
Chapter 1

Natasha's first day out of prison she heads straight for Wanda's café. She hasn't had any good coffee since her last court hearing and she's ready to commit murder if anyone dares to get in her way. The SUV pulls up outside Wanda's Café and her heels are hitting the pavement the moment the car stops.

The bell tinkles overhead and she feels a small curl of satisfaction at hearing the familiar, irritating sound. A new face stands behind the counter though. Nat pauses at the register, watching her intently even as she tries to attempt subtlety. The young girl is quick on her feet making up her last order and then sliding over to the register in front of Natasha with a welcoming smile on her face.

"Hey, what can I get you?" She greeted cheerfully, fingers poised over the register.

Natasha felt her lips pull into a small smirk, perhaps the closest she's been to a real smile as of late. "A large latte with an extra shot, please."

"No problem. Take away or to stay?" She asked, glancing up from under her lashes.

"To stay." Nat replied, nodding hello to the redhead appearing from the kitchen doors behind the barista. She glanced over her shoulder at Nat's acknowledgement, giving Wanda a small wave.

"Three fifty and it'll be out in a sec." She said, gesturing to the eftpos where Nat already had her credit card out.

Wanda came around the counter, accepting a tight hug from Nat and leading her over to a table off to the side of the room. "I wasn't expecting you today, Tasha. Business is busy, no?"

Nat nodded agreeably, "Definitely, but you know I can't live without my coffee. Hell, I've practically gone through a two-year withdrawal. It's life or death at this point."

Wanda wrinkled her nose, chuckling. "I can understand that."

"So," Nat arched a newly manicured brow, "who's the new-hire?"

Smiling knowingly, Wanda paused as said new-hire dropped off Nat's drink with a polite smile and a light blush developing under her gaze. They watched her head back behind the counter, Nat's eyes wandering a little lower than Wanda's.

"She's a college student. She checks out." Wanda informed her lowly. "She's aware but as long as we maintain our bad-not-horrible reputation, she doesn't have a problem keeping quiet if she sees something."

"Do we know where her lines are drawn?" Nat asked, sipping at her drink. The milk bubbled nicely on her tongue, taking some of the bite from the dark roast.

Wanda nodded, glancing back over at her. "As long as no one innocent is intentionally killed, everyone already in our world is fair game. She says she trusts what she knows of your morals so far."

Natasha hummed thoughtfully, wondering if the girl was right to ever trust the morals of a woman like her in a dangerous world like this.

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