
The Final Battle

[The Nakagami Athames- [+40,00 HP] [+ 5,000 MP] [+30% ATC] [+20% DEF] [+20% Accuray] [+25% Crit] [+10% Heal Out] [+15% Stun resist] [+25% armor Piercing]

[The Nakagami Foot Gear- [+ 35,000 HP] [+ 4,500 MP] [+25% ATC] [+20% DEF] [+20% Accuray] [+25% Crit] [+10% Heal In] [+20% Stun resist] [+20% armor Piercing]

[The Nakagami Crown- [+45,000 HP] [+ 4,000 MP] [+25% ATC] [+25% DEF] [+20% Accuray] [+25% Crit] [+10% Heal In] [+20% Stun resist] [+15% armor Piercing]

[The Nakagami Ring- [+35,000 HP] [+ 6,000 MP] [+ 20% ATC] [+30% DEF] [+20% Accuray] [+25 Crit] [+10% Heal Out] [+10%% Stun resist] [+15% armor Piercing]

[The Nakagami Armor- [+51,000 HP] [+ 5,000 MP] [+20% ATC] [+40% DEF] [+20% Accuray] [+25% Crit] [+10% Heal In] [+20% Stun resist] [+15% armor Piercing]

[The Nakagami Halberd- [+35,000 HP] [+ 3,000 MP] [+40% ATC] [+30% DEF] [+20% Accuray] [+25 Crit] [+10% Heal out] [+10% Stun resist] [+30% armor Piercing]

[The Nakagami Amulets- [+35,000 HP] [+ 4,500 MP] [+30% ATC] [+20% DEF] [+20% Accuray] [+25% Crit] [+10% Heal Out] [+15% Stun resist] [+25% armor Piercing]

[The Nakagami set Bones- [2 sets- [+50% ATC] [+50% DEF] [Armor Piercing +50%]

[4 sets- [+10,000% to HP Recovery] [+10,000% to MP Recovery]

[5 sets- [+1 Nakagami Blade] [+1 Nakagami Shield] [+1 Super Sharpened Blade]

[6 sets- [Copy]

[Nakagami Blade]- cast 1 universal blade upon a target, the target's next outgoing spell would have 50% greater power.

[Nakagami Shield]- Cast 1 Universal Shield upon a target, the target's next incoming damage would have 90% less damage

[Super Sharpened Blade]- Enchant a blade spell to have +15% more power.

[Copy]- allows one to copy the magic one sees, one must first know what they are copying first. if the magic copied news requirements that the user doesn't meet, the user would not be able to use the magic copied. up to 6 magic can be copied at most,

Sora stood while looking at himself in the mirror, The Nakagami Armor is an elegant armor composed of a short blue robe trimmed gold which is largely open in the middle, revealing Sora 8 packs.

This armor comes equipped with a large halberd with a golden circular hand guard in the center. The blade is quite large with a semi-circle of small rhombuses on the other side. A purple cloth is tied right below the blade.

When Sora was building this armor, he wanted something capable of killing the names, which is why he gave this gear set the name, The Nakagami Armor, the armor of course came with some unique abilities which the system didn't show.

one, due to the armor's high defense, it's capable of nullifying most magic. meaning, if your attacks can't pierce through the armor defense, they shall be nullified. Sora also took into account magic which was not attacked-based, even they shall be nullified if they came near this armor.

Sadly, because of this, this armor uses up a huge amount of magical energy, just having it now made Sora feel as if he had summoned an army of summons. it was using a huge amount of his Mana, at most he saw himself fighting within this armor for about 30 minutes, and that would be him making sure he was not using much Mana.

just standing there, he saw himself staying there for about 2 hours or so before this armor sucked him dry,

Of course, Sora didn't feel like crafting new armor each time he got strong, and outgrown armor, so he had this armor be linked to him. the stronger he gets, the stronger this armor shall become, and of course, that was not everything.

the Halberd could cut apart time and space, thanks to its armor-piecing capability, it was so high that Sora light cut his hand off if he so much as tapped the blade onto his arm.

'Only at level 118, with this armor, I should be at level 200... even higher if I summon, although that would shorten the time I can have this armor. I should see what level of strength the summons I could now summon with this.' Sora thought with a smile, as he put on his hands 9 more rings, which only further boost his power, but mostly his Mana, meaning he could have this armor on for far longer, after putting 3 more Amulets, and 1 more Athames, Sora looked at his statues window.

{Name: Sora

Age: 19/ immortal

HP: {92,000/510,000}

Mana: {7,05/50,000}

Level: 119 {89/2,500,000]

School: [Fire] [Ice] [lightning] [Myth] [Life] [Death] [Balance] [Star] [Sun] [Moon] [Shadow]


Damage: [Fire- 410%] [Ice- 400%] [Lightning- 420%] [Myth- 395%] [Life- 390%] [Death- 410%] [Balance- 410%] [Star- 360%] [Sun- 360%] [Moon- 360%] [Shadow- 360%]

Resistance: [Fire- 400%/ 500] [Ice- 400%/ 400] [Lightning- 430%/ 500] [Myth- 410%/ 450] [Life- 400%/ 200] [Death- 410%/ 405] [Balance- 410%/ 500] [Star- 380%/ 400] [Sun- 380%/ 350] [Moon- 280%/ 350] [Shadow-380%/ 500]

Accuracy: [Fire- 270%] [Ice- 280%] [Lightning- 300%] [Myth-280% ] [Life- 300%] [Death- 280%] [Balance- 290%] [Star- 240%] [Sun- 240%] [Moon- 240%] [Shadow-240%]

Critical chances: [Fire- 350%] [Ice- 350%] [Lightning-350%] [Myth- 350%] [Life- 350%] [Death- 350%] [Balance- 350%] [Star- 300%] [Sun- 300%] [Moon- 300%] [Shadow- 300%]


Healing In and Out: [60%/60%]

Stunning Resistance: [210%]

Armor Piercing: [375%]

It had been much since Sora got ready to make this armor, and with many races entering this realm, Sora got to get many unique ores from the races to add to the armor. the tree of life even gave him its branches, allowing Sora to add them to his equipment, and adding the many ores found around the demon realm, Sora had created an overpowered armor,

normally within the game, armor like this would have a level requirement, but as it was linked to Sora, the requirement didn't hold. if someone else were to wear this armor, that is if they were capable of withstanding the energy the armor consumes, then maybe they would use a bit of the armor's power. not even Sora

"Well, let's get ready for battle. first, we must kill Irene," Sora said calmly as he turned back to look at the elites here. the 7 lords of sins, Iris, elves leader, fairy king, frost giant king, and so on. it was been months since they all came to the demon realm, and they all god slayer magic,

"Iris is no longer within Dragnof, but I'm sure she would come running to save her kingdom once she hers it under attack... but what are we to do with this Acnologia?" Iris said softly, Sora rubbed his chin for a moment before shrugging.

"I will deal with that, once Irene arrives, she shall die," Sora said calmly, Irene's strength was even scaring him slightly, he had a month to get ready for the second round, but so did she, what level was she at now? 120? 130? or higher? whatever it was, it didn't matter much, he could now fight someone at level 200 without the need for summons

"... You will not be able to kill Irene." iris said softly, making Sora's eyebrow raise as he looked at her, everyone also turned towards the little girl who simply pointed towards the sky.

"the gods would not allow that to happen, and that's even more so after what the last demon lord did. we can expect that the gods have something planned for Irene. Irene is their shield, so they would make sure their shield is strong. they might even add extra layers to their shield" She said making Sora's eyebrow raise as he nodded in understanding.

"What are the heroes in the other parallel worlds up to?" Sora asked, making Greed and the others have an awkward look, as they have not found the parallel heroes. Sora thought for a moment, before getting up,

"Next week, then I shall go on a slaughter while Irene is forced on her home, the 7 lords of sins will focus on that battle. I will be fighting the gods, you guys use the weapons I gave you, let's just end this world with one go. my thought protection would handle Acnologia." Sora said stunning all of them,

"you alone want to face off against the gods?" Iris asked, to which Sora shook his head.

"I have my minions, plus i'm going to work on a sealing spell I have been working on. if things work well, then I would no longer have to worry about the gods for some time and kill irene without having to worry about a thing. of course, it would be best if you all draw her attention and kill her before I return." Sora said calmly, the group looked at each other before nodding, they were strong, and not weak.

Sora sighed softly before looking at his current mission, the last mission he completed a few days back, and now the system has given him a new mission.

[New Quest- You are now a demon lord, yet have only killed a few low-rank gods, that is embarrassing. how would you show your face if word of this gets out? kill a High Ranking God, it shouldn't be that hard with them being injured. although the fact that they are immortal is going to be troublesome. Luckily you are of the Life and Death School, so you could bypass most people who are immortal

Reward- [Detonate] [Snow Drift] [Enfeeble] [Shift] [Mass Infection] [Mass Triage] [Mana Burn]

of course, even with Sora's current strength, he was not sure he could defeat a high god, that is if a high god was at full strength. but before he reaches a true god, he would first have to pass a bunch of low, and Mid gods, So, the system was pretty much forcing him to slaughter more beings a level up quickly.

So, with that out of the way, Sora went to plan out the upcoming attack on the gods. While he was planning and going through the powers the gods held, Sora's eyebrows raised as someone hugged him from behind.

"What Is it, Lust?" Sora asked calmly, with the past month's events, he pretty much gained the loyalty of the 7 sins, and Lust has been making moves towards him ever since.

"you have been working the hardest for the past few months, shouldn't you at least take a day or two to allow your desires to run look." She asked softly, Sora's eyebrow tightened at her words, indeed he had been training hard.

He had many thought projections training under Malistaire, His thought projections outside getting more people to join the demon realm, and more. even reached this new stage of immortality, he could do more things since he no longer needed, food, water, sleep, or even air,

But indeed, was the stressed out. he was tired, he wanted nothing more than to lose his eyes right now and sleep, but he couldn't sleep. the only way for him to sleep is if someone or himself cast a sleep upon himself and makes him sleep by force. or he could be like the gods, be so badly injured that a deep slumber is needed to rest and heal.

'I'm going the same thing all over again... overworking myself and no rest. if this goes up, I will overwork myself to death. damn, I haven't had time to enjoy life yet... sigh, it seems like I was born to work.' Sora thought with a deep frown, he closed his eyes for a moment, thinking of what he should do with this new realization,

"Sure, I will take up your order," Sora said as he closed the book, like the past said, the hero and demon lord would kill each other. If that was the case, Sora should enjoy this life before he breathed his last. He didn't fear death or anything of the king. he feared living for so many years, and all of that was forced on others and little on himself.

Lust froze slightly at Sora's words, she didn't expect Sora to agree just like that, but she smiled. she never did it with a demon lord before... and so the two took it to Sora's room, where they went on to enjoy themselves.

the next day, Sora looked at Lust in his hands. sex with Lust was nothing like Sex with Irene. with Irene, it was warm and special. but with Lust... it was just for pure pleasure.

"want to go for round 15?" Lust asked after a moment of rest, Sora had good stamina, something which was rare to find. adding the fact that Sora took the time to read a bunch of books into this subject, and he and Irene both learned about this new thing together, Sora knew what he was doing.

"I must be the first person your magic doesn't affect," Sora said with a slight smile, Lust was the type of woman to enjoy herself. but normally, the people she does it with would be under her charm, but with Sora, he wasn't under her charm, leading to him lasting far longer than anyone else.

"You're special..." She said while licking her lips, her tail wrapping around Sora dragons, while she got up on him.

"this time I will make you moan." She said with a burning determination in her eyes, Sora didn't like moaning. which greatly annoyed her, how could she allow him to walk away without moaning? plus, liquid boosted her magic power by a lot, he might be weaker than her, but the mana within him was unique in ways she couldn't put a finger on.

After 2 more rounds, Lust found herself unable to keep going. So, Sora left her to rest while he went out. he had 6 days now, he should keep 3 more days just enjoying himself. but first, he should do something, the first was to weaken the Poison of the Tree, and break the curses, with his newfound strength, this would not be that hard.

and indeed, it went smoothly. Julia's real body came out of the painting world, and in joy, she threw herself at Sora. Sora being happy for her, hugged her back. the for the longest, Julia wanted to regain her real body, this way she could do everything she can do with a real body, and Sora had given her that chance.

But she would not be Julia if she didn't try to take this moment to sleep with Sora, and with Sora wanting to enjoy life, didn't refuse. although stunned, Julia was even more so happy... and so a few hours later, Sora went to find Medura,

upon finding her, Sora removed her curse and went on to do the same time to the others, and lastly, he stopped at the tree of life, where he weakened the curse to 65%, which was a huge improvement from when it was at 80%,

Now, with all that of the way, Sora spent the next few days living like how one might live if they thought they were going to die. he lived a worried-free life, enjoying himself without worries. of course, he made some mistakes, he got drunk and ended up finding himself in bed with Iris, which was something he didn't want. in his eyes, Iris was but a little sister. So, after that day, he promised he saw never drink again. which disappointed Iris slightly.

and so, the 7th day arrived. Sora looked at Sakura, Sam, and Sean. his siblings have healed a long ago, and Sora had removed parts of their memories of that past events, for the past few months, Sakura started a business which shall be the only type of store or something like that within the demon realm,

Sam rebuilt the adventure guild, which pushed the demons to be more helpful toward each other for pay. and Sean went to the fairy's forest, where she spent the months there training, his grandfather was also here, along with Iris, Lords of Sins, and many more.

"Thanks." Sora nodded slightly as Iris gave him some tea to drink, after drinking it, he put the cup down and pointed towards the map, where he went over the new plans he and the others have came over.

the plan had gone through many changes, but this was the new plan. while Sora seals away the heavenly realm, they were to attack the mortal realm across every parallel world all at once, this would force the heroes to have to choose, between the mortal realm, or the heavenly realm.

of they pick the heavenly realm, which would leave their home world free and guardless, while the gods empty for an attack once the humans are slaughtered. if they pick the humans, the heavenly realm shall be sealed away, leaving the mortal realm free from Sora's attack.

to ensure victory, Sora was going to send through projections to every battlefield, and at the same time, he shall be taking Iris, Lust, and Gluuteny with him to the heavenly realm,

Iris was most skilled with illusions, and with her being the number one mage capable of creating illusions, she could even fool those high gods. Lust can charm those gods, and gluttony and eat anything,

it was a team built on buying Sora time for him to seal the heavenly realm. at which point, he shall kill Irene... if she didn't die at the hands of the others.

of course, Sora would not wait until he is on the battle build to cast spells. once everyone set off, he would leave 10 minutes later with all the spells cast upon himself that he would need for this upcoming battle.

Iris was the one who came up with most of the plans, her mind was something Sora valued greatly, and adding her and him at the same time was an overpowered combo.

"... how can Iris be so sure that Irene would pick her Kingdom over the gods," Green asked, he had been displeased with Iris for the longest. Sora used to ask him questions, but it turned towards this human.

"Irene is for her people. as Princesses, she grew up seeing her people as a family, no matter what, she would not stand aside and watch as her family dies," Iris said seriously, Sora nodded slightly, if Irene were to pick the gods over her people, that would have been too much of a shock. that would be like her betraying the human race,

"Snort." Green didn't say anything else, it's not like he knew Irene to say much on this subject, and so with that everyone got ready to head off, and Sora began casting many shields, and cast [SuperCharge], he planned to cast 3 off these upon himself, plus countless others