
a wizard

How to an ordinary boy become "Reverse doctor " and about a mysterious locket that change his life.

hibijib · Action
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19 Chs


In this Ratul asks with wide eyes,is it really possible!!Dead people can be kept alive!!Without answering,Ting Maang

thinks about something for a long time .Then she told Ratul and Shayla all about the devils worship and the ritual of sacrifice.

At the end of it all,the three of them discuss,think and reveal the real truth.That is,"The ritual of sacrifice or the worship of the devil was just an event or drama to showing people."

The ability to survive is inside the locket.But fearing that the locket would be stolen,the chieftain introduced the sacrificial system and hid the matter of the locket and foolish the people of lusai tribe.

So that no one can understand the real secret,and the locket is safe with the chief without any risk.

"The old man was such a devil"Shayla said in a hateful voice. Read on Ting Maang,what else is written about the locket,Ratul says in a anxious voice to Ting Maang.

Ting Maang began to re-read the written(words) engraved on the leather(skin).

If you translate what was written in their language,it stands such as,

"The locket not only has the power to keep people alive,it is also has the power to hold back age.If someone died in 25 years old for some reason while wearing the locket,then he will soon come back to life under the influence of the locket and will be stuck at the age of 25 for the rest of his life.As soon as the locket is removed, he will die and his body will return to its original state."

That's why after the death of the chief of lusais, his hair,teath and everything else had fallen out,the skin clung to the bones and looked like a human skeleton.The current police and umar were very surprised to see the body that day.How can a man survived even when he is so old!!

Ting maang startes reading the documents again,

"If a person dies while wearing the locket and his body is completely destroyed,then after a few hours his soul will come out of the body then that soul will enter an intact body as someone has died.But within the next 24 hours,from the previous body the locket must be collected.If not than his soul will immediately leave this world and travel to the world of the dead on the othe side."

Its like that;

Suppose someone wearing the locket dies after being cut under a train and his body is torn in two from the middle,after a while,his soul will come out of that useless body and will continue to look for any intact dead body.As soon it is found,the soul will enter inside the corpse.however,befor 24 hours have passed, you have to take the locket from the previous injured corpse and hung it around your neck.Otherwise,it is very natural for the soul to move to other side after death,it will also do that.

That was the main part of the document written about the locket.The rest was written about the history of the ancestors of Lusai's.They used to organized a wrestling match in their tribe every year.The one who lost was punished by death penalty.The winner of every round, would received large sum of expensive present and a few months worth of food from the chief for his family.Then the strong man who won in the wrestling would be suffocated and killed by the chiefs man.Later using the power of the locket,the soul of the chief would enter the body of the strong man.This is how the rulers of Lusais rule and oppressed for years.




Knowing about these from document(leather) Ting Maang herself was also as surprised as Ratul and Shayla that day.Because she didn't knew anything of these before.But Ting Maang is also very happy and proudly tells Ratul and Shayla, that the famous locket is now with her only son.She added that Fahad knows nothing about these.Ting Maang will tell Fahad everything today.So that this super powerful locket will not inadvertently lost anywhere again.


Playing catch with a glass in hand,Ratul advices Ting Maang:

"What if Fahad were told this now and he starts doing bad things using the power of the locket???"

"Nah,i know fahad.He won't do anything like that."Ting Maang answers.



Suddenly the glass falls down from Ratuls hand.The glass Broke and hit Shaylas left leg.

Immediately blood started dripping from her leg.Ratul did not understand anything.He was distracted by the thought of the locket.He starred at Ting Maang's face in shock.

"Do you have a first aid kit in your house??"Ratul asked in a hushed voice.

"Yes,i am bringing it."said Ting Mazang and rushed inside the room to fetch the first aid box.

Ratul kissed the forehead of Shayla who is humming holding her leg with hands and smiled a cruel smile.



When Fahad returned home after school that afternoon,he found his mother lying on the floor.Fahad ran and jumped on Ting Maag.Ting Maang's body was very cold.Not knowing what to do Fahad called Umar from his home telephone.Umar left the office and rushed to the house, Comes and sees his son is crying while hugging Ting Maang.Stunned Umar also realized at one point that Ting Maang is no more,he started screaming and crying like Fahad.

Ting Maang died due to a heart attack,according to the medical report.

Several days passed after Ting Maangs death.

Ratul and Shayla almost come to Umars house.Their affection for Fahad,who lost his mother,seems to have increased a lot.Shayla cooked different dishes and fed it to fahad.Ratul also used to love him a lot.But one day what does Shayla thinks as she pulled the blue locket from Fahads neck and puts it inside her fist.

Fahad was then 16 years old.Fahad immediately screamed,

"Why did you take the locket from my neck???Give it to me now."

Shayela:Honey,wearing it will damage your body.I am taking it.Take it when you grow up.

Fahad immediately runs to Shayla.

"This is the locket given by my mother.Nothing happened to me for those many years.And nothing will happen.Give it to me back!!!"

Shayla is reluctant to give the locket.She had a small scuffle(fight) with Fahad.At one point,one of Fahads hand accidentally went and touch on one of Shayla's breast.Shayla immediately kicked Fahad in the lower abdomen.Fahad dropped 2 or 3 hands behind his back and looted.He grabs his belly and sobbing in pain.Shayla runs towards the door with the locket.A glass vase was placed on the table.Despite suffering from severe abdomen pain,Fahad slowly

somehow went to the table,picked up the vase and threw it at Shayla.The vase flew behind Shaylas head.Shayla looted in front of the door.The vase fell to the floor and shattered into pieces.

A calmed voice come out of Fahad's mouth;"Bitch"

After being kicked hard in the lower abdomen,Fahad felt as if his entrails were all torn.His stomach was throbbing in pain.But he slowly crawled torwards Shayla's looted body.Fahad took the locket in his hand and pressed it in his chest and started crying.He complained to his mother on the other side with arrogance.It took a while for Shayla to regain consciousness,she left fahads house immediately.When Umar returnes home that night,Fahad told his father everything.Umar just listened quietly.

He doesn't seems to believe it.Ratul has no shortage of money. He also thinks in his mind,she is also human.So maybe she couldn't handle the greed of a golden chain.Umar took the matter quite normally .However after this incident,Fahad could not see(like) Shayla and Ratul at all.Several days passed in a disorderly manner.Umar stays outside,does not cooked at home.Meanwhile,nowadays it is also hard to get a housemaid to work. Altogether,there days passes in bad terms.

Fahads problem with his father starts when Fahad finds out that Umar will marry Ratul's sister-in-law.Fahad finds Ratul and Shayla unbearable.

And one of them would come and use everything owned by Fahads own mother,which he could not accept this at all.

Although there was a lot of argument with his father about this.Umar did not pay much attention to Fahads word because he was young. You can takes the most care of your own mother by yourself.Even though Umar started to take care of everything without Ting Maang, Fahad was in disarray from the inside.He would fall asleep at night crying while holding his mothers locket.Meanwhile ratul conspired umar to marry his sister-in-law.

Ratuls sister-in-law was a call girl.She used to earn money by spending nights with businessman in hotels.

To get the only locket,Ratul tricked Umar and puts his sister-in-law in Umar's house.Ratul's sister-in-law is never satisfied with one man.So at first she did not agree to spend the rest of her life with Umar.

However the cunning Ratul advised that after the locket was handed over,some obnoxious videos made with other men should be handed over to Umar.Umar will not taken a moment to divorce after knowing everything. This way,the snake will die but the stick will not break.


Writer:Hasibul Islam Fahad

translator:me(current uploader)

**Sorry for the mistakes.pls support me and my hard work.**