

"Well, I'm guessing this makes us a thing," Sora said softly while looking at Aquarius, who was currently laying next to him in bed.

"Well, I don't know when we can meet again, but until then..." She said softly as her hands moved to grab a dragon, Sora's face instantly twitched in pain as she held it with a bit too much force.

"If you cheat, I will wipe it off and use it to fuck you... of course, out of love," She said with a warm smile, Sora's eyebrow raised, to her they might not see each other for hundreds of years, yet she was worrying about him cheating?

"Since when was I the cheating type?" Sora asked with asked as he pushed her over, this woman needed to be taught a lesson, and he went on to do just that, making Aquarius beg for mercy, after which, Sora said goodbye to his new girlfriend, who he might not be for 100 or so years.

The old Sora would have a problem with this, but this new Sora has changed and is far wiser than his past self.

'disgusting, having us watch all of that.' Kashi's disgusted voice sounded within Sora, but their words had no effect on Sora who was in a good mood. pulling out an expensive cigar, and with a snap of his finger, a flame appeared on his fingertip, which he used to light up the cigar.

"Children shouldn't have been watching," Sora said calmly, the 3 sisters were all virgins, only a virgin would overreact when seeing someone have sex. the sisters were instantly enraged while feeling Sora's disdain toward him,

they were thousands of years older than him, yet he was looking down upon them as if they were children? they all snorted at Sora, and instantly, Sora felt the seal strengthening, causing him to cough up some blood.

"This only proves my point. only children jump to violence, after being called out for their childish behavior." Sora said calmly ignoring the pain as he whipped the blood from the corner of his lips, the 3 sisters were enraged. but they knew that the pain or damage they inflicted upon this new Sora was pointless, with Sora many years running his own businesses, Sora had changed, no longer was he quick to anger or kill.

meanwhile, Aquarius appeared back in her home within the celestial realm, and as she rested in her bed, unable to walk for some time, she couldn't help but smile. she had a boyfriend...

'It's kinda weird that Sora stayed with me when I was there... almost like he didn't want me seeing something... naw, he must have liked me.' She thought to herself before she went to sleep...

"boss, we were wondering, what did you want to do with this ship?" a woman asked Sora as he entered the lab filled with other people, all looking towards Sora. Sora calmly looked at her and back at the others before sighing slightly,

"what do you think I want to do with it?" Sora asked calmly, the group looked at each other for a moment before speaking about their worries about time travel.

"you're jumping to conclusions... I simply want to jump back in time to see where the mother of my child left. she was badly injured with my child, if she passed away, I want to give her a good place to rest, if she is alive, I want to be a father." Sora said calmly, stunning the middle-aged woman. for as long as she has been here, Sora never showed any interest in love, he completely ignored anyone who tried to sleep with him to get power.

"My daughter passed away a few years ago, I want to see the cause of her death and if someone killed her. as for my regrets of the past, they are building stones to build the person I am today, why would I touch upon any of that? your right to worry, but I already thought of everything." Sora said calmly before looking towards the ship,

everyone looked at each other for a moment, not knowing what to say for some time, but in the end, they nodded. reasonable reasons, but they should build measures to stop someone from affecting the timeline,

it took the group a few more months before they finished the ship, to no one shock, someone did try and steal the ship, but when they tried to power the ship, they were sucked to become a mommy, leaving everyone stunned at how much energy would be needed to drive this thing.

they wanted to make some changes to improve energy usage after seeing this, but Sora stopped them and explained he secretly changed the control to time travel mode, instead of space travel mode, meaning that the guy was trying to move through time which was far harder than simply moving through space.

Anyways, Sora took the ship and went on to start building batteries to fly the thing, but he found that he needed to wait until the energy in the air reached its peak, and even then he would need a lot of energy, plus his own for safe travels. so, while waiting for fort the energy to reach its peak, Sora worked on the ship, on his own, improving upon a time travel

meanwhile, the group who tried to seal this knowledge were killed in secret, such knowledge couldn't be so easily given to the world.

"..." Sora who was working on the ship suddenly froze when the world went gray, upon closer look, he found that time had stopped. looking around, Sora found himself to be succored by 3 beings, all wearing black hoodies,

"I'm guessing you're the sisters of fate," Sora said calmly, it was reasonable for the sisters of fate to appear now since... well, time travel was going against fate. it's the same reason why bringing the dead back to life was made illegal by the gods, that was because that was going against fate.

"Demon lord, time travel is going against the law... you should turn as the effect of your actions would lead to more suffering and regret." one of them said calmly

"I'm no longer the demon lord," Sora said calmly but they ignored him and spoke,

"you have yet to find out the true reach of fate, your next move from here would decide what path your life takes. endless suffering on one end, and death on the other hand." another said making sora turn towards her with a frown

"why are you even bothering to tell me this? and who can kill me?" Sora asked calmly, only to turn around to find all of them standing before him.

"the demon lord always dies at the hand of the hero, the last demon lord broke this by falling at the hands of the gods, but because of this, she is not truly dead. you and the hero still live. what path would you take?" they asked before they disappeared, leaving Sora standing there in deep thought.

'what the fuck? why is he not just over there?' Keo asked in confusion seeing Sora suddenly teleport, but he was in the middle of working and pop, he was somewhere else in deep thought,

Sora ignored them while looking back towards the ship, if he went back in time could it lead to a battle between himself and Irene? She lost her humanity after becoming a dragon, so she isn't in the right state of mind. while he became good, could she have become... evil?

On that note, he would have to put her down, but she was pregnant with his child, was she willing to accept killing his own child?

Sora stood there for hours in deep thought about a choice, in the end, he turned around, covered the ship up, and left. stead of seeking the past, he should seek the future, he would try and find Irene, and if he can't find her, then it meant she had passed away.

well, and so, years passed. Sora had already become the richest man alive, at this point he had no more goals in life. being reached was simple when you get people drunk and have them throw their life-saving at you, hoping that they would make big money in games made to make sure they lose.

of course, that alone was not enough to make him the richest, his new creations were the main reason he became the richest person in the world.

without any goals or anything to do, Sora found himself... lost. He had nothing to do, So, after many years, Sora decided to go to Magnolia, he was here years back, but he moved after finding out his daughter passed.

So, he went on to open up a new bar, and returned to his training to cast magic once more, he put it aside for many years now, and once he returned to it, he found that his guess was right. learning self-control all those years did make it easier for him. but he was still not that talented, so he needed to start training.

While Sora trained, he realized the day his mother died was around the corner, after some thought, he closed the bar and headed out to go find where her resting place was at.

let's take a journey back in time. a few years ago, within a forest. Zeref could be seen walking through a forest, and instantly froze upon seeing a pink dragon deep asleep.

"a dragon? a rare sight to find one alive... well, I should say a dragon slayer turned into a dragon." Zeref said with a slight smile while looking at the dragon,

"Who are you?" the dragon asked as it woke up, struggling to stand from its injuries, Zeref's eyebrow raised slightly while looking at the injuries filling the dragon. damaged wing, half of the tail was missing, and its scales filled with injuries, he could guess the dragon has been resting all these years to cover, but even then, it was still not fully recovered.

"To still have a calm mind and not attack me... that's even rarer, I'm guessing you seek to have a human body once more," Zeref asked with a smile,

"if I was at full strength, I can just enchant myself back, but with my current condition..." the dragon stopped talking while sizing Zeref up and down, how did this human know so much,

"I think I can help..." Zeref said as he pointed forward with two fingers, and with a flash of light, the dragons transformed into Irene, leaving her stunned. for hundreds of years, she was left too injured and in a weakened state to use magic, all she could have done was... sleep and try and recover as much of her strength as she is cold. but the devil she food had weird magic, leading to her injuries not recovering by much even after hundreds of years

"i'm a human..." Irene was over joy with seeing she was no longer a home, she was now back in her former body. Zeref pretty much just granted her a wish she had for hundreds of years. Zeref on the other hand was frozen on the spot before he stood Irene the hero. First, he meets Sora, and now 60+ years later he runs into Irene.

"... you're not really human, you only took on the appearance of a human," Zeref explained, but Irene didn't care. she was human, what more did she want? So, with the help of Zeref Irene recovered a small among of her strength, after which she promised to repay Zeref one day, but now she wanted to go and enjoy being human again.

but a day into being a human, she quickly found out what Zeref meant by she only had the appearance of a human. Her senses were that of a dragon, she couldn't control them at all, her sense, yet she found that the food she hate had zero favor.

that was hard, but sure she could get over it over time. but things only got worse, she was unable to sleep, and everything hurt. just a week in, she was having a mental breakdown. this was like one of those mental tortures, at first she tried to endure, but over time she found herself unable to hold on. 7 days was sadly her limit. when she was about to lose all hope, she remembered she was pregnant.

right now, she might be in a weakened state, but it shouldn't be so hard to enchant herself within a child right? that way she could be a human, and she can regain her humanity once more, holding on to this rare of light, she threw away everything outside the window, and 9 months later she gave birth.

this child was what gave her the strength to go on for so long, and to her joy, it was a female, so with shaking arms she looked at the newborn child... she was going to regain her body... so why were her arms shaking? it most is out of joy right? that had to be it,

Irene noticed something falling from her face, touching her face she found that she was crying... they most are tears of joy. not wanting to think anymore, she placed a palm over the child, but looking at the child, her palm rubbed against the baby's face.

"I'm such a shitty mother." She said softly, before looking towards the village up ahead. she didn't know if she might just snap one day, dragon slayer's magic effect on a person's mind was huge, as strong as she might have been in the past, and her mind had been through too much,

So, she took the baby to an orphanage within the village. anything would be better than her being near someone who might still have her body.

"... I wish you to be Strong, King, and a proctor, but most of all safe. Erza, Erza will be your name. if fates allow it, this name might draw you to him." She said softly while looking at the little red-haired girl who was asleep.

"It's best we never meet again, I fear what I would have become. I guess I should distract many selves with a bunch of work... I will follow Zeref, I do owe him. when I regain myself, I will turn myself back into a human, and then I could give you all the love you should have gotten from a father and mother." She said softly, being the child of the hero and the demon king, she was sure her daughter would grow up to become someone amazing.

With tears, she put Erza before the door to the orphanage, before ringing the doorbell, and running away. Like father like daughter, Sora's past life he grew up in an orphanage, and now in his current life, his daughter was doing the same...

back to today, Sora stood before a small tombstone that had the name Erza written on it, the tombstone was old as if it had been there for countless years

"you actually tracked down your mother's grave," Keo said softly, Sora smiled slightly as he placed a few flowers on top of the grave before cleaning it up. His mother's name was Erza, Sora can still remember the warmth of a mother, it was like nothing he had felt before. the past few years, he had time to realize that he never got the chance to allow any of his children to feel that.

Mavis was at an orphanage, and Irene could be dead right now. one of them he had before his eyes, yet he rejected her... he was such a shitty father

"Sorry I haven't been paying visits lately. I guess I should catch you up... you might hate me after hearing all of this.. don't worry, I know how much of a shitty person I am. I think I changed, at least I hope I did..." And Sora, hours passed with Sora talking to talking.