



Disclaimer - (Cause fanfiction is tricky ground and I hope not to offend the creator of the original story and get sued)

This is a fanfiction, a work of fiction. It is an unofficial, non-canon alternate story based on TurtleMe's story "The Beginning After The End". Please support the official release. Most of the media - such as the images and video's used in this fanfiction - are from the web. Thus, most of them aren't mine (because I really, really can't draw) unless mentioned. To fit the story, images are also edited by the photo editor. So they aren't mine, just edited. I get much of the text, especially the fight scenes and thought, aside from my oc's, from the original novel, which can be found on Library Novel. Still, support the official release.

Have you ever written something from the back of your head, and then realize oh sh** these were someone else's words. Yeah, that just happened to me, my disclaimer no less. Anyway, like 40% of this disclaimer belongs to KairuSui from quotev

Also if you own a picture or Video that I found online, and you either want your name added, or me to take it down. Please contact me and we can talk it out.

P.s. I also ask that you do not copy my work and publish it onto any other website. If you're gonna use my idea, please ask me (I'll 99.99% say yes unless you're super rude). If I don't contact you within a week, then just assume I'm giving you the all clear and go for it. Just remember to credit me.

I will be writing out scenes even if my Oc isn't in them. As long as she's mentioned, or influencing the characters in some way. This may seem a bit annoying. But that's just how I write. I like to embed my characters into the story line.


For the playlist you can go to my YouTube channel, which is under "Anime-lover-forever-1127" and click on the playlist titled "A Woman With Vision {Arthur Laywin}". Or you can use this link watch?v=GYlAaNM7WS8&list=PLVKYkztH1Zd8bdl2_a1C8F6u8gPPwfa6D&ab_channel=7clouds

Warnings: Spoilers for chapter 22 of the novel and 38 of the Manga


Today's Special

Mother and Daughter

It's a special bond that spans the years. Through laughter, worry, smiles and tears. A sense of trust that can't be broken, a depth of love sometimes unspoken, a life long friendship built on sharing, hugs and kisses, warmth and caring, Mother and daughter their hearts as one. - A link that can never be undone.

~ Unknown


{Morgana P.O.V.}

After the discussion with my father, we went back to Arthur's room to get a little bit more training done. I start off by doing what I usually do, levitating a book with wind, and trying my best to keep it perfectly still. I've only been at this for a couple of weeks, so the book was still a little shaky.

Arthur watches me attentively, "Didn't you say you were an augmenter?" he asks.

I nod, "That's why I like working on things like this a lot. I'm going to be naturally good at close range fighting. So I want to really work on my long distance as well. So having tricks like this up my sleeve could never hurt."

Arthur nods at my explanation. "You'd need a lot of focus for something like that." he then adds, "What are you exactly doing. I know you're using wind, that much is obvious."

I raise the book higher, so Arthur can see the bottom. "I'm using a crisscross pattern of wind to keep it still. If I only push in one direction, then it will move. I could always push up, but then I would also need to push down with wind. I find this way easier, because having my hands on both sides does help me more. Arthur nods. "So what are you going to do?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

Arthur smirks "You'll just have to wait and see." he says, as he calls Slyvie over.

I felt my eyes widen as I see bright golden marks appear under his eyes. I instantly understand what he's doing. "Your phasing!" I exclaim.

"Yep." Arthur answers, taking deep breaths to concentrate. I set my book to the side, as I focus all my attention on him.

{Arthur P.O.V.}

I start concentrating on my mana core, distracted by a series of unexplainable sneezes. I was getting too impatient with my training. I wanted to hurry up and get to the previous level in my past life but that wasn't happening as fast as I wanted it to.

The little fight with Director Goodsky made it all too real for me. I was too inexperienced and weak. It didn't really affect me until now, but I'm wasn't used to fighting the way mages fought in this world. The fact that there was nothing like conjurers in my previous world made fighting one a lot more difficult.

My concentration wavered while my mind flashed back to my past life. The scene on that foggy night when the orphanage's head caretaker, the closest thing to a mother figure I had, was shot. I was still young at that time, but if I think back now, that was probably the reason I had started training like a madman. Head Mother was the one that picked me off the streets, giving me a steamed bun. After that, she took care of me, taught me how to read and write, scolded me and taught me basic manners.

I didn't want to become a king; I just wanted vengeance. I just wanted to be strong enough to kill the ones responsible for the death of the person who had taken care of me... who had loved me.

It was never as simple as that, though. It had turned out that the ones responsible for killing the orphanage head caretaker, along with other leader figures of the various orphanages, were the military from another country.

I realised then that no matter how powerful an individual was he was still just one person. I needed authority along with my power. Becoming a king then served its purpose. The first thing I did when I was appointed King was destroy that country. I bloodied my hands with the corpses of hundreds of thousands of soldiers and millions all together. The cruel thing, though, was that no matter what kind of revenge is taken, it didn't change what had happened to her. She still had died an unjust death.

And Amber.

I couldn't protect her either.

This life was going to be different.

I wasn't going to let the ones I treasured suffer.

I need to get stronger.

For them.

For HER!

Sylvie nudged her wet nose at me, a concerned gaze fixed on my eyes. 'I'm here, feel better' was what she seemed to say to me.

Petting her head, I stirred myself out of my unpleasant memories.

But what brought me fully to my senses, was two warm arms wrapping around me.

{Morgana P.O.V.}

I held him close, half because I knew how he was feeling, and half because I was still scared of letting go.


That I would wake up, and this would all be a dream.

We stayed like this, until we heard the commotion downstairs. 'The other girls must be back from their shopping trip.' I concluded.

"They must be back." Arthur said to me, pushing himself up.

I nodded, taking the hand he offered me. "Lets go downstairs."

"Hmph! Brother is a meanie!" Was the first thing Ele said to Arthur when she saw the couple. She puckered her lower lip with her arms crossed.

"Is it because I didn't go shopping with you, Ellie? I'm sorry." Arthur said patting her turned head, which made her tense her face as she forced herself to keep from smiling.

"How was shopping Mom, Lady Tabitha? Did you guys buy a lot of stuff?" he asked, his hand still on his sister's head.

"We didn't buy much, just a couple of new outfits for Ellie and Lilia, we didn't forget about you either Morgana. Your new clothes should be in your room by now." Auntie Alice responded.

"Thank you." I smiled at them.

At this time, I heard a storm of footsteps coming toward us. My father arrived beide us with an excited look on his face. His eyes were a little red and he had an uncontainable smile on his face. Almost like a child.

"You guys are finally here!" He said picking up his Lilia and kissing her cheek.

"Honey, why are you so flustered? Have you been crying? "What is going on?" My mother asked, she had a bewildered look on her face from confusion and worry. Vince did look a little crazy right now.

"You didn't tell them yet, Arthur, Morgana?" He faced me, the goofy smile still pasted on his face.

Shaking his head, Arthur chuckled, "I just got down as well. I was about to tell them."

"But you clearly want to. So go for it." I laughed, waving my hand.

"Tell us what, baby?" Alice asked, having a look of concern as well. Mothers never liked not knowing what was going on.

"I discussed with Mr. Vincent about teaching Ellie and Lilia mana manipulation starting today. Of course, only if Lady Tabitha was okay with it."


My mother just shook her head, looking at her husband. "W-wait, hold on. Is this some sort of prank? If it is, it's not funny."

"Of course not mother." I said, going up to hug her.

"No ma'am. I know both you and Sir Vincent aren't mages but it is possible for Lilia to become one." Arthur added giving her a sincere look.

"N-no way. I've never heard of a method for teaching someone mana manipulation. I've been taught that it's up to the child's innate talent to awaken by herself. Why haven't I heard anyone else teaching kids then?"

My mother wasn't as easy to convince that this was possible. Which wasn't that surprisingly, what really was, was how quick my father accepted that this was possible.

I couldn't blame her though, no matter how rich the Helstea family was, they still weren't mages, in a society where mages are the elite. Despite the fact they considered and treated me as their own, to the rest of society. I would always only be adopted.

"I've never heard of anything like teaching a child mana manipulation either, Art. How do you plan on doing this?" Alice quizzed her son.

"Mom, you guys all know how I awakened at the age of 3 right? I still remember what happened and why it did. I'm going to do what I did on myself to them. I'll have to test them before I can even start but for Ellie, I'm 100% sure she'll be able awaken and for Lilia, around 70%," Arthur answered.

I nodded, it was best if Arthur was honest with them. It's better for them to know that there is still a slight chance that this won't work.

"Oh, do you remember, Morgana?" My father asked, curios.

"I shook my head, "No." I answered. I really don't like lying to them, and try to avoid it. But in this case, it would be way too suspicious if two three year olds remembered something like this so well from when they were just barely older than toddlers.

"Heavens. T-this is. Give me a minute. I need to sit down." I noticed my mother's knees were wobbling as she made her way to the couch. I rushed to her side, and supported her. "Thank you dear." She told me, sending me a grateful smile.

After I see my mother clam down a bit, I nod at Arthur, signaling to start.

"This isn't going to be an instant thing. It'll take a few years for them to awaken on their own after I teach them." He says to our parents, who had taken a seat on the couch.

My parents just nodded at this and Arthur turned around to face the confused Lilia and Ellie.

"Ellie, Lilia, can you guys sit down on the floor over by the fireplace?" he instructed, guiding them into the living room. "I want you guys to sit in your most comfortable position, back to back. Leave some space so I can sit in between."

Ellie was still a little clueless as to what was going on, but Lilia had gotten the gist of what was happening and I could see the determined look on her face. Ellie sat down with her legs stuck out in front of her while Lilia sat in a more ladylike position with both her legs tucked in to her left side.

"Okay. Before I do anything, I want you guys to close your eyes and concentrate. If you try really hard, you'll be able see some spots of light. Do you see it?" Arthur asks, placing himself between them now as my parents and Alice were all staring intently.

His only response was silence.


Until, Lilia murmurs, "N-no... I don't really see anything,"

I stopped myself from taking a step forward. Arthur had warned me about this. He even told me to expect as much but I can't help but panic.

Arthur ignores us, and instead turns to face his sister and asks her the same thing. He was less afraid of her seeing the light, but not recognizing what to actually spot.

Thankfully, she responded, "Bruhder, I think I see a small pretty light!"

{Arthur P.O.V.}

The next step involved doing something that only I was capable of doing. I had to will mana of all four elemental attributes at once into their bodies. Doing this, they would be able to see a lot more clearly the specks of mana that were scattered in their body.

"Okay I'm going to start now. You guys will feel a little feverish but I want you guys to endure it and just focus on the specks of light." As soon as I said that, I willed my quadra elemental mana into them.

The reason that all four elements had to be exerted unto them was because the mana that had yet to gather and form a mana core was at its purest form, meaning that all four elements needed to be exerted at the same power into their bodies to trigger any sort of responses from the dormant mana inside them.

"Eep!" "Hng!" Lilia and Ellie yelped out a little in surprise.

"I-I think I see some of the lights! They're so pretty!" exclaimed Lilia.

"Wow! So many!" Echoed my little sister.

"Okay, this part is important, I'm going to help you guys with this part but your job is to try and connect all of the little lights okay? Do you get that Ellie? Pretend that all of the little lights are friends and they need to meet together. Can you do that for me, Ellie?" This was the trickiest and longest part and I had to make sure that they understood what to do.

"O-okay! I think I get it!" "The lights are friends? Okay!"

I remained in my position for over an hour to trigger the dormant mana in their body, at least to the point that they would be visible enough for them to manipulate and gather.

Taking a deep breath, I removed my hands from their back, instructing them to continue gathering the little lights until the lights disappear.

"How is it? D-do you think Lilia will be able to become a mage?" Both the Helstea parents are a mess. They had anxious looks on their faces while Vincent was nervously chewing on a fingernail. I looked at my mother and even she had a hint of uneasiness in her eyes.

Morgana was chewing her bottom lip in worry. Old habits die hard, I couldn't help but chuckle. As I gazed at her, I couldn't help but notice thousands of brilliant blue and silver lights suronde and gather around Morgana naturally. I might not even need to teach her Mana Rotation, looks like she's already doing it subconsciously.

I responded with a wide smile. "Don't worry, both Lilia and my little sister should awaken as a mage within a few years. My plan was to do this with them every day for the few months that I'll be home. By then, they should be capable of training on their own to form a mana cor..."

Tabitha didn't even let me finish as picked me up into a big hug. "Oh thank you thank you thank you. Both my babies will be able to learn magic! Oh my goodness I was so worried what her future would be since both of us aren't mages. *Sniff* Uuu... thank you so much, Arthur."

Vincent's face was streaming tears as he kept his gaze on his daughter meditating. My mother patted my head silently, giving me a proud smile.

It wasn't as big of a deal for Ellie to become a mage since our whole family could use magic. The chances of her never awakening would have been slim to none even if I didn't do anything; I was just speeding up the process. I had figured the faster she learns magic, the faster she would be able to protect herself.

As Morgana came in to hug, I whispered in her ear, "Now's your chance. She probably won't ever be in a better mood."

She nodded, understanding what I meant.

{Morgana P.O.V.}

I slowly let go of Arthur, and turned around. I'd hate to ruin my mothers good mood. But it's now or never.

I took a deep breath, my father in turn, taking a step back, as he realised what I was about to do.

"Mom." I began, "You know how Arthur wants to become an adventurer, right. And he's even going to have a guard with him."

My mother hesitates, but nods. She probably has an idea about what this could be about, but doesn't want to believe it.

"Well I want to become an adventurer as well." I finished.

I closed my eyes, expecting a storm of curses, shouting and crying. But all I got was silence.

I reluctantly opened one eye, to see my mother quietly sitting on the couch. "Come here." She commands, patting the seat next to her.

I do as she asks. When I'm sitting down next to her she grabs my hands, and looks me in the eyes.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" I nod. "Then I won't stop you." She sighs, surprising everyone, including me. "You may be my daughter, but you're also Regina's. She would have wanted you to live the life you desired. So I won't stop you." She then smiles, brightening up again, "You'll have to visit often of course."

I return her smile, "Without question."


The two girls lasted a couple of hours before the mana Arthur had exerted dispersed out of their bodies. Surprisingly, Lilia actually lasted longer than Ellie. She definitely had more willpower than the four-year-old child.

Arthur's father came a bit after from the Guild Hall and was ecstatic for the Helstea family that they were going to have another mage in their family.

Picking up Eleanor and rubbing his beard on her cheek, he just cooed, "Aww, my little baby is going to be strong like her older brother! Promise me you won't be stronger than father, okay? Or he'll be very sad."

Alice had just laughed at this while Ele just giggled, pushing Father's face away. "Papa! Your beard tickles! St~op, hehe!"

We had a great dinner party that night. My parents went all out on the delicacies leaving Arthurs mouth watering and Sylv drooling right next to him.

We ended the night with everyone merry, my father going around offering drinks to even the maids and butlers.

The following days had consisted of Arthur and me condensing our mana cores and elemental skills along with Arthur's dragon will's powers.

I was always next to him, ready to catch him when he fell.

For some odd reasons, when he freezes time, I'm the only person aside from him that doesn't get affected. We still have no idea why though.

This was a mind-numbingly slow process and I felt myself stagnating because of the lack of stimulation.


Since almost all of the dialogue and scenes can be found online, it's so hard not to get lazy. So I have to keep reminding myself to not take shortcuts, and actually put at the very least, Morgana's P.O.V. text, in my own words.