
He's The Only One Who Can Pacify Her, She's The Only One Who Can Get Through To Him

He's The Only One Who Can Pacify Her,

She's The Only One Who Can Get Through To Him


Disclaimer - (Cause fanfiction is tricky ground and I hope not to offend the creator of the original story and get sued)

I do not own "The Beginning After The End", it belongs to its original creator TurtleMe. This is only a fanfiction that I was inspired to write by the original work. Please support the official release. Most of the media - such as the art and illustrations, gifs, video's, etc. used in this fanfiction - are from the web. Thus, most of them aren't mine (because I really, really can't draw) unless mentioned. To fit the story, images are also edited by various apps and websites. So they aren't mine, just edited. I get much of the text, especially the fight scenes and thought, aside from my oc's, from the original novel, which can be found on Library Novel. Still, support the official release.

Also if you own a picture or Video that I found online, and you either want your name added, or me to take it down. Please contact me and we can talk it out. P.s. I also ask that you do not copy my work and publish it onto any other website.

If you're gonna use my idea, please ask me (If you ask nicely, I for sure, will agree). If I don't contact you within a week, then just assume I'm giving you the all clear and go for it. Just remember to credit me.

I will be writing out scenes even if my Oc isn't in them. As long as she's mentioned, or influencing the characters in some way. Or maybe be because it influences the story. This may seem a bit annoying. But that's just how I write. I like to embed my characters into the story line. Because of this, most of the dialogue/scenes will come from the original work.


For the playlist you can go to my YouTube channel, which is under "Anime-lover-forever-1127" and click on the playlist titled "A Woman With Vision {Arthur Laywin}". Or you can use this link watch?v=GYlAaNM7WS8&list=PLVKYkztH1Zd8bdl2_a1C8F6u8gPPwfa6D&ab_channel=7clouds

Warnings: Spoilers for Chapter 24 of the Novel and 42 of the Manga, Bits of Jealousy and Possessiveness


Today's Special

Her anger,

His calmness...

Her quotes,

His thoughts...

Her mood swings,

His control...

Her heart,

His love...

Her dreams,

His happiness...

~ Breath


{Third P.O.V.}

"Ladies and Gentlemen! May I say that it is of the highest honour for me to be here tonight? All of you are gathered here today for one reason and one reason only, I presume? It is to have the chance to obtain rare and valuable items in this auction!"

Applause thundered in enthusiasm at the old gentleman's ardent introduction.

"If everyone in the audience would now kindly turn to face the back room at the very top, we have a few exceedingly important figures that have decided to bless us with their presence. Please join me in welcoming the King and Queen of Sapin!" The auctioneer was the first to flick out the tail of his suit and genuflect.

The audience immediately followed suit, lowering themselves respectfully in a bow since they couldn't kneel in their seats.

The King and Queen, in response, stepped out towards the window in front of me and waved their arms slowly in a practiced motion.

"Next, the one that made this whole event possible. Please give a big round of applause for Vincent Helstea!"

The auctioneer's introduction was followed by another round of applause as Vincent stepped up next to the King and Queen, giving a deep bow in return.

Arthur and Morgana both remained seated, the girl having a far away gaze as she observed the people below.

"We shouldn't think like that. Were not rulers anymore. Hell, we haven't even gone through puberty yet. No point in acting like people who don't exist anymore." Arthur whispered into Morgana's ear.

"I know." The women replied quietly.

Arthur turned his gaze toward the King and Queen, studying them. Despite the stoic expression the King always carried, he didn't have a domineering demeanor. He had a charismatic and strong presence, making it easy to believe that a majority of the citizens of Sapin would respect him, but that was it. He didn't earn his seat; his father had given it to him. The Glayder family had been the Royal Family since the founding of Sapin. The boy wasn't surprised to see that King Glayder's mana core was only at the red stage.

Turning his gaze over to the Queen, something caught his eyes that he didn't really notice at first. Strapped to the backside of her dress was a white wand. I couldn't sense her mana, which meant she was either carrying an artifact that could hide it or she was at a level high enough where he couldn't sense it.

Queen Priscilla caught me observing her and gave me a discerning smile, revealing her pearl white teeth. Her smile threw Arthur off-guard, making him flinch and quickly turn away. He could feel how hot his face was, making it all the more embarrassing. The word beautiful wouldn't do justice as a means of describing her.

The auburn haired boy winced as he felt a hard pinch on his thigh. "That's gonna bruise." he hissed under his breath. And shot his wife a pacifying smile, "Relax. You're the only one for me."

Morgana didn't turn to face him, and by the look in her eyes, he could see that she was one step away from puffing her cheeks and going into a full on pout.

Arthur grabbed her hand in his, and gently ran his thumb across the back of her hand soothingly. "You'll be happy to know that since I've come to this world, I've lacked any sort of secual attraction towards these older women. At first, I had thought that it might've been due of the lack of necessary hormones currently in this prepubescent body, but the more I thought about it, I felt like it boiled down to the fact that my mother was just a bit younger than I had been before being reborn into this world." It was the honest truth, he had never really been interested in human psychology but it was interesting noticing that women associated with the same age group as his parental guardian made them unappealing sexually. Maybe that was just him; no way to tell.

Seeing her coming around, he continued, "Of course, that also didn't mean I'd go for children my age like Tess, Lilia, or even this ice princess here. They could be the very personification of beauty itself, but it didn't change the fact that I could be old enough to be their father." Though a part he didn't add was that their mental level was that of a child. This was one of the reasons he wasn't able to see Tess as anything other than a friend or a sister, even when she was so obvious in showing her attraction towards him. God he wasn't looking forward to that meeting one bit.

Seeing that he almost had her, he shot the final arrow, "Plus, none of them could hold a candle to you. Like I said, you're the only one for me."

Morgana shot him a smile, and squeezed his hand back. "Good. Because I feel the exact same way about you. You're the only one for me as well."

{Arthur P.O.V.}

"...kuu." I looked down to see Sylvie staring at me cynically, her eye half-open, judging eye seeming to say 'are you serious?'

"Haha..." I couldn't help but laugh in embarrassment as I pushed Sylvie's face in a different direction to redirect her hurtful stare with my hands to block her hurtful gaze.

'Your a wimp when it comes to mama, papa.'

'Mama? Where did that come from?' I shot back, surprised. Morgana gave me a look, but I waved my hand, "I'll tell you later."

A large hand lightly squeezed my shoulder. "Arthur, a sword is up for auction right now. Tell me if you want it so I can put in my bid. Don't worry about the price either! Perks of being the owner of this place," Vincent whispered.

"Thank you." I reaped, and turned my attention to the item being auctioned off.

"This short sword was forged by a master smith who is also a fire artificer, ensuring that the quality during the forging process is top class. The core of this weapon is made from the core of a Thunder Hawk mana beast. Reinforcing this sword with just a little mana will produce currents of electricity around the edge of the blade, enhancing its cutting power and even having a mild paralysing effect! The bid will start at fifty gold!"

Excited cries erupted immediately as nearly every noble boy who sought to become a mage tugged at their parent's sleeves, begging them to bid. I remained motionless, my head propped up on my arm as I inadvertently let out a yawn. There was a large screen that magnified the items so the audience in the back was able to see. However, while the little shock ability could be handy, it was obvious that the sword itself was subpar at best compared to the blade I had wielded in my previous life.

Vincent had been constantly shifting his gaze between me and the weapon, hoping I would at least be interested in the weapon that most people would kill over.

I shook my head in response.

"Well what do you expect. He can already wield all four elements." Morgana laughed, and then added, "So at this point, we're really looking for the quality of the blade."

"No worries! That was just the start! Let me know when you find something you like. Oh! I almost forgot. I have the items you wanted in the back. I'll have one of the workers deliver it to me after this event is over," he whispered, leaning closely to so only I could hear. He then turned to his daughter, "I've already arranged for the things you've asked for. The lenses need to be specially made, so they could take some time. But they'll be here before you kids leave"

My ears perked up as I abruptly turned to him. "You managed to find a voice-altering mask as well?"

"It took a bit longer than I expected but I finally managed to find one. I also got you two coats made from a nightmare fox that should make it harder for the wearer to be registered to the unsuspecting eye. I thought it would be something you would want so I snatched that too while I could," Vincent replied softly, shooting me a wink.

"That's more than what I had hoped for." The mask was essential for me to become an adventurer, but the coat would no doubt be useful as well.

"Don't worry about it and just stay safe. I'm the one that has to deal with your family if something happens to you, you know," he chuckled. "And if you really wanna say thank you, keep that one safe for me."

"Dad!" Morgana hissed, pouting.

I just smiled wryly at this fact. No. I wasn't going to give my family a reason to grieve again like I had done to them before. And keeping my wife safe, that wasn't even a question. There was no way in hell I was going to let anything happen to her again.


There were a few interesting items along the way. There were several beast cores, most of which were B-class or lower. The prices for those were astronomical. Even a C-class core was around fifty gold, and each class multiplied this figure exponentially. There were a few more artefacts and cores but none of those were things I wanted.

The King himself bid on a few of them, winning an A-class beast core. It wasn't until a mage actually absorbed the core that they would find whether a beast core still contained a will or not. Chances were slim to find a core that still had its will still intact; even if it did contain the will, it had to be compatible with the user. Most beasts, however, had already passed it on to one of its offspring or instinctively chose to disperse their will before dying.

I guess the King was hoping to get lucky. The Queen, on the other hand, bid on a mana absorption ring and a couple other items useful for conjurers.

As we approached the latter half of the auction, the items began increasing in value. As more and more items were sold off, my interest started to deplete until a large, square container, covered by a sheet, was rolled out onto the stage by a few workers.

I couldn't help but grow agitated as the auctioneer removed the sheet, revealing a cage full of females chained together with only a dirty sack to cover their private areas.

It disgusted me as so many noblemen frantically began bidding on the young female slaves that were soon stripped to show their assets like animals. I realized that being born in a small town with people who disagreed with the idea of having slaves had made me almost forget the fact that slaves actually existed in this world.

Morgana buried her face into my arm, and began rubbing the top of her head soothingly. "We usually turn human items away. But when it's offered by high paying clients or high rank adventures. We really aren't allowed to say no, or we risk damaging the house's reputation."

Our world abolished slavery hundreds of years ago, so the idea of owning a slave was something that I just couldn't get used to.

Memories of killing the slave traders that had abducted Tessia came back to mind. If I hadn't been there to rescue her, what would've happened? A shiver ran down my spine at the thought of Tessia being abused by a corrupt aristocrat. Now that I think about it, didn't I inadvertently prevent a war from happening between the humans and elves?

The taste of metal in my mouth brought me back to reality. Realising that I had bit down too hard on my lower lip, I quickly wiped the blood off of my lips with my finger.

Tabitha and my mother had solemn faces at the sight of the slaves, but they simply shook their heads and focused their attention on Ellie and Lilia instead. Even though the Helstea family was a very prominent noble house, they opposed the idea of keeping slaves and opted to simply hire maids and butlers.

Vincent's face flashed with guilt but he quickly regained composure. I'm sure like Morgana said, he was against this, but it couldn't be helped that the popularity and demand of slaves were too high.

Turning my head, I spotted the prince murmuring something to the little princess, but I couldn't guess what from her expressionless face.

This was becoming tedious. I was beginning to think that it would be better to hold off on getting a decent sword for now and just settle for a decent practice sword until my body matured a bit.

Getting up from my seat, I leaned back, stretching my stiff body when I spotted the hooded guard named Sebastian eyeing Sylvie with a disturbing twinkle in his eyes.

Sylvie noticed it too, and quickly jumped into Morgana's awaiting arms.

The beady-eyed, bony conjurer underneath that hood continued impatiently fiddling with his metal staff as his eyes stayed greedily fixated on my bond, and now my wife as well.

After a few moments, he noticed that I was glaring back at him. Letting out a stifled cough in response, he straightened his robe as he spread out his normally hunched shoulders to make himself look bigger. Staring down at me, he had the audacity to let out a smug grin, as if he had every right to do what he was going to do. "A countryside commoner has no place frolicking around with such a special beast."


"I'm saying that she will be mine."

This foolish plebeian has the audacity to...

{Vincent P.O.V.}

It was a pity Arthur wasn't able to find a suitable sword.

No matter. There are enough swords in storage; I'm sure he will take a liking to at least one of them.

"Your Majesty, I hope you're finding it worthwhile to visit this humble auction house of ours," I assured, lowering myself.

"This place and event was anything but humble, Vincent. And yes, I'm not sure how you managed to secure an A-class beast core from a silvercoat bear, but you've managed to build quite the network. Let's just hope that the beast will is still intact." He clasped my back excitedly with his hand.

"Don't get your hopes up too much, Dear. You know how rare it is," I could hear the Queen mutter quietly in response.

The Queen turned back to resume her conversation with Alice and my wife. They seemed to be discussing something about the kids.

His Majesty and I turned our attention back to the main stage when, all of a sudden, a terrifyingly oppressive presence filled the room, constricting my body.

I tried my hardest to move, to try and find the source of this domineering bloodlust, but my body refused to obey.

What the hell was going on? This was the most secure area in the entire building with the King's guard inside, as well as my own, securing the outside of the room.

My breathing turned shallow as the overbearing pressure continued gripping at my insides.

I could feel beads of cold sweat slowly rolling down my face as if they, too, were afraid.

With much effort, my body relented a little and I was able to turn my gaze slightly to see if they knew what was going on.

While they were at least able to move their bodies, it was clear that they were just as confused as I was.

I had no idea what to expect next. I had assumed that I would live for quite a bit longer, yet here I was, at death's door, trying to struggle out of his icy grasp.

What in Hell's name was happening?

{Morgana P.O.V.}

I sighed, as I felt Arthur's killing intent flood the room.

I flicked my wrist and shot out a gentle wave of wind toward Arthur's neck.

Snapping him out of his rage.


Am I coming on a little too strong with Morgana's jealousy, maybe. But I love writing those cute little moments. And it isn't just a one way street. Just wait till some boys come in, then you'll see that it isn't just the wife who's possessive...

Also, I understand there may be a bit of confusion on how old they are right now, well I'll clear that up. They're currently eight.