
Sora Attack The Kingdom

Anna and her father had deep frowns while looking at the castle before them, but they soon saw the city guards, and soldiers suddenly begin to surround the place, even those from their rivals, the Bradley household had gathered, surrounding them as well.

"you support a king from another kingdom to attack one of our nobles, do you know how serious this crime is?" Bald Bradley, the family head of the Bradley family yelled while looking at Anna's family.

"I acted on my own." from the surrounding mansion, Sora's voice sounded as he walked out with a bunch of females who were in robes to hide their naked bodies, the guards surrounding the mansion were stunned seeing this scene, some of the females here they have seen on missing posters, so, of course, they were stunned

"your kingdom is fucked up, for a noble to have a dungeon where he even has children locked away," Sora said softly with a shake of his head, the guards were stunned, as guards their job was to keep the peace, but to find out that their bosses were supporting the chaos they were fighting,

"lies, how could the nobles do such crimes? take him down before he spread more lies," The captain of the guards yelled while pointing forward towards Sora, the guards pointed their spears while stepping forward, the females seeing this all got scared, and they all got closer to Sora,

"lies? do you think they are acting? but then again, you guards are taught to act, and not think, so of course you can easily be controlled by your captains, who know more than all of you. you fools are all controlled," Sora said with a shake of his head, the guards' eyes narrowed slightly, and some of them were hesitating, they could tell something was off, their captain was acting off, and at the same time, those females were not acting.

"go on, attack me... but those who are not sure about this matter, stay away as I don't want to kill the wrong person," Sora said calmly, not bothered at all that he was surrounded,

"You a king are talking about killing those of the golden dragon empire? take him down." Bald Bradley yelled coldly. with that, the guards stepped forward, Sora's hand flashed as his wand appeared in his hands, seeing this they rushed forward before they could attack.

Sora slammed his staff down onto the ground, and with that action, a layer of ice appeared on the ground and spread out, everyone seeing this fell backward., and an ice wall was formed, blocking them. this gave Sora time to summon a creature to fight,

and So, a Fire Dragon was summoned before everyone's eyes, the Dragon let out a roar, as it landed next to Sora. everyone seeing this quickly fell backward in horror, they looked at this in shock, how could summon a dragon?

Sora waved his hands, and the group floated up and onto the dragon's back, the group of females was scared, and seeing this, Sora turned to look at them

"what do you have to fear when I am protecting you? not even the gods themselves would lay their hands upon you." Sora said with a smile, his blue hair blue heavily into the sky as the dragon flew up into the sky, the female's eyes widened while looking at this, and their eyes brightened slightly moved by Sora's action

But Sora didn't have time to pay attention to them for too long, he already used up a huge amount of Mana later on today, although some of that was recovered, he didn't even have 50% of his mana,

"Today, If this king doesn't hear a public apology from the king himself, this kingdom shall fall from 3rd place to 15th place." Sora's voice boomed, and was heard across the whole kingdom, following that, the sky turned dark as within the sky a giant with a white beard pocked his head, this was Storm lord, a 7 pip summon spell,

it currently could deal 3,700 damage to a target, and with a hit, the target would be stunned and paralyzed, although this was for every hit. each time the target is paralyzed, they would have a stunning block which would make it so the next time they are about to be stunned, they block it.

Everyone within the kingdom could clearly see this and were horrified, seeing Storm lord along with the equally huge dragon. but the dragons raised into the sky, rushing to handle this trouble that have came to their kingdom, dragon riders were on the dragon's back, ready for a battle.

Sora seeing this snorted, looking down he saw that Anna and the others might be in trouble, he hated doing this small, so he might as well show off his true power. casting more blades upon himself, he went on to cast [Frost Giant] [Fire Dragon] [Storm Lord] [Orthrus]

and so, 5 of each were summoned, all having strengthened at least at 2,500, Sora had one of the fire dragons look at Anna and her father, while she deal with the incoming army, which had slowed upon seeing this,

"What is the meaning behind this?" the captain of the dragon army said with a dark face while looking at Sora, he had no idea what was happening, but it was clear that it was something he couldn't take on so easily,

"So, today I Sora have come to your kingdom, but I stumbled upon a noble who does around trafficking women of all ages. torture them until their wills are broken so he could take their souls and put them into puppets... I don't know about you guys, but that sounds like the action of a devil." Sora said calmly before he pointed toward the female behind him.

"they were saved by me, and one of them belonged to an orphanage that Anna looked after, Anna is a friend of mine, meaning this fire here is my friend. So, seeing this I'm pissed. your kingdom is looking down upon this king, not even bothering to show me any hint of face. if your king personally doesn't apologize to these ladies and Anna. I will start a slaughter." Sora asked with a cold look, the head captain's face turned dark, he knew who Sora was, who didn't know of the person who had a hint of God's blood?

but this king wanted to have their king do what? surely, he was looking down upon their kingdom a bit too much, Sora smiled slightly while looking at them.

"no need to have such a look, once I slaughter a few dragons, you king will understand the rumors he heard about me were true. stating with his trusted knight seems like a good start," Sora said as he cast a few trap spells,

down below, Anna was unwilling to let Sora fight for her all alone, jumping down, she landed next to the water which the storm shark was within, and used that water to summon Aquarius, as Aquarius appeared, her attention was quickly caught by a huge amount of energy within the sky.

looking up, she saw a huge red, two-headed dog roaring at the sky, the sky turned dark as the moon strangling appeared, having a creepy smile. souls of the dead suddenly rained from the sky, entering the dragon's and knights' bodies, the group wanted to defend against this, but this magic was too strange and they were quickly killed starting with their souls,

although a few of them managed to react face enough and attacked the souls, they were overwhelmed by the pure number of the souls, and they still suffered huge damage, leading them to fall to the ground, their souls took huge damage

"Now, where is the king?" Aquarius's eyes widened while seeing the many dragons falling to the ground, and through it all, Sora's calm voice sounded, as if this was nothing. she remembered seeing this scene, Sora almost killed her back then. although celestial spirits couldn't die, as they would return to the celestial spirit world if they suffer enough damage, this 2 headed wolf managed to bypass that

"I will give you 1 minute," Sora said calmly as he pulled out rings, which he began putting onto each finger, each finger was flashy and was something Sora didn't like, just one was enough.

there was the ring of recovery, a ring that boosts a person's overall HP, MP, Recovery Capability of HP and MP by 500%, and In/out Healing. Sora had 2 of such rings, so his recovery speed would increase to 1,500%, meaning every minute he recovers 15 MP,

there were other MPs, some forced on recovery, others Boosted every Stats, while others had 1 type of thing they were forced on improving. with all 10 rings on, Sora put on 4 Amulets, he could only have 5 at most. and lastly, he took out an Amulets, he could at most have 2 Amulets.

for the robes, heat, and footwear, there could only be one of each. so, fully geared up for an all-out battle, Sora wanted for a moment to pass. he looked down at the kingdom below, where the citizens were running in panic, but they had already been moved away from the danger zoon,

as for the dragon and knights which were out of Sora's range, they were lucky to cry to move, just one of the summons did this, what about the rest? they would have to gather their whole army for this... no, only the dragons would be of some use,

Soon, Sora saw a royal of elite guards moving forward, and leading them was the king himself, wearing a golden dragon, he seriously looked at Sora and the 20 summons,

"I believe you already know why am doing this, so, are you a smart ruler or are you willing to have your kingdom become a vassal kingdom once I take your head," Sora asked with a cold smile, the king's face was dark at Sora words. did Sora think he had absolute power to control all of the nobles?

"I had no idea of the action of the nobles, you have no right to act outside of your..." the king was caught off by Sora.

"I act wherever I want, I do whatever I want. and don't give me that shit, I took the time to take a few papers of Johnson before killing him, think for a moment that I care about the public view on me, and your head would be rolling. as king, you turn a blind eye to your citizen's suffering, you have no hand in it, but doing nothing about it doesn't make you the hero when you are capable of doing something about it." Sora said as he pulled out a few papers,

"piss me off, and the whole world should know of how I tortured a king before killing him, that would surely spread the name far and wide... don't you think? so, are you going to use the crowd technique you used to get the throne or are you suddenly going to grow balls and fight me to the death?" Sora said calmly, his words were heard as he used Mana to strengthen his words, Anna who was below didn't expect Sora to be so ruthless, was torture not overboard?

"... 5... 4..." Sora began counting down, and at the same time, one of the storm lords aimed his hold lightning like a spear towards the castle, where the main body of the king was, seeing this, the king felt chills, with the size of that thing, how many people would die

"... y-you are correct, I should have better managed my people, and for that, the citizens had suffered greatly, yet I turned my head away from it. for that, I'm sorry." He said while looking his head towards Sora, there were two reasons he did this.

he saw personally how Sora killed the dragons, no one within the kingdom could take out so many dragons, not even the dragon.

2nd, Sora was also 11 years old, he was a kid, so if he wants to throw a temper after being angered, he shouldn't take the word of an angry kid lightly

3rd, Sora summoned all of this and his face was not pale, who was to say he couldn't summon more, or run away, only to appear one day when he was at 100% and punched a full-out attack, slaughtering more of his people

4th. the kingdom already dropped to 4th place after losing more than 20 dragons, if they fought, it was safe to say he might fall to 6th or even 7th place before Sora is too tired to fight. such losses would only make them targets by others.

5th, he had nothing to gain if he fought on, sure he might go down as the king who stood up to Sora, but that was nothing to him. instead, if he could build a connection with Sora form simply saying Sorry, forget saying sorry once, he would say it a million times

indeed he was a coward, but it was because of this that he was able to take the throne because he was smart and thought his action through. he didn't look down upon others, he instead go at think taking everything he knew about a person as if it was true.

Sora killed a dragon? hard to believe, but he put that information to the back of his head, Sora's actions with the Blazing Kingdom and the Raging Wind Kingdom, told him Sora was a reckless person who had very little thing he feared. these two things were all proven to be fact today,

Lastly, there was Brandon, he took out 2 kingdoms within a day, this was the capability of one person, who took out a dragon along with a few other mages all working together, something dark to believe by many people, many people even though that he used some underhanded way to win, but it was clear that wasn't the case.

so with all of this coming together, he didn't want to make an enemy of Sora, Sora even knew this was a thought projection of his. truly, this kid couldn't be looked down upon, he shouldn't be made an enemy, but an ally.