
No life Is Equal

"So, Zeref has been controlling you all these years?" Erza asked softly, to which Zeref nodded slightly. he was simply forced to do all of this, he had no choice in the matter. all of those people he killed, were something he had no power in.

Erza looked at the sky, at the Etherion was going to fire within a few minutes. She was still thinking about Sora's words, and in the end, she concluded that Zeref must pay for his crimes. she would take him away and have him locked away behind bars. Killing your problems is the simplest answer, but she was willing to do it the hard way and have Jellal spend the remaining of his life paying for his crimes,

picking up her injured body, she walked up to grab Jellal, Jellal seeing this smiled slightly, as she held out his hands for her to take.

"I planned to go down with this tower, it was the only sense of free will I have." He said with a shake of his head as Erza was about to seal his hands, but he suddenly stepped forward and hugged her,

"I don't know if I could return to the way I was in the past... you're a good friend Erza, some sorry I current you for so long. I don't know if Zeref has anything else planned, so it's best I die and takes the last remaining piece of Zeref to the grave with me. I should also die with this place that has made your life hell for so many years." He said softly, making Erza hesitate slightly.

Who was Zeref? he was a powerful dark mage who spread death and chaos everywhere he went, but he has been dead for hundreds of years now. yet he was trying to come back to life, but Erza shook her head.

"The past shouldn't be forgotten, no matter how sad it is, I will never forget it," Erza said softly as she grabbed jellal hands, and brought them together. Jellal was stunned for a moment, but with a flash, he kicked the unexpecting Erza in the stomach, sending her shooting backward, but Erza landed on her feet,

"Just let me die Erza, you don't know the feeling of being controlled. I had to use everything within my power just to turn Zeref's plan into this, so I could put an end to everything. and now, you are telling me to do what? I'm not even sure if Zeref knows what I'm planning," Jellal yelled angrily, stressed out with the many years worth of planning,

"..." Erza went quiet looking at Erza before she thought of Sora. If Jellal was being controlled, could Sora not simply break it? Although she hated asking for help, she was not willing to just turn around and leave.

"If you're being controlled, I can have someone break the control. we have a few minutes, so trust me." Erza said softly, stunned Jellal who looked at Erza for a moment, he hesitated for a good few seconds before shaking his head.

"it's too dangerous. I can't bring harm upon you, I will hate myself if your new friends turned against you like me. You're happy, Sho and the others can leave, and I know all of them would hate me... that might get in the way of your bones." Jellal said softly, stunning Erza for a moment. Jellal fell to the ground with a look that said, I'm accepting my death, and I'm happy I could see you one last time.

"you're a good friend Erza... I couldn't ask for a better friend." Jellal said as Etherion was fired down, Erza seeing this quickly changed casted many shield spells which Sora taught her into herself, changed into her armor with the strongest defense, and roared planning to cast [Frozen Armor], she suddenly froze

[Frozen Armor] was an item card that came with the Adamantine Armor. for every mana she put into this spell, this spell shall absorb 200 damage. just putting in 10 mana would allow this spell to absorb 2,000. but she was planning on putting in 100, plus that with the other shields, and with this armor powerful defense, she could live.

but she found herself falling to the ground when she was trying to do so, a strange snake-like seal covered her body, binding her and leaving her unable to move. stunned, Erza's eyes shrink from the sky, Etherion was about to end. Her life flashed before her eyes, she was going to die.

She closed her eyes upon impact, but nothing happened. she waited a few seconds, but nothing happened, opening her eyes she looked around and was stunned at the sight. everyone looked, it was covered with a blue crystal. the tower had absorbed all of that energy and had turned into a giant Lacrima

What is a Lacrima? Well... Lacrima my balls... cough, I mean, a Lacrima is a Magic crystalline substance found within this world. Lacrima can be powered up with different spells and used for different purposes, they could act as fuel, batteries, and many other things.

Her attention was caught by Jellal who was madly laughing at everything and how everything went, Erza's eyes widened slightly as she realized she was tricked. she was enraged, but what could she do? she was unable to move with this binding snake on her.

'everything went about 80% as I saw, the further into the future less it on pinpoint and the easiest it could change. As in battle, only a few seconds this ability to see into the future would be useful, well, let's see how things turn out.' Sora went on to watch as Jellal went on to explain everything to Erza, he wouldn't be a villain if he didn't.

but this bought time for Natsu and a man with a metal part for a jaw to arrive to help Erza, to Erza joy it seemed like Natsu might pull off a win, but to her shock, Jellal thought projection that he had created and sent to the magic council appeared. this thought projection had 50% of his strength, and it was quite taxing on him to create, so he only had 50% of his strength,

So, once the thought projection return to him, he returned to 100% and easily defeated Natsu, but even So, Natsu didn't accept defeat. he realized that Jellal didn't want to damage his tower, so he simply went on to do what he was best at, and destroy. this enrages Jellal who was not fighting all out as he didn't want to damage his tower,

Enraged, Jellal went on to cast a spell that acted like a black hole and sucked magic toward him. Erza seeing that this spell would kill Natsu moved to block, knowing that Jellal needed her body to be Zeref's new body. but Jellal can simply find a new body, she was not the only one out there who meant the requirement,

So, he launched the black hole toward Zeref. Erza seeing this gritted her teeth, and she couldn't help but question herself. was Sora right? her actions lead to Jellal's plans moving smoothly, her friends getting hurt, and now she would take this back hole, she would live but it would use up everything she had. Natsu could barely stand, in a way she killed Natsu

while looking at the incoming black hole, she opened her mouth, she knew Sora was watching, she could feel it. She admits she should have killed Jellal, instead, she created this whole mess. just as she was about to call out for Sora, someone flashed in front of her.

With an explosion, dust filled the world, and as it slowly disappeared, Erza's eyes shrink while looking at someone standing in front of her. memories of the past, an old man who had jumped in front of her to block an attack with his own life flashed across her eyes, and now Simon, an old friend of hers just thrown his life away for her.

Guilt overwhelmed Erza, Sora's words ranged her head. being cruel to one enemy is being cruel to oneself. In other words, she did this to herself. as tears ran down her eyes, boundless killing intent exploded from her, followed by a demonic aura, which had a dragon aura.

with eyes filled with killing intent, she shot toward Jellal, who quickly acted to block, but he found that Ezra was far stronger than before. shocking him, before Erza even fought him, she was already heavily injured, although she was able to defeat him, he was only at 50% of his strength, and now he was full power, they should have been about equal in strength if Erza was at full health, but Erza was injured and yet was overwhelming him.

Erza seemed to have been a demon, she will kill and ignore her injuries which only made them worse, but she didn't care. she might be stronger than Jellal, but her attack with rage allowed jellal to dodge her attack, even So, Jellal couldn't dodge everything, what made it suck more was that Erza gave him no time to use magic as she was stuck to him like gum, forcing him to dodge none stop for his life.

Natsu who was watching couldn't bare to watch Erza go on like this, she was doing more damage to herself than her enemy. but before he could step forward, and palm landed on his shoulder, stopping him from going any further. turning around, he saw Sora calmly looking at the battle before him, before looking down at him.

"She will not die... " Sora said calmly as he watched the battle, Erza was slowly regaining her senses as the blood loss was getting to her. But Jellal was not in a good state as he was losing a lot of blood from the many cuts, while breathing heavily, Jellal looked angrily at Erza, and seeing as she could no longer fight, he shot towards her, but as if time paused on him, he found himself frozen in mid-air.

Erza seeing this slowly turned to see Sora walking towards her, with a pale voice she wanted to speak, but Sora stopped her and cast the spell [Sacrifice], he took damage but in return, Erza's pale face disappeared as she recovered

"Everything in life is built off violence. the peak humans have right now, a battle was fought for it all. Violence is the last answer because it's always so effective, if words don't work then beat the shit out of them. if Violence doesn't work, it shows you didn't use enough Violence." Sora said calmly as he looked at Jellal, death was too good for this guy. he was wondering what type of torture to use on him,

reaching out, Sora caught the sword which was stabbing toward Jellal's chest, Erza gritted her teeth slightly as she looked at Sora. she knew Sora enough to know what was going through his mind, she didn't care about inflicting pain upon others, she simply wanted to kill Jellal and be over with it.

"even now you are so nice, you do know torture is a way to flint fear into your enemies. there is a reason to this day, no demon dares to go against my rule, but I will not take away your first kill. it's a moment that you should remember... although I forgot my kill, was it my bother?" Sora twitched his head to the side as he fell into deep thought, Erza who was about to kill Erza froze upon hearing Sora's words, the guy didn't remember who he killed.

"How could you take life so lightly?" Erza asked softly, Sora looked at her for a moment before shrugging at her words, and walking toward Simon

"It's hard for a person to take life seriously when you are immortal," Sora said calmly as he stabbed himself through the chest and pulled out his own heart. Erza's eyes widened seeing this, and the shock only deepened when she saw a new heart grow to replace the old one, and the hole in Sora's chest closed up. it was less than 3 seconds

"It's hard for anyone to take life seriously when you can kill and bring the dead back to life as you wish. you all try to ring someone like Zeref back to life, I didn't even know he was dead. the last I saw him, he was going strong." Sora said lazily as he crushed his heart, and the blood landed on Simon's body, and was absorbed into him,

before Erza and the other's shocked eyes, a magic circle appeared around Simon, the metal jaw fell off as his missing jaw grew back, his heart which once stopped beating began beating once more, and slowly he opened his eyes.

"you ask why I can't take life so seriously? that's because I reached a state where life and death mean nothing to me, like how you can step on an ant and not give a damn about its life, its feelings, and so on. that's how I am. you can't judge me as you do the same thing with incents, the only difference is I can see it, you chose to ignore it and make excuses for it." Sora said leaving everyone there quietly and not knowing what to say.

"you can't compare your human life to an ant," Erza said softly while looking at Simon in shock and disbelief,

"explain. is it because humans are on the top of a food chain? if that is the chance, then you can't compare a dragon to a human, or a god to a human, their life is so much more valuable... if you say one life is more important than another then you are saying life is not equal. plants feel pain, and they have emotions, but you all step on them without caring for their well-being. insects have a family, a home, and things they want to do. but do you care much about them?" Sora asked leaving the whole place quiet once more.

"you eat animals, never once thinking about their life, their family, the pain they must have felt as their life slowly left them. but since you're human, you have a biased mindset that humans are more important, and so on. but the harsh truth is simple, Humans are pawns, and not everyone's life is equal, even at birth we are not equal, from birth your fate has been chosen and mapped out. at that point, do you have free will?" Sora said but no one could say anything, Erza looked at Sora for a moment before she left.

"What?" Sora was confused, why was she mad at him? but they all left following Ezra leaving Sora there with Jellal who was paused, but he heard everything that happened,

"Well, lucky for you I already have someone I'm torturing. but I do have a way I want to torture Zeus." Sora said he waved his hands, Jellal who was frozen suddenly turned to face the sea, with his legs spread open, as if he was about to take a shit while standing.

Sora summoned a puppet and had the puppet kick Jellal's balls 100,000 thousand times. Of course, he speed time up and made sure these kicks were powered, Jellal was confused as he could see behind him, and couldn't feel a thing. and after some time, Sora allowed time to flow back towards Jellal.

on a boat, Erza sat down while not saying anything, she knew why she was upset with Sora, and it was simply because was right. Sora knew it, and it annoyed her, she knew her reasons were to stop, but she just once wants Sora not to know it and take each step alongside her, not just threw everything at her and expect her to be cool with it. nobody likes a know it.

Suddenly a scream which made everyone on the boat shake was heard, looking towards the tower, they saw something shoot into the sea while screaming its lungs out, everyone instantly know what that scream was, and it was none other than Jellal,

"What did he do?" Gray who was on the boat asked in a soft voice, but no one wanted to know the answer to that question. Sora was too ruthless