
A Wolf Sage's Journey *Dropped*

All he ever wanted was the power to decide his fate. Is that truly wrong? He was given the opportunity to gain power and he will damn sure make he gets it. *Dropped due to personal reasons. Sorry for suddenly dropping the story, I personally really enjoyed making it I just have to focus on other things in my life at the moment.*

Foxes_R_Cool · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs



(God of Highschool Universe)

Deep inside of a murky looking sewer with a variety of different insects crawling around.

Even further inside the sewer like caverns was a dimly lit room with a boy sitting directly in the middle. The boy himself locked eyes with the door in front of the room with a mixture of rage and hope. Hope that maybe one day he can be free like everyone else.

A hoarse, self-deprecating laughter escaped the boy's lips as soon as he thought of that. "Freedom is only a false hope. It's my fate to suffer for something I haven't done.. that's bullshit" He repeated what he heard from the other gods who spoke of him.

Looking closer at the boy he was covered in dried bloodstains hiding his features, his long dark blue hair that would normally reach his feat while standing was matted and stiff. The only feature perfectly visible was his bright red eyes that shone through the dim room with intense fervor.

The cause of the bloodstains were evident, abysmally black chains with serrated tips that dug into his skin. Every movement... every time his body twitches, the serrated tips would cut him deeper. To Fenrir himself it is just a reminder.. a reminder that his father is a bastard.

He was the youngest child of two parents, the God Loki and the Jötunn Skadi. His oldest sister, Hel, was cherished as she was a God like her father, even if her left side was remincent of a rotting skeleton; Fenrir didn't mind however as she was a loving sister. His father was only disgusted with his two other children, Jörmungandr and Fenrir.

His mother however, she was the personification of a kind mother. Even though she gave birth his brother whom had snake-like features like some demons and himself who had wolf-like features like some demons, she loved all of them equally.

Fenrir adored his mother and his siblings.. even his father at one point. Loki being the God of Trickery easily deceived Skadi and his children with the façade of a kind father. One day whenever Skadi was hunting in the forests, Odin received a prophecy that shook all of the Realms.

Fenrir and his brother Jörmungandr would be the cause of Ragnarøkkr. Not even seconds after the prophecy was issued his brother was cursed to turn into a large serpent and tossed into the Human Realm's oceans as Fenrir was grabbed in his sleep and tossed into the deepest dungeons in the God Realm.

His mother, desperate to keep her sons safe, vainly attempted to beg Loki and Odin along with the other Gods to free her sons. As soon as she even suggested the idea of freeing the two she was ruthlessly executed on the spot by Odin as Fenrir was forced to watch.


Back to the present time, Fenrir spend years (hundreds) of his time bound by Gleipnir. During these years however he was not idle, he soaked the chains in his blood and binded them to him. Ultimately gaining control over the unbreakable shackles, and today was when he was going to soak the last centimeter with his blood.

After restlessly finishing the task the chains receded into his skin allowing him to finally stand. "And the chains are broken," Fenrir said in a hoarse voice. As he began walking to the doorway to his cell he abruptly stopped.

"How the hell am I supposed to get past Janus?" He thought aloud as he began to strategize how to get past the God of doorways and portals whom was his cell watcher. As soon as he uttered those words however an portal that radiated eternal frost opened below him and he fell through screaming about killing Janus once he's on the other side.


Fenrir crashed into the ground with a loud thud, "Ow," he muttered as he rubbed his back.

"Well hello there," Another voice said right behind him. Fenrir spun violently as he summoned Gleipnir and shot it towards the voice.

"Well that's not a very nice thing to do. Especially to your great-great-grandfather." The old man said as he dodged the chains and began to shed crocodile tears.

Fenrir, not in a very safe mental place, immediately shot towards the old man with sturdy looking claws appeared covering his fingernails as he swung towards the mans throat. "Who are you?" He questioned while his claws were on the tip of the old man's throat.

Seeing the old man staying quiet while still shedding crocodile tears he went for the kill and stabbed forwards. As soon as the dagger made impact with his skin the dagger couldn't even penetrate the man's skin. "Huh?" Fenrir said before the old man snapped his fingers.

Once the old man snapped his fingers the surroundings changed into that of a coffee table with a couch on each side. Fenrir was sitting on one side while the old man was sitting on the other.

Taking a closer look at the old man, he had icy blue skin with cracks running through it replicating wrinkles. Grayish white hair that could only come from either age or birth. The man's facial features clearly showed that if he was still in his youth he would be a very handsome man.

"To answer your earlier question.. I am Ymir!" The old man said proudly. "But you can call me grandpa!" He said while pointing at Fenrir.

"Huh, Grandpa?" Fenrir questioned while looking at the clear lack of hostility in the wizened old man.

"Yes yes! I know I am amazing and my tales have spread across the universes no need to flatter me," The old man said shamelessly while completely ignoring the fact that Fenrir didn't compliment him at all.

"Tales?" Fenrir questioned while tilting his head slightly.

The old man after coming back to reality looked shocked speechless, "How have you NOT heard about my wondrous adventures! I am sure Skadi must have-" He started but was soon cut off by a wave of bloodlust.

"Don't say her name," Fenrir replied harshly while barely constraining himself from attacking the man.

"Ahem. If you would LISTEN.. Skadi is my.. daughter in a sense." The old man paused while scratching his chin, "Making you my grandson! I apologize for bringing her up.. but although she died her soul is very much alive in my realm. All of my dead children's souls live here," He said while a silhouette of his mother appeared behind the old man only to disappear seconds later.

Fenrir had his mouth hanging open, "BRING HER BACK!" He said frantically while pleading to the old man.

Ymir shook his head slightly, "Alright alright. Calm down.. you only have a limited time that I can keep you here so make use of it," he said while snapping his fingers causing Skadi to appear on the couch next to Fenrir. "Also.. you need to take a bath," he said before walking out of the room to give the two some quiet time.

As soon as his mother appeared he leaped into her arms and began to hug her tightly. She quickly reciprocated his hug and started to smile slightly.

His mother had light blue colored hair with a beautiful face. She had a voluptuous body with curves in the right places, like most other Goddesses she was very beautiful. Fenrir inherited most of his looks from his mom, not that it is visible currently, while having a few features that didn't come from either parents. Like his bright red eyes and dark blue hair, Loki has bright green hair.

"I-I *sob* missed you so much," Fenrir said while embracing his mother.

"I know. I'm sorry for leaving you and your siblings," Skadi replied sadly while reminiscing of her other children.

A few minutes passed of silent peace with a few sniffles from Fenrir as he finally separated slightly from his mother. "I heard some rumors from the Gods guarding my cell, Hel hasn't received and harsh treatment as she wasn't in the prophecy thankfully. Jörmungandr however.. he was placed into slumber in the Human Realms seas," Fenrir muttered sadly while thinking of him and his siblings hunting with his mother.

"Shh. It's okay.. one day your brother will be free.. like the rest of you," she said while patting the Fenrir's matted hair. "But before that we should really clean you up," she said while looking specifically at the large amount of blood on his body with a frown. 'At least you're safe here with me,' she thought while picking him up and taking him to the bathroom.


Walking out of the bathroom after 15 minutes of furiously scrubbing down Fenrir, a happy looking mother and a half-dead Fenrir sat down on the couch. The previously dried blood on his skin was completely gone revealing surprisingly smooth skin underneath. Jagged scars ran up from his wrist to his upper arm, same for his legs, chest, and neck. He had silky dark blue hair than ran down to his feet that spiked into random directions and a set of two wolf ears resting on top of his head with the same dark blue color with white fluff. A wolf's tail could be seen swaying slightly from behind him if you looked hard enough. He had feminine facial features he inherited from his mother with deathly pale skin from his time in the dungeon.

(Image on the cover but older (15))

Skadi frowned whenever she examined the body of her youngest, "Hopefully the scars will dissipate after some years," she said while ruffling his now soft wolf ears. Fenrir nodded absent-mindingly while burrowing himself into his mothers embrace.

"How much longer until you have to leave?" He asked with hope that she could stay longer.

Skadi smiled softly, "Only a couple minutes little wolf.. maybe once you get stronger you'll be able to visit more," she said while slightly petting her child.

"Mhm," Fenrir nodded while enjoying the feeling.

After a minute of the comfortable silent atmosphere, the ever jovial Ymir burst through the door. "I'm back bitches-" He was about to continue before Skadi threw him a death glare, "friends." he corrected himself with a cough.

Even though Fenrir was hundreds of years old he was still 'innocent' to an extent, even though he desired nothing more than to rip Odin and his father to pieces.

"Well now that you two have had a touching reunion we have to move onto the reason you're here," Ymir said while looking directly into Fenrir's glowing red orbs. Fenrir tilted his head slightly while giving him a look that was asking for answers.

"If I didn't bring you here you wouldn't have escaped," He answered simply causing Fenrir to grit his teeth in shame. "Oi.. don't be like that pup. You would have to fight hundreds of Gods which you currently aren't prepared for," he soothed.

Fenrir nodded his head reluctantly but continued to dig his nails into his hand. "So, being an amazing grandfather like myself I snatched you as soon as possible. I would have gotten you sooner but those chains.. Gleipnir are very.. VERY difficult to work with. I can't leave my domain so I opted to open a portal for you.. and if I opened it while you were chained.." He paused with a grim look, "You're body would have been destroyed by the foreign divine energy in Gleipnir," He said leaving a grim silence over the three.

He clapped his hand and returned to his jovial mood, "But it doesn't matter now! You made Gleipnir yours by coating it with your blood and energy! Which is really impressive by the way," Ymir said with a smirk.

Fenrir nodded as they appeared in his hands, "It took a while, (500 years), to make them mine but I don't regret it." He says wistfully while feeling his body ache at the mention of the grueling and torturous process of making Gleipnir only his.

Fenrir nodded, "Um.. is there anything else.. g-grandpa?" He said while testing the term.

Skadi immediately clung to her son, "Aw.. you're so cute. Just like when you were a baby~," she cooed. Fenrir blushed slightly in embarrassment while looking at Ymir for help. Ymir simply ignored his suffering and continued to talk.

"There are some more subjects we need to discuss. Like how your physical body hasn't aged a day since they tossed you in there. I'm guessing they placed a ward to halt your body's growth temporarily since the older your body is the more your base power rises for you." Ymir said while gazing at the 12-year old scrawny looking boy who nodded.

"While I know you must be eager for revenge Fenrir, you must remember that you can't drive yourself only on that goal. It will lead you nowhere. Find yourself and good luck, once you get strong enough you can meet us again." Ymir looked at Skadi who nodded.

Skadi dissipated from her spot as an icy blue portal appeared below Fenrir's feet. Before he could even respond to Ymir he fell through.




(A/N: I am going to upload another chapter either today or tomorrow. Also before any of you hardcore history nuts bash me, Skoll and Hati (The wolves who ACTUALLY ate the sun and moon, a.k.a Fenrir's sons in the mythos) Do not exist in this story... yet! So Fenrir is the one prophesied to start Ragnarøkkr and shiz.)

P.S: I decided that Skadi would be the mother instead of Angrboda before you call me out.