
A Womanising Mage: A New Order

The explosion at the chantry threw me through time and space, upon arriving at my destination, I found a young girl about to be ra**d, by a filthy mage no less... Dragon Age x Womanising Mage x Some other universes (My third and final attempt at writing this.)

DarthTurtle · Video Games
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A New Realm

A week has passed since I left the Imperial court, what has happened in that week? Well, Ximen Yu escaped the tower, I assume his family had something to do with that, I look forward to the eventual confrontation I will have with him and his family. How do I know that there will be one? The look that was given by Ximen Nu as I left the city, he looked like he was eyeing unaware prey, anyway, I collected a small group of the guards I could trust (Including Myra) and left the capital.

I guess you are thinking what about the Princess? Well, that was an interesting time, it seems that my saving of her has left a deep impression on the young woman's heart, something I should be able to use to further my goals in the future. What are my goals? Well, the first thing I need to do is turn my personal shithole into a Templar Fortress, which will be easier said than done considering the state it is in.

Goal number two will to slowly gather enough forces to slowly eat at the heart of the Violent Dragon Empire after all, why should I leave a Mage in charge? That always leads to disaster, but that is a long way into the future.

Goal three will be to spread the word of the Maker through this world, Religion is a useful tool for those that rule, it can keep different peoples united as long as there are heretics to pit them against and I refuse to convert to whatever filth these people believe in. A little judgemental right? It matters, not.

I will likely have more goals however the most important one right now is to fill in the gaps in the command structure, currently, there are a lot of Gaps...

This is the command structure;

Knight-Vigilant – the leader of the Order, who rules from the fort in the Ethereal Wasteland. (Me)

Knight-Divine – A division of templars who serve the Vigilant directly and manage day-to-day operations. (Currently only Myra)

Knight-Commander – leader of the local branch, such as a small town (No one)

Knight-Captain – second-in-command to Knight-Commanders, with the ability to relieve them of command if they overstep their bounds (No One)

Knight-Lieutenant- (None)

Knight-Corporal- (None)

Knight-Templar – more commonly referred to as Templar, the base title for those who have taken their vows.

Templar-Recruit – a new initiate into the order (4, they just don't know it yet)

"What are you writing about?

A curious female voice pulls me from my Journal, looking up at Myra, I smile and say "Life so far my dear as well as my story since leaving the Capital. It is important that these things are documented for the continuation of my plans."

Myra leans over my shoulder, her long blonde hair resting on my shoulder, speaking of which I'm yet to describe Myra or explain her situation. The previous host of this body had saved a girl a few years younger than him from a house fire that was caused by an out-of-control fire mage. Although the girl had survived the flames, her face still bears a deep burn pattern from left to right.

Don't get me wrong, it only adds to her beauty, in a world full of supreme beauties, something like this makes her unique and uniqueness is itself beautiful.

Continuing the story, the girl grew up alongside the host, swearing her life to him as repayment for saving it. Although he tried to reject her offer, he eventually gave in and they trained and rose through the ranks of the military together.

Although there has been sexual chemistry between the two, neither of them has acted on it yet, Myra is afraid that it will lead to me hating her and Me? I need to get things set up before I can even consider something like that, just in case you are wondering, I HEAVILY refused to take the vow of celibacy.

*The view of Astuga enters my field of vision. *

It is far worse than I had prepared for, the walls of the fort overlooking the village are all but destroyed, the village itself looks like it is barely operating, no traders or marks of trade caravans can be seen as we get closer to the village, my God this is going to be a challenge.

"Well look at that Myra, our new home, the fun begins now.


As the horse-drawn carriage travelled through the small village, I glanced at any nearby villagers, the one thing I noticed is how poor they were and by extension, the village was. Torn clothes, covered in dirt, broken farming tools, a few livestock. Honestly, this place is far, far worse than my worst fears however want to know one thing? It will make my ascendence that much sweeter when it happens.

Signalling the driver to stop, I turned to the 4 'recruits' "I need the four of you to take an inventory of what we have in the village, how many people, craftsmen, tools, livestock, anything that we can tax or sell, then meet me and Myra at the castle, is that understood?"

The four of them nodded their heads and walked out of the carriage, taking paper and quill with them, turning to Myra, I said "When we get to the fort, I will divulge my plans to you as well as tell you what really happened in the forest."

Myra nodded her head, when I took out a small piece of Lyrium out of pocket and ingested it, she looked at me confused and then scared when my eyes flashed a light blue colour. I simple smiled as we approached the ruined fort, entering the gates, made not for the 10 guards stationed here, they looked like fresh recruits or conscripts who chose to be here rather than face jail time.

They approached the carriage as it came to a stop, smiling to myself, I walked out of the carriage shouting "Form Up".

Confusion followed as the guards slowly formed up into a 10-man squad, weak, is the only thought that appeared in my mind, they are so poorly disciplined.

"Who is in charge here?"

The 10 men all looked at each other, willing someone else to speak first, as one of them finally drew up the courage, the sound of a door opening drew my attention.

An older man with a staff walked out of the main keep? Hard to tell where it is meant to be given how fucked this place is, a young girl ran past him, tears in her eyes, instantly my impressions of this man have fallen. "That would be me, the acting Lord of Ethereal Wasteland."

The old voice croaked out,

"Myra, go and see if that girl is ok."

Myra walked quickly past me and back towards the village where the girl had run off to, my hand hovered over my sheath as I asked "Did you do something to that girl?"

The old man cackled in response, confirming my thoughts, " I gave her the time of her life, who are you to question me?"

I felt the temperature of my body drop instantly, the area around me became cold as my killing intent seeped into the surrounding area, I wordlessly drew my sword and approached the old man. Panicked he fired off a few magical spells that were easily deflected off my shield.

"The thing to remember when blocking magic with a shield is the impact spot, if you can minimize that, then the residual damage will be negated through our natural resistance."

I can teach these new recruits as well as kill off the old man.

"You see, oldie, I belong to an ancient order that dedicates their lives to killing corrupt mages and you my friend, happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, as the new lord of the Ethereal Wasteland, I hereby relieve you from your post as well as your life."

Panicked, the old man tried to retreat back into the main keep, however being slower than me, he never made it far enough.

"Your shield is as much a weapon as it is a tool of defence, you can even use it to knock opponents out."

I said as I used shield bash to fling the old man into the large stone wall to our right-hand side, impaling him on a loose foundation.

"When fighting a mage, it is vital that you use your surroundings to your advantage, the last thing you want is to be cornered or locked out at range, then you will be picked off with ease."