowledge of his existence to the bare minimum, my father forced me to introduce him to the family as part of the deal.

When preparing, however, to see him in his tiny little clothes, he was the most intoxicating thing I had ever seen.

When we arrived I made sure to check the rest of my family's eyes for their emotions. I knew that they would be some of the greatest enemies getting in the way of our destiny. My second brother seemed disgusted, as expected. He was just a pig, however, he's not a problem, just an idiot.

Elder brother seemed simply interested but seemed to be directing no hate towards my darling, that was a relief as he was the biggest predicted threat after father. My youngest brother also seemed to be no threat, he was still a stupid child.

When I realize I was really leaving our future up to fate, my desire to get stronger grew, even more, all for the sake of my darling.

That's when I realized I had made a huge miscalculation though. Mother, her eyes, they looked like they wanted to swallow him up. The fucking slut!!

Of course, I hid my emotions, I knew the relationship between my parents, it instantly led me to a spiral of self-hate. How could I not notice the biggest threat, not only did she have, in a sense more power than father, but she was another woman, what if she tries to steal my darling away! And, well, her jugs are huge. I doubt my baby likes cow tits, but you never know.

Not only was she dangerous because her other family are the royals in Heclyae. My father was obsessed with the woman, most kings have several concubines, but my father only had one woman, though this looked good to the people, the only reason he did this, was because after finding my mother, she was the only woman who could be with him.

In fact, besides his, or more specifically Nura's daughters, me and Layla. He hated all women, they always seemed pathetic and disgusting to him. At least from what I could tell after knowing him my whole life.

I was so stupid I even used Nura as a reason to stay with darling, I compared them and told my father, "what would he do if my mother was in place of Luke, and you were in my position." I used her as an example! SO HOW COULD I FORGET ABOUT HER!!

I also know she finds father boring, but with the hungry glare she was directing at my darling, I could assume she found my baby much more appealing than father. The bitch is dirtying my sweet darling with that glare.

I held in my rage, however, likely only due to the calming and fantastic feeling I received from Luke being seated in my lap. Ahhhh, to sit like this every day, what a fantasy that would be, and he's so cute while he eats.

Following the dinner, we headed back to my room, after an intimate moment where I admired his beautiful eyes, engraving them into my soul for the 57th time that day, suddenly we were interrupted by some stupid maid, she said elder brother wanted to see me.

It was strange and undesirable, not only was the elder brother always focusing his attention on Layla, my elder sister, and the throne of course, but he wanted to meet right after the dinner with my darling, something seems fishy.

But I arrogantly decided to get this over with as soon as possible and get back to my sweet time with my love, "oh Luke! how I already miss you" I thought while heading to Oliver's office.

Brother simply seemed to be stalling for time, he was desperately trying not to offend me while gaining information about my darling, he knew that when the time came for his ascension to the throne, I was an essential piece in his goal to become king and possess Layla, so the last thing he wanted, was to be on my bad side.

Though I thought he was messed up for being in love with our sister, after thinking "what if Luke was my sibling" I instantly stopped judging him. Once our pointless talk was over I headed back to my room, but only to find Luke missing, I began to trace my steps back to the dining hall, but only found his scent from over an hour ago.

I immediately organized all my minions in the palace, we prepared a large manhunt and I obviously joined in as well.

Several hours of torture passed by. During my experiment to find a hobby, I had even attempted to torture myself, mainly out of curiosity as well as to see if I possessed any masochistic tendencies. Of course, I only found It painful, but being waterboarded among other torture methods felt like nothing compared to not knowing where Luke was.

My mind began to head off track. First thinking of how enjoyable torture could become if darling was the one administering it. But eventually, I once again began to feel a deep frustration with myself.

How could I leave the protection of my dearest to some lowly minions? After finding him I will only entrust the task of his protection and surveillance with my most powerful underlings. Even if it will dampen the organization's growth, its only purpose now is for Luke, so what's the point if it's powerful but can't even protect him.

Suddenly I received a message from one of my underlings in the castle, they told me they had spotted him travelling the halls in the guest section of the palace, I instantly raced to his location.

Once arriving and seeing him, I burst into uncontrollable tears, the last time I cried was when I was born, but losing him made me feel like life had no more meaning, my peace of mind instantly returned.

As I straddled him and embraced his being, I picked up a scent, a woman's scent, it was Mother... and, AND LAYLA!!! TWO FUCKING SLUTS STEALING HIM AWAY FROM ME!!!

I may not be powerful enough at this point in time, but one day, you bitches will pay, WITH BLOOD!!


Hello readers, please read the author's thoughts! I know some people skip right past them, especially when reading several chapters at a time, myself included. However, they're pretty important for me to communicate with you guys, and to get your opinions!


Hello my lovely readers, Sorry I'm pretty late with today's chapter now. That winter break is over I'm back on the school grind. It's quite a long chapter, I really enjoyed writing it. I would love your guy's opinion's on Adrianna's thoughts and different character POVs, I hope the Psycho is just right, and the swearing isn't too much, but it is 18+ so I'm sure you guys can handle it.

Besides all that,

I hope everyone has a wonderful day, and leave your opinions in the comments, I love them

Also, a power stone or two doesn't hurt. ;)

desdodocreators' thoughts