
Killing A Dragon

"you're making this into a bigger deal than it is, if our enemies what a fight, then give them a fight. with the new weapons I have brought out, we already have a higher advantage over them, so what if they have one dragon over us? we have the strongest Saint, plus they would not dare to go too far with my relationship with Dragnof princesses. we push forward, they would have second thoughts, but if we take a step backward, it will only show weakness." Sora said calmly while resting his head on his palm, the nobles who were fighting froze at his words.

"Think things smart and stop thinking about your own interest. if we stand strong with the idea of not going to war because of the future, do you think other kingdoms would allow the war to happen? Dragnof will be the first to act, it's only ranked 10th, a rank above us. push back a little and they would not draw go overboard." Sora said as he left the castle, leaving the nobles speechless,

after the king grew ill, Blazing Empire had been bullying them, for the longest Sora only listened and never bothered to say a thing. being nobles, of course, they only had their own interest, Blazing Empire bullying them, they could only take a step back, not daring to fart. they feared dragons after all.

Yet Sora suddenly spoke out, sure Sora had a good point, but they were displeased by the fact that a small kid talked as if he saw things better than them. so currently, most of them were displeased, and only those few who already were saying the thing Sora just said agreed, as in their eyes Sora was talking down upon the other side and not them.

"Report to grandfather, watch the movement of the noble, those that act up should be removed from the picture. slowly, we will replace them with demons." Sora said softly, his shadow flashed, disappearing from the castle and towards his grandfather,

'it's best I just take over the world, sigh, I wonder if Grandfather would become an enemy when I move to take over the demon realm/' Sora thought helplessly, he already know to the demon realm he was a pawn, pushing towards the demon's goals. this talent for the many arts was something that stunned the demon lord, but he was still mostly human, so unlike demons, he didn't have 10,000 years to live.

Sora went on to return to his room within his castle where he took out the clothing and put them on and tried them. the clothing was blank, as Sora could pick how he wants them to look, so he went on to make them look like the Darkmoor gear from the game. >>>

{Name: Sora

Age: 10/60

HP: {3,020/5,000

Mana: {140/1,220}

Level: 50 {41/44,600]

School: [Fire] [Ice] [lightning] [Myth] [Life] [Death] [Balance] [Star] [Sun] [Moon] [Shadow]


Damage: [Fire- 65%] [Ice- 55%] [Lightning- 70%] [Myth- 45%] [Life- 40%] [Death- 50%] [Balance- 60%] [Star- 35%] [Sun- 35%] [Moon- 35%] [Shadow- 35%]

Resistance: [Fire- 41%/ 5] [Ice- 56%/5] [Lightning- 56%/5] [Myth- 41%/5] [Life- 41%/5] [Death- 41%5] [Balance- 51%/5] [Star- 36%/5] [Sun- 36%/5] [Moon- 36%/5] [Shadow-36%/5]

Accuracy: [Fire- 33%] [Ice- 41%] [Lightning- 52%] [Myth-30% ] [Life- 30%] [Death- 30%] [Balance- 34%] [Star- 24%] [Sun- 24%] [Moon- 24%] [Shadow-24%]

Critical chances: [Fire- 22%] [Ice- 22%] [Lightning- 22%] [Myth- 22%] [Life- 22%] [Death- 22%] [Balance- 22%] [Star- 22%] [Sun- 22%] [Moon- 22%] [Shadow-22%]


Healing In and Out: [20%/29%]

Stunning Resistance: [31%]

Armor Piercing: [35%]

"With such stats, the things I could now do..." Sora said softly while feeling the empowered state he was in, he felt like with a wave of his hand he could destroy the world. but that was only an illusion, with a flash, he entered The Storm House, and once he did he went on to begin summoning.

Firstly, he summoned Kemek Brul. the spell he used was an item card, and he could only use it to summon this guy once. with a circle symbol, a human dragon-like person in armor appeared before Sora. he had the head of a dragon, the wings of a dragon, along with sword at his waste.

the next spell was Arnet Galestrom, as one could guess from the name, the spell used was a spell type, and once cast, a soldier in armor holding a sword in his hands appeared before Sora.

the 3rd summon was Max Gage, this was a myth spell, and once cast, Sora summoned a wooden puppet that held a wooden stick in hand.

the 4th summon was Jade Oni, this was a life spell, and once cast, Sora summoned a jade elephant that stood on two legs. it held a giant sword and had on clothing, which made it looked... unique

the 5th summons... well, this was a unique summon, Malistaire. this was not just a name of a spell, but the name of a big bad guy within the game. Malistaire was the strongest spell summon that the gear gave him. once Sora summoned him, Malistaire appeared before Sora.

the 6th summon was Caruso, this was a balance spell, and once cast an owl was summoned, the Owl had on some unique Jewels, which were eye-catching.

now, how strong were they? their summons only cost 5 to 6 MP, but Sora wanted to summon them at their strongest, so all of them were at level 70, with Malistaire at level 80. as for how they could be so strong, that was because of the armor which increased Sora's strength, Sora could be said to be at level 75,

these summons to some degree reflected Sora's strength, the stronger Sora was, the stronger they shall be summoned. so, for 260 MP, they were summoned, unlike Brandon, Sora could cancel the summon and resummon than once more when he got stronger.

"Hired Vampire, go on show them to the library, when done, I will give you all a trash. but now you all need to learn" Sora said calmly, with his words, a bat flew over and turned into a vampire which nodded at Sora's words, the summons he just summoned also nodded, before following the vampire inside the house

'Malistaire has deep knowledge, I can use him to learn more spells. he was a teacher, after all, he would be better at teaching him than Brandon.

time passed, the king soon passed away and Sora finally took the throne, Irene made a surprise visit to the kingdom. of course, in the past 6 years, the two have met, and most of Sora's businesses were coming from Dragnof, thanks to Irene, Sora could grow his business with Sakura. Irene of course was also making money from this, so no one was losing out on this.

Irene stayed within the kingdom for a few days, these few days, she challenged Sora once, and after seeing she was still not his match, she didn't challenge him again. Irene was 11 years old now, and she was at level 29, with how things were going she was sure to become a Saint.

a party of course held for his throning, and more kingdoms other than Irene had come over, some in goodwill, and others didn't even bother to come over. Sora, of course, didn't care, anyways, after the party and after everyone returned home, Sora had one thing to do before he slaughtered the nobles who were annoying.

within a Cell, a young man in his 20s was sitting down on a bed while reading a book, this was none other than the former crown prince. for the past 6 years, his life had fallen apart. he lost everything he had built, all taken away by Sora, leaving him with nothing. his mother tried to assassinate the king, leading to her being impression down. here.

although his life was nothing now, he was still treated well within the prison, after all, he was still a noble, and he had connections. even within this stat, he was still aiming for the throne, everything could be taken from him, but that was all things within the opening.

Slowly, Shin closed the book as he heard footsteps heading towards him, looking up he saw Sora who was followed by a group of demons. seeing this, he shot to his feet in shock,

"y-you betrayed the human race and worked with the demons?" Shin yelled in shock, not even he would work with demons, yet what was this before him? a human and demon were as one?

Sora smiled at his words, snapping his finger, the demon behind him pulled out a chair for him, and placed it behind him, while he sat down before the cell holding the crown prince.

"How does it feel to lose everything? How does it feel to stand before the person who set you up, took everything you built, and left you with nothing?" Sora asked with a smile, Shin froze hearing Sora's words until he realized it. Sora was the one behind his downfall.

enraged he looked at Sora with hateful eyes, no matter how calm he looked, to have years' worth of hard work, to have everything you built for years taken away from you and left you in a cell, it would make anyone hate a person to the bone.

"Are you angry? you should have seen your mother look as she tried to assassinate the king under your order," Sora said with a smile making Shin's eyes narrow, he never told his mother to assassinate the king, he had written letters to her, but he never told her to do something like that.... unless Sora stepped in and took the letter he sent her and did something with it.

but that was impossible, no one should know he still had connections, he kept this fact hidden, it was his trump card.

"Your shadow group is power, sadly they all turned against you, all your orders you have them for the past few years, they all went to me. it's funny, your mother seeing your letter telling her to kill the king didn't think twice. but it only played into increasing my reputation, while destroying yours even more. even when down, you could be still used to help me. all these years, you have been nothing more than a foolish dog, putting on a show for me to watch. and now your mother has to suffer..." Sora said with a shake of his head, Shin roared in rage as he shot towards Sora and reached out to grab him, but Sora caught his hands and with some power, his arm broke.

"Well, go in and show him what your demons are best known for," Sora said as he stood up, these two demons were known as nightmares, they feed off a person's fear. they would create a person's worst fear, bring them into reality and torture them with it. a fitting way for Shin to die.

"Haha, I never tasted the fear of a human prince." one of them said with an evil smile, the other laughed happily at just the thought of this. moments later, the Shin horrified Shin filled the underground person, which he was of course all by himself.

Shin died a day later from the fear he felt, following the next few days, the noble's family was cleaned. all happened in one night, those Sora didn't like so well were killed, and the Saints were also killed by Brandon, leaving Sora as the sole ruler of this kingdom.

the Saints were not simply ignored, they were brought back to life as undead, although they lost 20 levels, dropping them down to level 65, they were still useful So, Sora didn't want them to simply die. they were at level 80+, but their death did allow Sora to reach level 55,

at which point all the level requirement spells up to level 55 could be learned, but for spells that one needs to do a mission for, Sora would now have to get a mission from the system to get said spell.

[Quest= there has been a dragon going around attacking villages, hunt the dragon down and kill it and make a name for yourself a dragon slayer.

reward- [Power Link] [Frozen Armor] [Insane Bolt] [Talos] [Brilliant Light] [Virulent Plague] [Availing Hands]]

So, with such a mission arriving, Sora had to look into this matter, and he quickly got a good idea of where the dragon was at, so after everything was set within the kingdom, he set off on top of the Raven, to go deal with this dragon.

a few days later

a village was on fire as a huge dragon could be seen pocking forward, its claw stabbing through a human. like mean on a stick, the dragon closed its eyes as it eat the human, nodding slightly at the tasty human, it lay on the ground, while its head rested on its arm,

"oh, to in one?" the dragon said upon seeing a pregnant woman, the woman's face paled in horror seeing it was its next target. this time the dragon didn't want to pick its foot, instead, it wanted to pick it up by the head.

"you disgust me." a cold voice sounded from afar, the dragon froze its action before turning around, only to see a giant raven carrying a human. its eyebrow raised, it had never seen such a huge bird, and it couldn't help but wonder how tasty that bird would be

the dragon shot up and flew towards the incoming bird, but Sora went on to cast the spell, [Fire Dragon], and with a sudden heat wave, a huge fire dragon was summoned. the fire dragon roared as it opened its mouth and breathed flames at the incoming dragon.

the dragon quickly dodged, but shock could be seen. of course, it was not expected for the human it ignored to be able to summon a dragon.

"You side with the weak?" the dragon said with a look of disgust, how could a dragon follow the order of a human? humans were but their food, this here was an embossment to all of the dragon race.

"Fire Dragon, use Raging Dragon's Breathe," Sora yelled while pointing forward, the fire dragon roared at the sky before taking a deep breath, and once it let out a breath, flames shot out rushing towards the dragon, the flames slowly began to take the outline of a dragon, which let out their roar while flying forward.

The dragon seeing this also let out its attack, and from its mouth, flames shot out, which went on flash with the Fire Dragon's attack. the fire dragon attack was covered whelmed, seeing this the Fire Dragon quickly moved, but part of its wing was hit, sending it falling towards the ground,

"Fire Dragon ball back... Go, Frost Giant." Sora called out the Frost Giant, and as snow clouds gathered, a huge giant frost giant was summoned, holding an Ice Blue Hammer.

"Frost Giant Use Frost Breath," Sora said while pointing forward, before casting a spell upon the Fire Dragon to help heal its damaged wing. the frost giant looked at the stunned giant before opening its breath and from its mouth, an ice fog shot out,

the air turned to hold with this breath, ice covered the ground, and the water nearby turned into ice the dragon who was the target felt the ice entering his body, ignoring his defense as it was absorbed, for a moment he was stunned unable to move and was sent falling towards the ground,

"Use Fire Ball," Sora called out, and the Fire Dragons shout, a fall ball, just as Sora cast [Faint], onto the dragon. before the dragon hit the ground, it managed to push back the stun effect from that breath, but it suddenly felt something target affecting him, but before it could look into it for too long, it was hit by the fireball, and its eyes shrank as it was sent shooting towards a mountain, which went on to explode once he slammed into it.

"Use Hammer Attack," Sora said calmly, and with that, the frost Giant jumped out of the clouds, and landed down with its hammer slamming heavily onto the dragon, but Sora made sure it didn't stop, they just caught onto an opening, who knew if they would have a second chance. so with another blow, the dragon was rushed and killed.

"Good job, go and rest," Sora said with a smile, the two nodded as he stopped giving them his mana, forcing them to leave this world. unlike the minion, these sales were counted as attacks, they come to attack and leave, and the Minion could stay for as long as one wants them to leave.

that dragon was at level 79, it was indeed powerful, but Sora caught into an opening and killed it. as for the dragon resistance, they had 80% resistance, meaning that 70% of all incoming attacks would do nothing, its only attack with higher piercing damage which could hope to breakthrough through.

With Sora having 35% piercing armor that only dropped to 45%, adding the power behind his spells, once they laid a few good its, the dragon was of course dead. this was even more so for the frost giant which brought upon ice damage, which countered the Dragon element,

turning his attention towards those below, seeing the village which was in such a bad stage, Sora cast a spell, controlling the weather, and with that it began to rain, putting out all of the fire. after which, he stopped the rain and went on to cast [Unicorn], with this spell, he summoned a Unicorn

with the Unicorn's appearance, flows grew all over the place tunning the villagers, the Unicorn walked into the village, before its horn released a bright light that healed everyone within the village. everyone who was badly injured found themselves recovering, even those who had lost body parts saw that they were regrowing,

of course, Sora had boosted [Unicorn] healing capability with other spells, that's how these people could regrow lost body parts. with that done, Sora canceled the summon,

"If we may, can we know who our saver is?" An elder asked while getting to his knees while facing Sora, Sora removed the mask face piecing covering his face, revealing his appearance to everyone. everyone was stunned seeing he was a kid,

"Raise, I your king. my apologies for the late arrival." Sora said softly, stunning the crowd for a moment, was their king not 10 years old? but they fell to their knees once more, villagers like them couldn't pay the money needed to enter a city, so they had to live every day in fear of something like this happening. it was rare for anyone to pay attention to their cries for help, but someone had heard them.

"I will be expanding the kingdom walls, until then live on, you all shouldn't be living in fear like you all. as king, the first thing I should do is make sure my people don't live such fearful lives," Sora said seriously, the condition of his people displeased him greatly, he was ruthless... he was super petty, but that was only when he wants to get back at someone who did him. wrong.

if the crown prince never bothered him, he would have never wanted to be king, he would have minded his own businesses. but now he was king, he couldn't turn a blind eye away from his people. he couldn't turn a blind eye to injustice, although he could easily do this if he meant trouble. he was no longer the Sora of the past, trying to please everyone around him, he was now going to do the least he could do for others don't do him wrong, but that was all. he would not go up and above, not anymore.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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