
A WORLD FALLEN - A Post Apocalypse Novel

Ly Thien Anh's parents disappeared when he was young, living with his brother. After he turned ten, his older brother also disappeared. From then on, he lived wandering on the streets and market corners. In order to continue living, he did many jobs, from begging to stealing, and went in and out of prison many times. Although he is a sinner, Thien Anh is a person with principles, not the type of person who likes to do evil. Due to living in a bad environment, Thien Anh's personality is very closed, careful and knows how to think ahead. He has no passion for gambling or girls, he likes quiet places. Then one day, a meteor shower fell, destroying most human cities. Immediately after the unexpected natural disaster, the world's living environment changed completely. Once extinct creatures reappeared, plants and animals quickly changed and evolved strongly. Civilizations that once disappeared have now reappeared, revealing mysteries from tens of thousands of years ago. The space portal appeared, countless races also followed the space portal to the human world. From here, the battle for survival between countless races broke out. These can be considered the darkest historical pages in human history.

Janclesio · Book&Literature
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Chapter 42: Assassin organization Inverse Lisa

Thien Anh: "Eating mutated animal meat improves physical ability, do you know this news?" Follower of darkness: "No dog knows this news, but eating it can cause many unpredictable things. very.

Some people eat too much and grow scales, tails, etc.

I only dare to eat a little.

But eating less doesn't have much effect." Thien Anh: "You hunt those special mutant beasts, eat their hearts, the hearts are not poisonous, you can eat a lot." Follower of darkness: "What? Hey, I know, but those guys are highly mutated, hunting and killing them is very difficult.

I used a heavy sniper rifle but couldn't penetrate its eyelids, can you believe it?" Thien Anh was somewhat shocked when he heard that, he texted back: "What level of mutation is it, why is it so terrifying, where am I?" a lot of middle school.

But today I was destined to encounter a dragon.

It almost killed me." Follower of darkness: "God knows how many times they have evolved, only those who have undergone evolution can estimate it.

But they are very scary, where you are in a city where mutant beasts are not at a high level, where I am also in a city where mutant beasts are in a natural area, very highly evolved.

Why don't you take a picture of the dragon?" Thien Anh saw this message and extracted the image from the camera in the cold storage and sent it to the other guy.

As soon as he saw the picture that Thien Anh sent, the other guy texted back: "I also have this type, I also saw the same one but bigger, it used its wings to flatten an armored vehicle with one hit.

The one you kill is a little smaller.

But it's not normal for you to be able to kill it.

You must have made a lot of progress during this time." While the two of them were texting, another person appeared to join the conversation.

This person has the nickname Child of Crime. "Hello Ice Frog, it's been a while since I've seen you.

Is there something going on up here today?" Thien Anh texted: "I'm looking for the president to get information, do you know where the president went?" Son of Crime texted: "Are you looking for Lisa?", you can contact her via this email.

InverseLisa@st.tgmang.com." Thien Anh saw that and texted back: "Thank you!" After finishing the message, Thien Anh immediately went offline.

Everyone is familiar with his sudden offline behavior, but this still makes those people uncomfortable.

They felt like they had just been used and then thrown away. But if they were upset, let them be upset, Thien Anh didn't care much, he was following the Son's information. Sin Tac gave him the contact to his president. It didn't take long for Thien Anh to contact his president.

But this time was different from usual, usually, the other girl only texted, but this time she called directly via video.

Thien Anh did not care much about her unusual actions. He immediately refused the video call, then sent a text message. "I want to buy news from the president."Inverse Lisa texted back: "What information do you want to buy Ech Bang?" Thien Anh directly texted: "All information related to shelters, military zones, hospitals in Ha Noi city - Linh Nam." Inverse Lisa texted: "I won't charge you this time, but I want to talk to you, I have something I want to discuss with you directly." After Lisa finished texting, she immediately called came to Thien Anh, this time Thien Anh did not refuse but accepted the call.

As soon as he received the call, Lisa's image appeared on the screen. His president is a foreigner, with blonde hair and blue eyes, hot body, extremely plump breasts, on the right side along the leg must have a lot of tattoos. Right now that girl is sitting in a chair, her legs crossed on the table, holding a Benelli M4 shotgun in her hand.

Seeing Thien Anh, the girl smiled seductively. Lisa said: "First time seeing your face, Ech Bang." Thien Anh looked indifferent, he said indifferently: "Me too." Lisa smiled sweetly and said: "You are very uninteresting." Thien Anh said somewhat impatiently: "It's best not to say too much, get to the main topic."

What do you want to propose?" Lisa now put the shotgun aside, then said seriously: "I want to cooperate with you, a real cooperation, not a half-hearted one.

I have also found some trustworthy partners, if we join together we will be able to live better in these turbulent times.

And your current residence is not the place where Biden made his lair in the past, that place is not much worse than the president's bunker."Thien Anh is an assassin, has no fixed residence, he is here and there, wherever Thien Lang and Thien Thanh are, that place is home.

As for his current residence, it was given to him by the organization so he could do his duty.

But actually, this place is not his. Thien Anh heard Lisa's question and frowned slightly. He did not like talking to this beautiful but dangerous woman.

Looking at Lisa, he briefly replied: "Wait until I get out of this city alive and then talk about it later, remember to send me the documents." After saying that, Thien Anh immediately ended the call.

Sitting not far away, Lam Linh, although her eyes were still looking at the monitor, her mind was paying attention to Thien Anh.

Although she didn't see it with her own eyes, listening to Thien Anh talk, she could guess the general situation. In her heart, she felt strange, this guy was a person who was different from inside and outside, from when she was young. When I came back to live with him, I had never seen him be so cold towards her. Now seeing him treat others like that, I realized how different it was. Pretending like she didn't know anything, Lam Linh when Now I'm starting to focus on looking at the transformation charts of Thien Thanh and Thien Lang.