
A Wondering Traveler

I was there in the beginning, when the first Gods came into being, when the first Stars started to show there dazzling light. When those very first Planets took shape, I was there and watched it all happen. I have watched it all, even before time existed, I am a Wondering Traveler, a Story Teller, a being so incomprehensibly old it can't even be expressed in numbers anymore and these are the many things I have seen in my innumerable years of existence. Hey everybody my name is Wolf11179 and this is my first time writing any sort of story for other people to see, if you have any suggestions for me on who to make it better please let me know.

Wolf1179 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

A Dying Man and a Helpless Medic

Planet 94-58 in Zeta quadrant, an absolutely massive planet, big enough to fit multiple small planets in. Manly inhabited by humans, and I'll give you one guess as to what they are doing. If you guessed waging war you would be correct, if you guessed something else you're dumb. Anyway as I descended down to the planet I once again choose a side and joined the war, but this time as a regular little Ol' Grunt. I took up a pretty sophisticated rifle and bailed into the trenches, the Officer in charge was shouting orders as I arrived. Something about how a large wave of enemies were coming, and how we were out numbered 100-1, and that more than likely none of us were going to get out alive. He said that nothing short of a miracle was gonna save any of us now, that all we could do was hold the line long enough to allow for the wounded to be carried to safety. As the gloomy atmosphere in the trench only became progressively worse one man stepped forward and stated, " My name is Algrof Bernoth I'm 32 years old and I have family behind this line, and I will gladly give my life to buy them as much time to retreat as I possibly can." The surrounding soldiers and officers gave a loud holler of acceptance and expressed their willingness to die for there friends and family, and with as much gusto and courage they could muster they all took there firing positions. As we all laid in the cold wet mud of the trenches, a lite raining mist started to fall, the clouds started to darken and the trenches started to get dark, only the florescent lights from our rifles lit up the surroundings. The ground started to tremble, and the deafening noise of marching feet and rumbling tracks marked our doom, the enemy was here and we were all ready to die to defend the people behind us. The Commander yelled his orders " when you can see them, kill them" the war cries of his loyal soldiers were the only replies he received. The next 30 seconds were filled with baited breathes and high strung nerves, soon the first shot was fired. Its neon green tracer streaked across the field and accurately struck an enemy in the head, and like a spark starting a fire the battlefield erupted into a deafening symphony of violence and death. Shouts of pain and anger echoed across the field, and the thunderous booms of the enemy's tanks cannons signaled the encroaching death that slowly advanced across the field. As soldier after soldier fell to the enemy's return fire the allied medics scurried through the trenches trying to save the fallen. As I dipped bellow the trench line to reload my rifle a medic was bellow me trying to save a wounded man. It was Algrof, his left leg below his knee was gone, his left arm gone at the shoulder, the medic used a tool to cauterize the open wounds, but it was already to late. Algrof had already lost to much blood he was going to die and there was no helping him, at least not on the battlefield, the medic knew it, Algrof knew it, I knew it. Algrof looked the medic in the eyes as laser blasts roared over our heads and handed him a letter and a holographic picture, and as blood seeped out of the corner of his mouth and his face grew increasingly white he said "hold this line for as long as possible, for those behind us!" As the light in his eyes gradually faded away the medic stored Algrof's items in his pouch and said a small prayer before running towards the next injured man. As the battle raged on and the people around me kept dying, the enemy's kept getting closer and closer. The closer they got the more our line started collapsing, the battle lasted for approximately five hours before our line completely collapsed and everybody was executed by the enemy soldiers, well excluding me, I was already gone. After the enemy's advanced forward I came down from the sky and found the body of the medic who worked on Algrof and took Algrof's stuff. Algrof's bravery and courage had earned my respect, I flew back into the sky towards were the civilians and wounded were retreating to find his wife, I would grant his wish. When I found her, she was dead, her body draped over her child's body in a final act of defense for her child. A hole burned through her skull and multiple burn holes in the child's body as well. For their acts of savagery I made the enemy army pay, I descended into the midst of there army and I unleashed my fury on them all, I tore them to pieces, limb from bloody limb, and I left no intact corpse. This planet for whatever reason has incited a larger emotional reaction then any of the other planets I've been to so far, till next time my friends.