
A Wolf Sage's Journey *Dropped*

All he ever wanted was the power to decide his fate. Is that truly wrong? He was given the opportunity to gain power and he will damn sure make he gets it. *Dropped due to personal reasons. Sorry for suddenly dropping the story, I personally really enjoyed making it I just have to focus on other things in my life at the moment.*

Foxes_R_Cool · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs


(A/N: Mentality wise, Fenrir is still a child albeit a very... old one. Due to him being without ANY social interaction {other than himself} since he was first imprisoned when he was 12 and spent the most of his time either in restless sleep or necessary self-mutilation. So do NOT expect him to act like some wizened old sage who has unfathomable wisdom right off the bat.)


'The orphanage... isn't that great,' Fenrir thought to himself while he stood in front of an old wooden house on the verge of collapsing.

Fenrir shot a deadpan look towards Sarah, "I never said it was the greatest.." she replied wittily before walking up to the door and knocking.

After a few seconds of waiting, sounds of wooden floorboards creaking was heard as the door swung open. An old man with slightly grayish cheetah ears resting ontop of his head with a wrinkled face and tall stature stood in the doorway.

The old man looked at Sarah questioningly before spotting Fenrir standing closely behind her, "Another one? How many more tribes are they gonna wipe out just for some dust mines and workers?" he muttered the second sentence to himself.

Sarah sighed slightly, "Can you take him in?" She asked.

The old man simply waved his hand with a tired expression, "Yeah, yeah. We got a couple more empty mattresses in here. What's your name kid?" The old man said kindly while looking at Fenrir with a warm gaze.

"Fenrir, yours?" He stated simply while still adjusting to 'social life.'

"Charles.. my name's Charles." He said while rubbing his chin, "Alright follow me kid.. I gotta introduce you to the others. Thanks for bringing him Sarah," he said with a slight bow in Sarah's direction.

"No problem, tell the kids I said hi," she said while waving and beginning to make her way back to her post.

Fenrir looked at the Charles blankly as he was led throughout the creaky old house, after making a few turns they arrived into a room with 3 other children sitting in front of a slightly above-average sized TV and a teenager leaning against the wall while observing them.

"Ahem," Charles coughed slightly to gather the attention of the other children. The children reluctantly looked away from the TV and looked at Charles, "We have a new addition to our little family," he said while motioning towards Fenrir.

Meanwhile, Fenrir was busy carefully thinking of how to introduce himself. After seeing the expecting gazes of the children he mentally sweated bullets, "Yo," he awkwardly said while his ears twitched slightly.

An 7-year girl with a cute face, suited for someone of her age, with brown hair and light-brown eyes and brown dog ears resting on top of her head walked in front of him. Her eyes sparkled slightly, "So you're my new big brother?" She asked while looking at him inquisitively.

Fenrir who was slightly taken aback thought, 'More like ancestor,' before shrugging it off and responding with a nod.

"YAY!" She yelled while clinging onto Fenrir's taller body. Fenrir quickly looked at the other three children for help. However, much to his dismay, they simply looked at the situation with both pitying gazes and amusement.

Fenrir reluctantly accepted his fate while attempting to introduce himself to the others, "Uh- uhm. Name's Fenrir," he said sheepishly while his ears squirmed uncomfortably.

The first to respond to Fenrir's introduction was a boy who had a very clear resemblance to the girl clinging to him, 'Siblings maybe?" he pondered as the boy came over and pulled the girl off of him.

Shooting the boy a thankful glance, Fenrir received a nod of acknowledgment. The young dog-Faunus boy fixed they younger girl's ruffled clothes while beginning to introduce himself, "My name is Daniel and this," Daniel said while raising his thumb in the direction of the girl, "Is my younger sister Evelyn," he finished while attempting to fix the disheveled girl's hair.

Fenrir snorted seeing the scene while he locked onto the other two kids, two other boys.

The first to introduce themselves was a boy with black hair that turned green at the tips with scales dotting around his forearms and eyes, "Well now that those two are done introducing themselves, my name is Ray," he finished with a friendly smile.

Fenrir nodded but before he could say anything the last one to introduce himself interrupted him. He had white gauze wrapped around his right eye with two bull horns resting on top of his head. His red hair had brownish black streaks as his 15-16 ish face was marred into a constant scowl, "Name's Adam," he said shortly before he took heavy steps towards the backyard.

"Uh, I didn't say anything to make him upset did I?" Fenrir asked while looking at the other three.

The other three shook their heads while Ray responded, "He's like that sometimes. He may seem like an unapproachable person but once you get to know him he's very uhh.. nice? Person.. just give him a couple of days to get used to ya'," he said encouragingly while Fenrir nodded.

"Anyways, wanna watch TV?" Daniel asked while pointing to the machine projecting cartoons.

Fenrir pursued his lips, "What is a.. Tee-Vee?" He asked with obvious curiosity.

The other three adopted looks of pure shock and horror as they began to explain the greatness of television to the wolf-boy.


After the grueling hour long explanation, Fenrir stumbled away from the chattering and made his way to the backyard. Slowly walking outside Fenrir saw the sight of Adam swinging a one handed wooden sword at a mummy that was roughly carved from wood.

Fenrir stalked just behind Adam who was currently too immersed into his training to notice. Fenrir stood just behind Adam and asked, "Why do you train?"

Adam looked a little startled once he saw the newest addition to the orphanage sneak up behind him but quickly turned towards him, "None of your business," he stated coldly while continuing to swing his sword.

Fenrir's attitude however was not perturbed, "Alright fair.. not wanting to state your purpose to someone you just met is completely reasonable. I'm going to be training as well," Fenrir stated the last part offhandingly while he began to walk to another corner of the yard.

Adam merely grunted as he began to shadow a variety of complex sword movements.

The two avoided each other as they trained in silence.


The rest of the day passed slowly as the group of orphans -bar Adam who was watching from the sideline- conversed about several topics and getting to know the new addition to their family. Not that Fenrir actually told them anything about himself as he danced around personal questions.


(A/N: The whole 'system' thing {if you could call it that} isn't going to be very relevant later on in the story. It's mostly just to track the current abilities and condition of the MC)