
My Wife's a Total Badass!

My Wife's a Total Badass!


Disclaimer - (Cause fanfiction is tricky ground and I hope not to offend the creator of the original story and get sued)

I do not own "The Beginning After The End", it belongs to its original creator TurtleMe. This is only a fanfiction that I was inspired to write by the original work. Please support the official release. Most of the media - such as the art and illustrations, gifs, video's, etc. used in this fanfiction - are from the web. Thus, most of them aren't mine (because I really, really can't draw) unless mentioned. To fit the story, images are also edited by various apps and websites. So they aren't mine, just edited. I get much of the text, especially the fight scenes and thought, aside from my oc's, from the original novel, which can be found on Library Novel. Still, support the official release.

Also if you own a picture or Video that I found online, and you either want your name added, or me to take it down. Please contact me and we can talk it out. P.s. I also ask that you do not copy my work and publish it onto any other website.

If you're gonna use my idea, please ask me (If you ask nicely, I for sure, will agree). If I don't contact you within a week, then just assume I'm giving you the all clear and go for it. Just remember to credit me.

I will be writing out scenes even if my Oc isn't in them. As long as she's mentioned, or influencing the characters in some way. Or maybe be because it influences the story. This may seem a bit annoying. But that's just how I write. I like to embed my characters into the story line. Because of this, most of the dialogue/scenes will come from the original work.


For the playlist you can go to my YouTube channel, which is under "Anime-lover-forever-1127" and click on the playlist titled "A Woman With Vision {Arthur Laywin}". Or you can use this link watch?v=GYlAaNM7WS8&list=PLVKYkztH1Zd8bdl2_a1C8F6u8gPPwfa6D&ab_channel=7clouds

Warnings: Spoilers for Chapter 24 of the Novel and 42 and 43 of the Manga, Bits of Jealousy and Possessiveness


Today's Special

My most brilliant achievement was my ability to be able to persuade my wife to marry me.

~ Winston Churchill


{Morgana P.O.V.}

I calmly made my way towards Arthur who had quickly turned away from the pale-faced Sebastian currently shaking on the floor, hoping no one had noticed.

"I had only meant to give Sebastian a little scare, not to terrify every person in the room." he whispered to me. "I wasn't even sure I could make it that strong."

I took a look around the room, The mothers and children were huddled together. My mother, sister, and Alice all looked pale, aside from that, they looked fine. Ellie was crying, but she was more startled than scared. Luckily they were far away, and thus didn't truly feel the full brunt of the killing intent.

The King's augmenter guards had their weapons unsheathed and positioned to defend around the royal family by the time Arthur had withdrawn the pressure he had exerted onto the room.

"Who's there? You dare try and attack the royal family?" the King roared as he pushed his wife and children behind him. Queen Priscilla had her wand out and was silently muttering a spell as she herded her frightened children, as well as my mother and my sister, Alice, and Ellie, behind her husband and the guards.

They are good leaders, I couldn't help but smile.

Jugging by how they're looking around frantically, they have no idea the killing intent came from Arthur.

My father used an artifact in his hands to call for more guards inside and had the others scout the area for any assassins that may be, or had been, nearby.

"Looks like they still have no idea the killing intent came from you." I whispered to him, and we made our way towards the group. I looked over my shoulder, "Though I am worried the mage may go running his mouth."

Arthur followed my gaze to see Sebastian looking at us, and narrowed his eyes, "He'll keep his mouth shut if he knows what's good for him."

Time ticked slowly for us as everyone in the room was in a state of panic and tension. My mother had grabbed me as soon as I was within her reach and was holding firmly onto me and my sister as guards ran around with weapons held close.

Aunt Alice did the same with Arthur, refusing to let him go until things had calmed down a bit, and he had promised that we would just be sitting on the couch next to them.

Uncle Rey had stopped by, but after he made sure everyone was ok, he left to go and try and search for the mysterious attacker.

It wasn't until they confirmed killing an intruder on the roof of the auction house that everyone had calmed down.

Turns out there was a man trying to get into the auction house through the roof. Which made everyone assume the killing intent has come from him.

I let out a sigh of relief, but unlike everyone else, my relief wasn't for the fact that the intruder had been killed, but the fact that whatever god may be up there had provided us with a convenient scapegoat.

Arthur and I let out a small prayer and thank you for the intruder. His sacrifice wasn't in vain.

"Oy Sebastian. How could a royal guard fall on his arse by a little intimidation from an intruder? You're going to die early like this." A hooded augmenter holding a spear shook his head, trying to sound tough in front of his comrades.

"I merely slipped!" Sebastian snarled, slapping away the hand that one of the guards held out.

Seeing as everything was resolved, the auction was to continue as usual.

"Now! For the final item we have up for the lucky individual fortunate enough to acquire this!" The auctioneer's dramatic voice echoed from below as another cage covered by a silky cloth was dragged on stage.

Everyone in the room was still noticeably tense from the initial shock of an intruder, but their attention was now focused back onto the stage after Vincent announced he had been killed.

After a dramatic pause, the tarp covering the cage was removed, revealing a small feline animal the size of a large dog.

The auctioneer bellowed at that exact moment, "An infant world lion! For those who are ignorant of this magnificent mana beast, an adult world lion has the capability to at least become a B-class mana beast. I dare say that if taken care of well, this infant world lion could even become an A-class mana beast! Do you know what this means? Taking care of and treasuring this fine beast will allow its master to become a legendary beast tamer!"

The audience below us erupted into a frenzy as hands shot into the air, bidding without even waiting for the auctioneer. To my surprise, King Glayder smacked the glass with his hand as his eyes stayed glued to the mana beast.

"Aww, he's so cute~" I couldn't help but coo

Arthur laughed, "Looks like someone's a little jealous." he said, gesturing toward Sylvie with his head.

The black dragon was facing away from me, and clearly pouting.

I quickly scooped her into my arms, "There's no need for you to be jealous. You're still my favorite!"

Sebastian walked over to the edge of the room as well to get a better view of the mana beast currently on display. However, he merely let out a dissatisfied snort before walking back, getting another greedy eyeful of Sylvie.

Arthur normally wouldn't have minded someone becoming jealous of the fact that he had a bond, but it was obvious that Sebastian had intentions to try and take his bond away from him. Needless to say, my patience with his borderline perverted leering was growing increasingly thin.

I smiled, as a plan formed in my head. I got up and approached the king, catching many people in the rooms attention. "Your highness." I called respectfully, getting his attention. The king turned to look at me, and nodded his head to continue. "With all do respect. Could you please ask your mage to stop staring at me. It's making me quite uncomfortable." I said meekly and raised my head, and pulled Sylvie close to my chest, making sure he could see my big, teary, puppy dog eyes, along with Sylvie's cute face.

The king turned to look at Sebastian, who was still looking at Sylvie - which really didn't help his case, but the king didn't know that. To him, it must have seemed as if the grey haired man was staring at the innocent daughter of a good friend of his, with a disturbing blush on his face.

"Sebastian!" The king called firmly, startling the mage, and everyone in the room. "Keep your eyes to yourself." The man tried to defend himself, but the king left no room for arguments. "That's an order."

It didn't take the people in the room to add two and two together and figure out I must have approached the king because I was uncomfortable. Soon, the conjurer was getting nasty stares from everyone in the room.

Well I happily skipped back to Arthur's side. "He shouldn't bother us for a while." I smiled.

"God, I love you." Arthur laughed, resting his head on my shoulder.

"Now, now! I won't be able to start the bidding until everyone gets settled!" The auctioneer shook his fingers with a satisfied grin plastered on his face as he waited for the crowd to sedate.

As the bidders all reluctantly settled, the auctioneer finally announced the starting bid. "We will start at one hundred gold!"

Immediately, the price for the world lion soared. Soon, it passed four hundred gold and the bidders had no intention of stopping.

"500 gold!"




"1000 gold coins!" the King bellowed into a voice-amplifying artifact.

Simply by hearing their king's voice, the crowd's incessant bidding stopped. It was obvious that, while there were plenty who could afford to bid higher, they were more debating on whether it was worth bidding against their own king.

It didn't seem fair once the King stepped in, but he at least had the decency to put up a high enough price.

After the auctioneer counted off, the price was eventually settled at a thousand gold coins or one white-gold tablet; something I'd only seen in books and pictures.

Vincent walked up to the King with his hand held out. "Seems like no one wants to bid against you, King Glayder," he congratulated.

"One white-gold tablet shouldn't be too unfair, right?" the King joked as he peered back down onto the stage, obviously excited.

"Thank you for the consideration," Vincent chuckled in defeat. "What are your plans with the new royal pet? Will you use it for yourself, or perhaps give it to your son?"

"While tempting it is for me to acquire a bond, I'm thinking of giving it to Curtis..." he said casually. "Of course, that all depends on how he does," he finished, patting his son's head.

"D-Dad!" Prince Curtis, whose face had visibly brightened at his father's first remark, stuttered out in worry.

Queen Priscilla, adding fuel to the fire, added, "Curtis, I remember you've been slacking off on your sword lessons."

"Ah! Mom! That was supposed to be a secret!" The fierce-looking prince tugged on his mother's sleeve as his eyes switched between his mother and father.

"Mama, can I have a pet?" Ellie asked.

"Haha! I don't know. Mana beasts only want to be pets for nice ladies," my mom teased.

"Ellie is nice! Right, Brother?" She pulled on Arthur's sleeve, sending him out to battle on her behalf.

"Hmm? Who knows." Shooting her an evil smile, Arthur placed Sylvie on his sister's lap before she started crying.

"Aww, that is twice as cute." I couldn't help but let out, causing the people in the room to laugh.


{Arthur P.O.V.}

The Tenth Anniversary event ended without any further commotion besides the one that Morgana and I had caused, and the guards escorted all of us back downstairs.

Upon reaching the storage room behind the stage, Vincent handed me a package wrapped in a black cloth. The items that the King purchased were being hauled to the carriage by some of the workers.

"Thank you." I accepted it graciously.

"For everything you and your family has done for us, this is hardly enough," Vincent replied. "Arthur, we have some swords in the back if you want to take a look while you're here. They might not be anything special, but I'm sure you'll be able to find a solid sword to last you until your body finishes growing."

"Oh! Are you planning on taking lessons with the sword?" The King inquired, putting a hand on his son's shoulder. "My boy has just started learning as well. Maybe you two can spar one day."

"Swords are merely a hobby for me, Your Majesty. I would never hope to amount to the same level as your son," I replied, turning back to redeem Vincent's offer.

"Your Majesty, Prince Curtis would only become infected with bad habits if he began sparring with mere commoners," Sebastian's hissy voice rang.

As I turned back to retort, my father and the Twin Horns came into view.

"Ah, you guys are here! How did you enjoy the Auction?" my father exclaimed, picking up Ellie after showing his respects to the King and Queen.

My father pulled Vincent aside as he and the Twin Horns began debriefing about the event.

"Your Majesty. If I may have a word with you," I heard Sebastian say as he leaned closely to the King's ear.

"I don't like this." Morgana whispered. "I have a bad feeling about this."

Great, if she knows something bad's gonna happen. Then there's no avoiding it. All I can do is brace myself for it.

After a few moments, King Glayder shot his royal guard an irritated glance, but let out a sigh.

As the two walked towards me, it was obvious what they had just discussed by the way Sebastian wasn't even looking at me, but instead, at my bond.

However, instead of talking to me, the King called upon my father.

The King smiled at him, but his eyes remained stern. "I never did catch your name. You must be this young boy's father, correct?" he affirmed rather than asked.

"My name is Reynolds Leywin and yes, that is the case. What might be the matter, Your Majesty?" my father replied, lowering himself slightly.

"Sebastian, here, has been a royal guard for a while now and has helped our family an uncountable amount of times."

His voice stayed relaxed he spoke to my father, but the condescension in his tone was still apparent. "For the exemplary services he has provided me, and therefore the country, I do feel the need to reward him at times. You see; he has taken a fancy to your son's bond. I know it's not easy to sever a contract and I'm sure the boy has grown close to his little pet, but I would be more than willing hire a mage to take care of the contract and compensate you and your family for the troubles."

"Y-Your Majesty," my father stuttered, caught by surprise by the severe request. Taking a glance at me, he turned back to the King. "I must apologize, Your Majesty. Neither I nor my wife had anything to do to with my son's bond. He had acquired it himself, so I cannot speak on my son's behalf on matters of his bond."

"Hmm," the King turned his attention to my direction, regarding me loftily, and I suddenly realized that I was returning his gaze. He realized, then, that for the entirety of their conversation, I had been staring icily at him and his guard.

"Boy. Didn't your father teach you to lower your gaze when speaking to someone of your superior?" Sebastian snarled in disdain as he slammed the end of his metal staff to the ground.

"Sebastian, silence!" The King held up his hand. Besides the royal family and their guards, the King's request had caught the attention of the rest of my family as well as Vincent's.

"Hello, child." The King approached, standing an arm's length away from me. "I'm sure you've just heard me speak to your father so I won't repeat myself. How about it? My royal armoury would certainly have a sword befitting that of any aspiring knight."

Not wanting to make a big commotion, I swallowed back the profanity that was itching to spew out of my mouth. "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your gracious offer, but I must refuse. A simple sword could never replace Sylvie."

"How dare⎯"

"Sebastian!" King Glayder roared. Turning back to me, he spoke again with a much more impatient tone. "How about a trade then? The world lion cub that I just purchased for your bond?"

"Father!" Curtis scurried over to his father, pulling on his sleeve. "I thought the mana beast was mine?"

Ignoring his son, the King waited for my response.

"Perhaps I didn't make myself clear. I do not wish to give, sell or trade my bond," I reiterated, failing to mask the annoyed expression on my face.

"I have asked you twice, child, for a favour. Twice," he emphasised, his tone growing grave. "I will ask you once more; will you give me your bond?"

"Excuse me, your highness. If I may interpret." Morgana spoke, stepping between us. "But what you're trying to do to Arthur, is in fact illegal. There are 19 laws that were specifically placed to protect bonds. The eighth one, law 6.08 clearly states that under no circumstances can anyone ever be pressured to break a bond. A, it is morally and ethically wrong. And B, it risks the person, and the bond's life. In half the cases, it even takes the person's magic away." Morgana took a deep breath, and shot her final arrow, "So tell me, are you going to break your own predecessor's laws? The laws they placed to protect the people. For what, your own selfish pride?" She finished in an ice-cold voice.

The king opened his mouth, as if he was almost forced to answer, but quickly caught himself, before he could embarrass himself. 'How the hell does an eight year old girl know about such a law.'

Morgana sighed, seeing as the king still wouldn't give up. 'I tried my damn hardest to take the highroad, and play nice. If you won't give up, then you leave me no other choice then to ruin you."

"Your highness." The blond began, "This is just a thought. But I wonder how the press will react if they hear about this... little event. I bet they'll have quit a field day." Morgana smirked. 'Sapin is different from our old kingdom, where the king made most of the final decisions. Unlike there, here, the people can easily topple the crown.'

I couldn't help but stare at her amazed, 'My wife's a total badass!' I thought in complete awe. 'I had now idea she knew so much about laws. Unless... did she brush up on laws related to bonds for Sylvie's sake.'

The air was tense as everyone's attention was directed at us. Sebastian gave me a menacing look from bloodshot eyes, just waiting to be released. The rest of the royal guards were on standby near the two, carefully observing the situation.

The king coughed, and despite what his instincts were telling him, he ignored the girl's threat and continued on. "Boy-"

But I'd had enough, and cut him off. "Then let me ask you a question in response, Your Majesty. How much are you willing to sell your children to me?" I asked coolly, never batting an eye. Honestly, what does a guy have to do to just admire his wife for a couple moments without being interrupted.

Thrown off-guard, the King wasn't able to respond to the seemingly random question. "You have asked me twice and I have rejected you both times, yet it seems your pride won't allow you to accept my refusal. You don't seem to be aware of what you were asking me, so I hoped to clarify using my question instead. How much money should I give you in return for your son or your daughter, King Glayder?" I rephrased, without wavering.

I heard the sharp whistle of a sword leaving its scabbard. "Insolent peasant! You dare insult the King and his family?" a guard roared as he charged at me and Morgana before anyone had the chance to respond.

My eyes narrowed.

Attacking me, that's one thing.

Attacking my wife!

That's a big no!


Sorry if I ruined the scene for you. It's honestly a great scene, and leads into one of my favourites. So I'm sorry if I ruined it for anyone with Morgana taking over and all that.