
A wizard, ch-3

Fahad was in extreme danger because of a little greed on the way forward with a very well-planned plan. Money and women's greed distract everyone. Then Fahad's goal was to earn about two million pounds and spend the rest of his life on interest on a fixed bank deposit. With great difficulty he was able to deposit only 60,000 pounds in his ATM card.Suddenly, in the lure of some money, he had to put it in a big hole. If anyone realizes that Nicholas has been killed and Fahad is responsible for this, they will tie Fahad alive and leave him in front of their hungry dog. The dogs will tear him to pieces. Fahad's body trembled at the thought of dying in excruciating pain. He has many plans for how to remove Ibn.

There will be no proof if he is kidnapped and taken to the middle of the desert and bitten by a rattlesnake. But it is much harder to do as simple as that. The same Ibn will not want to go voluntarily, nor can he be taken by force. But there are thousands of CCTV cameras in the middle of the city. There is a check post on it. Fahad is thinking of another way.

Ibni used to trade in drugs but never went to the bar. He also refrained from taking drugs. So defeating Ibni was not an easy task. Nicholas set up a healing center to treat gangster members injured in shootings with police. There was a permanent unlicensed doctor working there. The doctor's name was Peter.

Although American, he is a descendant of the Red Indians. Selling a sick patient's kidney at a high price leads to the patient's untimely death. As long as the American FBI investigates and unravels the mystery of the incident, he will leave the country. The American government then revoked his license. Nicholas uses this Peter, The Healing Center had all the tools doctors needed. Fahad takes Peter's help. Fahad wants to know from Peter how to kill without proof.

Fahad knew very well that a person who could kill a patient by selling a kidney after greed would fall into the trap of money. Dr. Peter agreed to offer a large sum of money. The "first aid kit" box can save people's lives, but it can also take lives in a very subtle way, "said Dr. Peter. How ?? Fahad asks in surprise, Peter takes a syringe. He puts some air in the empty syringe,Then Peter enters a room with Fahad. There is a patient named Sattar in the room who has recovered after removing the bullet from the right side of his chest only three days ago. He is still in the hospital waiting for the wound to dry. Peter: Sattar, how are you feeling today? .

Sattar: That's good. Doctor, I wouldn't be alive without you. I didn't go home after coming to this line. I thought I would go home and meet my wife and children after the release. When I was shot, I thought I was dead, I remembered my baby and my wife very much.Thank you very much. I am alive today only for you and your superiors, Doctor. "Sattar's eyes get wet with tears." . Peter: Done, no need to praise. I came to give an injection. The stitches will dry quickly. After lying quietly. After Sattar lay down. Peter pushes the empty syringe-filled air into Sattar's throat. Sattar stopped moving without turning for a minute, his eyes were heavy and he didn't have time.

Death due to cardiac congestive embolism. It is possible to kill a person in this way very easily, even the post-mortem report cannot tell the difference between such a pre-planned heart attack and a normal heart attack. Fahad looks at everything carefully but for Sattar it seems like he is doing something bad. But in the end Dr. Peter asks a question; Who will you kill like this? If you want to kill someone, you can shoot from a blank point with a revolver, you have that much power !!

Fahad could not give an immediate answer and said, I will be a professional killer. Got it !! After Nicholas died, the job was gone, and Ibni couldn't see me either. So this profession I think will not be too bad. Dr. Peter said with a smile that day; Medical science was invented to save lives, and using that medical science will take your life !! Didn't it turn out the other way around ??

Fahad said to himself that day, huh you can call me reverse doctor in that case. Contrary to doctors !! Peter likes the word. Then they both sighed and drank the demonic smile. Sattar's corpse with his eyes open was lying next to him. . . . . As soon as Ibn entered his washroom and closed the door, his nose smelled sweet. Ignoring this sweet smell was Ibn's biggest mistake.Under the influence of chloroform gas, Ibni closes his eyes while sitting on the high commode, while Ibni sits on the high commode while unconscious. At that time Fahad came home. The maid opened the door and said, Ibni is in the washroom. After a long wait, the maid and Ibn's wife knocked on the bathroom door. Without getting a response, he knocked on the door and the door slammed open. Ibn's wife ran to Ibn. Ignorant naked Ibn High is later in the commode. Fahad ran away when he heard the screams. Ibn's wife says, call the doctor as soon as possible. I'm holding her and bringing her to bed. When Ibn's wife ran to the phone, Fahad sent the maid to fetch a towel. Then he took out an empty syringe from his pocket. Fahad wrapped Ibn's undressed body in a towel and placed it on the bed. The doctor comes very quickly. But they are disappointed. Ibn Apar has recently left Maya due to a heart attack. Fahad was not surprised to hear the news. For all intents and purposes, Ibni was a great man.

In fact, Fahad had kept Ibn in strict marking for a few days. Realizing the opportunity, he cuts off the CCTV camera, and attaches a chloroform-rich device to Ibn's bathroom ventilator. Fahad's next task was to spray chloroform by pressing the button on the remote as soon as Ibni entered the bathroom. The rest of the work was also planned that day. He did what is called a peaceful removal.

On the same day, Dr. died of high voltage electric shock. Peter. After hearing the news, Fahad did not go to see Peter's body. In her mind she imagines Peter, Peter, stuck in his own steel rolling chair as soon as he put his hands on it, was stuck there, carefully set with the high voltage electric line chair. After sitting there for a few more minutes, Peter's nose began to emit hot smoke from inside his ears and mouth. If you take your nose to your ears, you will surely find a brain-burning scent.Fahad feels free from a burden now. But the whole work is not over. He has to steal Ibn's mobile. However, Fahad had a thought in his head that his mother Ting Maang had a heart attack. That too was a normal heart attack !!




. . Since Ting Maang was beautiful, Fahad's father's friend used to come to their house almost in the absence of Fahad's father. Didn't like the matter at all. Omar's friend's wife. If Umar's friend wanted to come to Umar's house on any pretext, his wife would also come with him.Umar's friend was a little upset. One day Umar was at work, Fahad was at school. Umar's friend and his wife suddenly appeared. In one word, in two words, they tell a good story. Suddenly Shayla's eyes go to Umar's friend's wife. The skin of any animal might be. When Shayla asks Ting Maang about it, Ting Maang answers, That's what our Lusaids write about black magic. Fahad's father brought the time to rescue Fahad so that no one else could practice these.Shayla's husband Ratul gets a little enthusiastic. Ting Maang wants to know what is written in it. Since Ting Maang could read Lucid's language, he read everything to Ratul and Shaila. Ting Maang himself is surprised. He had never worn these before. So did not know himself. It is clearly written there; "Many years ago, a strong chieftain of Lucide's ancestors pulled out a small blue-lit pendant from a hole in a mountain with a red glow. Finding the locket was not an easy task. That's why he had to deal with thousands of half-snake-half-human-looking soldiers and dead people's trapped spirits.

Although the Lucids once had armies to rule the world, they wasted their energy behind that blue locket instead of running after the country. Because they knew the locket had an extraordinary power. If a person dies, if he is wearing that locket, he will be able to come back to life in a few hours. But as soon as the locket is removed, he will fall into the lap of death again.
