
The Adventures Guild

with his history out of the way, Sora went on to begin training, his grandmother was a human and didn't know about his grandfather's background. it was unclear what his grandfather thought of her, as for Brandon, he became Sora's mage teacher while his grandfather taught Sora to strengthen his physical body,

A mage's physical body was weak, they were nothing without magic, but this is where demons overshadowed the humans. they had a stronger bodies than others. normal blades and weapons were not enough to kill them, although Sora was 25% demon, his physical body was far weaker than pure blood.

even so, it gave Sora an upper hand against normal humans, humans were unique as they could learn all types of magic, and they were created by the gods. it was said that Adam was born with the unique magic to copy and cancel all magic within this world, this ability was passed down in a weaker form through the remaining humans.

Sora didn't simply train, he had to take the throne, and the demons were willing to support him all the way through. So, learning about his siblings and knowing their strengths and weaknesses were the basics.

At the same time, Sora needed to get the support of the other families, it was the families who would be backing a prince or princess, without anyone backing them and pushing them toward the throne the chances of them taking the throne were harder said than done.

but with his grandfather, it was harder for many people to join his side. because of this, Sora turned his attention to something else. who was he? as a person from another world, so he should use this to let the people realize that he was nothing like his grandfather.

so, he went on to do many things in the following weeks after arriving two this world, the first thing he did was create his own story, with his grandfather's money, he went on to bring food and treats from another world into this world,

his grandfather had eaten the things known as Ice cream, which he luckily knew how to make as he once worked at an ice cream shop. his grandfather at first thought this was the best thing he had ever eaten until Sora give him the drawback of this.

so, a new plan was made, if Sora fail, he will give this to all of the powerful human mages, making them so fat that they are harmless. but that plan was put to the side,

Sora went on to create many more treats, such as cakes, cookies, and many more. so, Sora's shop became famous in the blink of an eye, and everyone from all over the kingdom wanted to try it. but only rick could taste something so heavenly.

As the owner, Sora had to greet all of the high-ranking members who came to eat, so he quickly made connections. His grandmother took this opportunity to try and get Sora a wife, just because he was a child didn't mean he couldn't be married off to someone to form and strengthen connections. but so far, Sora hasn't gotten a wife or something like that, many wanted to see what more this kid could do.

and Sora went to show them, after spreading out the restaurant. having branches all over the raging Cloud city, which was the city his grandfather managed, it got the name thanks to his short temper which could change the color of the cloud.

anyways, after spreading out the restaurant, Sora had collected enough money to move on with something he was calling the adventures guild. this guild would take in anyone, from normal people or powerful mages, these mages would take guild millions, allowing them to make an earning while at the same time supporting the kingdom.

the concept was simple, those within the kingdom request something. if a village was in trouble, they ask the guild for help, and the guild would go over the request before giving it a grade, and depending on the grade, it would depend on the pay. the person who quests the mission would, of course, be the one paying, and the guild would take 10% of the reward,

at the same time, those within the guild could hunt monsters that have been causing trouble and bring back their bodies to the building to be sold, they shall be paid far higher than in other places. at the same time, the higher the rank one is, would depend on how much one would be paid in months,

the ranks would be split into D, C, B, A, and S ranks. starting with D rank, they would be paid 10 silver gold a month, which is enough for one person to live about 2 weeks with, even more, if they can best spend their money.

a C-rank adventure shall be paid 50 silvers. which could allow two people to live a whole month and more without worrying about anything.

a B rank adventurer shall be paid 100 Silver or one gold coin a month, which could allow a normal household for a month, this would be a child, wife, and yourself. sure, there might be some struggles, but you would get through and you and your family shall sleep without worries.

A rank adventure shall be paid 5 gold coins a month, which could allow a household of up to 5 or so to live months without worry. this is the type of pay one could expect to allow one to save up for a good house and retire without worries.

S rank adventure shall be paid 15 gold coins a month, which would make them rich, it was almost like getting paid over 50k a month.

of course, to do there were many things they would need to do, for each rank there was a unique badge holding up to 5 stars, once a person does the needed number of missions, they would be able to take the test to rank up. each star would increase the pay. the pay listed above was only the basic,

lastly, for every job a person does, the guild would take 10%, this is how the guild planned to make the money to pay everyone every month. at the same time, every guild member must do at least 3 missions a month unless they have a good reason not to do it, if they don't do missions, their pay shall but cut,

there was also a fee for putting up a mission, which just brought in more incoming. there were of course benefits to being an adventure, free health care, free dental care, and many more.

so, with news of such a good thing appearing within this world, be it those homeless, or those seeking a job, they rushed over to the guild hall to register. as for the first month, registering was free.

On the first day alone, over 50 people have become adventurers, and of course, there were missions up and ready to be done. thanks to the connections Sora had made with the restaurant, many famous households had already put-up missions for them to do,

it was the basic missions, cutting grass, housing the houses, taking care of one's pet, and going out to take care of something bothersome, like picking up food for them.

those who were putting up missions had nothing to worry about, and that was because those who dared act up would be punished with death. this was within the agreement they signed, Sora would not face any backlash because of this, he only needed a good reason. of course, if the person in trouble thought they did nothing wrong, they would bring it before a 3rd party.

the adventure guild started slow, only those people with money to spend bothered to request a mission, but they saw the usefulness of such a thing. it was when a village that was being attacked by my sea monster sought help from the guild, it was the first B-rank mission, and Brandon is the only person who could take such a mission stepped forward and went to handle the monsters.

The villagers were moved upon seeing this, the pay to hire them was only 500 silver. that was so cheap, it was like paying $30,000 for someone to come save your village, a cheap amount for a whole village to put together. even if everyone put together 500, only 60 people would be needed to pay for this mission, but a village could have hundreds if not thousands of people, and this was super easy to pay for

News of this spread and villages and cities hearing this soon began putting up missions, form guards to protect them when they enter a dangerous forest, to missions about adventures to help them collect herbs,

Brandom for a time was overworked, but it didn't take long for mages doing missions to start ranking up and help share the burden. those who do the highest rank within each rank were given rewards, be it extra pay, or get weapons that could increase their power.

{Name: Sora

Age: 4/60

HP: {1,750/1750

Mana: {88/88}

Level: 35 {984/18,220]

School: [Fire] [Ice] [lightning] [Myth] [Life] [Death] [Balance] [Star] [Sun] [Moon] [Shadow]


Damage: [Fire- 15] [Ice- 25] [Lightning- 10] [Myth- 5] [Life- 5] [Death- 5] [Balance- 5] [Star- 5] [Sun- 5] [Moon- 5] [Shadow- 5]

Resistance: [Fire- 5%/ 5] [Ice- 5%/15] [Lightning- 5%/5] [Myth- 5%/5] [Life- 5%/5] [Death- 5%5] [Balance- 5%/5] [Star- 5%/5] [Sun- 5%/5] [Moon- 5%/5] [Shadow-5%/5]

Accuracy: [Fire- 7] [Ice- 10] [Lightning- 5] [Myth- 6] [Life- 3] [Death- 5] [Balance- 6] [Star- 0] [Sun- 0] [Moon- 0] [Shadow-0]

Critical chances: [Fire- 0] [Ice- 0] [Lightning- 0] [Myth- 0] [Life- 0] [Death- 0] [Balance- 0] [Star- 0] [Sun- 0] [Moon- 0] [Shadow-0]


Healing In and Out: [1/0]

Stunning Resistance: [2%]

Armor Piercing: [0%]

well, it would be hard to understand what these stats meant, this was even more so since they were now different from the game stats.

Damage- this is for the boost of damage your spell does, it also boosts the summoning type spells which summon a Frost Beetle. with this spell, if the Beetle could only do 10 damage, but your Ice Damage was 10, then that Ice Beetle would have a damage output of 20. this goes for the attack spell you cast as well.

Resistance- this is the resistance you have towards incoming damage. as you noticed there were two numbers. one is the percentage, and the other is how much is subtracted from an attack, let's say 5%, an attack that would have done 20 damage would only do 4, and with 5 resistances, that attack would do anything to Sora.

Accuracy- this is the chance you have for your spell to be cast and for it to fail, for the basic Fire Beetle, has an accuracy chance of 80% even for those who had a good understanding of the spell. but with their ice accuracy is... 20, that would increase that 80% to 100%, making it so they could never frizzle the spell unless outside forces act to get in the way,

this of course isn't a way, your accuracy stat could be 100%, but if you try and cast a new spell you don't understand, you will frizzle until you have a good understanding of it.

Critical chances- well it's the chances that the spell you cast has its damage output double, let's say you summon an ice Beetle, if your lucky and it's a crit, then the Ice Beetle would be twice as strong, yet still cast the same amount of Mana.

Healing In and Out- "Healing in" gives you a bigger boost to the healing spells cast on you. "Healing out" boosts the healing spells you cast. If you have both in and out and cast a healing spell on yourself, you will get an even bigger boost.

Stunning Resistance- as the name suggests, this stat would increase your resistance toward spells that stun you. in the game, it would cause you to be unable to cast spells for a few rounds, but in the real world, it would leave you paralyzed. the time in which you are paralyzed depends on the caster and your resistance. the higher your resistance, the bigger the chances of 3 things happening.

1- you break out of the paralyzed state much faster

2- you resist the stun effect,

3- you are immune to the stun effect

Armor Piercing- as the name suggests, this allows one to piercer through one defense. the resistance stat could be troublesome if one has them at 99%/1,000, this will allow you to ignore part of that.

for example, you cast a spell that would do 20 damage, but your enemy resistance stat is 50%/10. your spell would do no damage to them at that point, but if your armor Piercing is at 60%, then their resistance would drop to 0%/9. meaning your attack would do 11 damage.

the piercing effect is like an arrow, it could have enough power to pierce through a wall and shield, but its power would be used up by the time it reaches the target body.