

After some time to come down from the realization of everything that had happened, Sora turned his attention to the system. this system seemed to have appeared the moment he turned 3 years old, which happens to be the year others start their magic training.

{does the host wishes for a small breakdown of what the system can do?} the system asked to which Sora nodded slightly,

{host, I'm the wizard 101 system. you're pretty much the player from the game, wizard101. but there are some changes. for one, unlike within the game, not all spells have limits to the number of times they could be used, also not all spells are in a card-like form, only minion summon-type spells come within a card-like state.

the host was given all the spells that one could learn while at level 50, this goes for all schools, there is no limit to what school the host can be in.

the system comes with its storage, the storage holding 50 useable spaces, those spaces could be increased if the host spends real-life money. there is a shopping function within the system, where the host could buy better gear, and houses that would be within its world,

the host can also see his statue window, the host would see it's not the same as within the game, also, the host would gain XP for killing enemies, the stronger the enemy the more XP the host would get allowing the host to level up.

the system had been created to make the host's life easier, so when the host is in danger and can't react on his own, the system can take action. remember that the system can't use what isn't there, so it's best to have lifesaving items or something of the kind which the system can use if you are unable to do it yourself.

the system can allow the host to travel between worlds, meaning the host can enter anime worlds and other stuff. the only requirement for this is to defeat the world boss which the system would pick, note that the world boss is not always the strongest being, bad guy, or creator of this world.} the system said in one go,

'I'm unable to use this world's magic... before I complain, what would this ice mage's strength be compared to this world's powerhouses.?' he asked with a frown.

{that assassin just now was only at 45 in the system's eyes, Brandon is level 96. going through host memories, this world top tier magic masters are known as S tier, most like Brandom is S tier, or is nearing S tier.} the system said stunning Sora that he managed to summon some of this power.

{a part of the host's lifespan was used to summon him; the host should take time to find a way to be immortal. host lifespan, which was around 100 dropped to 60, but lucky for the host there are many ways to do it. the host has enough time to do all that and more.} the system said leaving Sora stunned and speechless for some time. but by the looks of it, that was the system's best move, a little bit of lifespan can be taken back, after all, some spells could suck a person's lifeforce and give it to the caster.

{also host, you leveled up to level 14 for killing the assassin. note that half of the XP was given to the minion.} the system said to which Sora nodded slightly before looking towards the city, in the end of the day, he was only 3 years old. even if he wanted to remain far away from this place, that was almost impossible.

"let's stay here and wait, from now on you're the wondering mage who saw me in danger and moved to protect me," Sora said with which Brandon although confused nodded slightly, after some thought, Sora went over with him a story, trying to make sure there were no loopholes, but in the end, Sora just had it, so he was someone who was cold and didn't talk a lot.

the reason no one came over when the battle was taking place, is because this place was sealed off. they had used a type of magic known as letter magic to entrap them within a barrier, the person who set up this trap was ruthless, but Sora's mother hides the fact she was powerful well and was able to defeat the person who set the trap up, allowing the others to fight their opponents,

when the guy who set up the runes died, of course, many people were alerted, waking them up from their sleep. with it being so quiet for so long, people began to look outside the window, only to see a blue-haired kid whose clothing was covered in blood.

many of them instantly realized who Sora was thanks to the clothing he was wearing; they were none other than the clothing of the royal family. blue hair was also something passed down through the royal family, so they quickly came to this conclusion.

soon the guards also arrived and were shocked by the seen, seeing that they finally arrived, Sora had them bring him a coffin, meanwhile, some of them remain to get the full report of everything, to which Sora told them.

soon 6 coffins were brought back, and his mother and the guards were placed in them, letting out a deep breath, Sora watched as they were put into a carriage, Sora also got into the carriage along with Brandon, and headed back towards the city. the whole ride was quiet, Sora wasn't in the mood to talk when his mother died body was in front of him.

there was no problem along the way back, when they reached the city, there were already people waiting for his arrival.

"Prince... oh heavens," a butler almost fainted seeing Sora who was covered in his blood, but Sora explained to this guy that he was already. this butler was his mother's butler, he was the person who taught him many things growing up when his mother was too busy doing something else.

Sora calmed him down before introducing him to Brandon, the mage who were friends with his mother. the story went that Brandon was a powerful ice mage his mother knew; he was coming to the city as Sora's mother had him if he wanted to take Sora in as a student. he was curious and came to see, but happened to see the fight, he did the best he could do and even gave Sora a powerful potion, but he was helpless with those who were already died.

to this, the butler was grateful, but Brandom waved it off. he would teach Sora for the next 10 years, as a show of thanks to his mother for back then.

with that out of the way, they entered the city and Sora's mother was taken away, as one of the members of the king's harem, there was a special place where she could rest. Sora was taken to freshen up, with Brandom following him to make sure he was safe.

late that night, Sora sat on his huge bed while in deep thought about everything. with his near-death experience, it was safe to guess his other siblings would be moving to kill each other or something like that, they can only be safe if the others were killed. for now, Sora should become a traumatized kid, put on an act and slowly kill them before they kill him. Sora had no attachment to any of them,

the system senses were sharp, so he already knew a few things. at level 100, Brandom was a powerful S-rank mage. he was stronger than many people within this kingdom, with the most powerful person within the kingdom being level 85, it could be seen how powerful Brandom was,

so, from now on, Brandom would stay by his side, teaching him magic, and from time to time he would leave to go kill those monsters out there to help Sora level up. So, with a goal in mind, Sora began to start training, he was a hard worker. someone who can work themselves to death was not lazy,

that night, Sora didn't sleep. he began trying to cast the spell to summon the monster, [Frost Beetle], it's a basic level 1 spell. as some grow stronger, the stronger the Frost Beetle they could summon. So, Sora tried summoning this monster, but every time he tried, the spell would frizzle.

frizzle was pretty much the spell felling to activate, the mana used to try and cast the spell would be spent, but without the activation of the spell. only, this spell used 1 point of mana, Sora had 43 points of mana, so he could use this spell 43 times, but then again, he recovered 1 point of mana each minute.

on Sora's 10th try, he was able to finally cast the spell, [Frost Beetle], once he did, Sora watched as the ground turned into ice, with some of that ice taking the form of an ice blue beetle. Sora looked at the beetle, it was not disappearing even if it was doing nothing, but at the same time, it was sucking away Sora's MP.

"Every second it takes 1 MP, is that not too much for a soccer size thing?" Sora asked with a frown, Branch shook his head slightly hearing Sora's words.

"You just summoned it and haven't mastered the spell, this spell at first would take 1 MP a second, but the more your skills in this spell get, it would be 1 MP every 10 seconds, 1 MP every 20 seconds, all the way until its 1 MP every minute. that's the perfection stage." He said with a smile, to which Sora nodded as he canceled the spell, causing the ice beetle to disappear.

"Not all spells would cost 1 MP, those that cost 7 MP would take 7 MP every second and only 7 MP every minute when cast. you see what I'm getting at?" He asked to which Sora nodded slightly,

"The stronger you are, the stronger the summon, that is if your mastery is high enough. one day, you could summon ice better than one shot someone at level 50 or something like that. of course, although they take a said amount of MP over time, that's if they are doing nothing. if they are fighting, they would use your energy. you can even give them a huge amount of energy to make their next attack far stronger, but if they can't handle that energy they would die." He said calmly.

"There are many types of ice spells, it's okay to have the summoning type spells, but magic can be used in so many other ways, such as telekinesis, telepathy, Clairvoyance, and so on. a wizard also needs to learn to be able to put up a barrier to face incoming attacks, if you summon fighting, how would you be able to withstand it with the weak body of a wizard? so... you have a lot of stuff to learn about," he said with a smile,

there were many things Sora needed to learn, but he didn't like the idea of backing a weakness like a weak body. mages didn't train their body and only their minds, but when killed, wizards simply lose their physical bodies and can choose to move on to the afterlife. so, in a way that was a plus.

even if Sora could only learn the magic from the world of Wizard101, there was shadow magic, Shadow Magic is the magic that forms reality. Users of Shadow Magic can refine, rebuild and manipulate the very fabric of reality.

Sure, Sora was many levels away from even unlocking such magic, but once he hit level 100, he would be able to get his hands on this powerful ability. he would be able to do stuff like curse someone with eternal life and make it so that everything that person touches turns to sand, which was doesn't within the game by a villain.