

"Let go of my children." Sora who was just taken all of the gods, be it those in hiding or those out in the opening, was just about to take the gods away and froze as he turned around to look at the newcomer. there he saw a woman had appeared and was looking at her children who had fear filling their eyes

"No," Sora said coldly, making her frown slightly while looking at Sora.

"my children made mistakes, but not all of them support Zeus in his actions. what you are doing is bringing harm to those who had nothing to do with your troubles." She said softly,

"I have no problems with the titans, stick your head in this and face my wrath. I saw you nowhere they were acting high and mighty, so don't pop up and try and save them." Sora said with cold killing intent, making her face darken for a moment,

"don't think because..." before she could finish, Sora flashed before her, her eyes shrank as she quickly blocked the incoming sword, but her hands were cut cleanly through. She quickly shot backward, dodging the next attack which almost cut her head off.

In shock, she looked at Sora as her hands slowly grew back. she was not that powerful, but she was at level 230, among the titans she was the weaker one.

"Mother..." Hades said weakly seeing his mother, he wanted her to run away, but Rhea seeing her most peaceful son like this, she couldn't run away. Hades out of all his sons was the most peaceful and quiet, never once has he ever bothered the humans, and simply worked to help with the cycle of life and death. Lazy as he was, he sought world peace, as it would allow him more free time to himself,

"let go of those who had nothing to do with this," Rhea yelled angrily but seeing Sora killing intent filled his eyes, she gritted her teeth and teleported, leaving Sora there to snort. he had no trouble with the gods, so she should mind her own business.

"So, you can muster up the strength after I sealed your strength away?" Sora asked calmly while looking at Hades, he hasn't yet tortured them, but he had given Zeus and the other high-ranking gods who had a hand in his mother's torture.

"... lash out at me, I will take all your hatred." Hades said with a depressed sigh, Irene didn't heal him as he remained within the underworld. in fact, he had no idea of what was happening. all he saw was Sora suddenly capturing, it was only then he got a good understanding of what happened.

Sora coldly looked at Hades. the only god he had a good impression of was Hades, but he still supported his brother, so he too shall suffer.

"... sigh, I understand your rage. at least let those who have nothing to do with your rage. Persephone and other foods have no hand in this, and you taking all the gods away would break the working of the universe, we manage the universe," Hades said softly while looking towards his wife, before throwing lowering his head towards Sora.

"..." Sora looked at this scene for a moment, before he sighed softly as he pulled out a cigar and smoked softly to ease his rage. he seemed to have lashed control of his rage, but seeing Hades trying his best to protect his wife allowed him to regain self-control.

So, after regaining a clear mind, he teleported them all to the demon realm, which instantly made all of the demons feel unease as the demonic energy within this world made them feel sick. Sora went on to sit before his demon lord's throne while looking at the hundreds of gods forced to kneel before him.

"Hades I shall allow you to speak up. Which god to suffer, and which shall this god not make suffer? so for the next few hours, take this time to get your stories fixed. I will give you all a chance, but for each lie you tell, it shall increase the chance of an innocent god suffering." Sora said coldly, putting Hades on the spot, he looked at Sora in shock, why him?

"You will do well to speak the truth," Sora said coldly before disappearing, leaving them leaving there, but after some time they slowly stood up, and looked at each other. currently, they were nothing but normal humans... no, they didn't even have the strength to throw a punch. and so, Hades went on to take this chance to understand everything that happened and see the best thing they could do.

meanwhile, Sora appeared in the heavenly realm and went on to restore the ability to die upon every hero, not only within this realm but the other realms. he didn't bother to even look at them, as he went on to seek his mother, who he easily found.

within a completely dark room, the doors leading to the room slowly opened, and Sora slowly entered, his eyes landing on a bird cage that held the slow of a woman who lay there, rolled up into a ball.

the soul's body shook upon hearing the doors opening, but it didn't even have the strength to do anything else but shake at the horrors which were about to come to it. Sora sighed feeling heartache seeing the state his mother was in,

"Mother," Sora called out softly, but the soul didn't hear him, or maybe his words had no effect on him. sighing softly, he opened the cell and took out his mother's soul, and looking into the eyes of the soul, they had no life within. placing his hand over her head, he healed up her mind, but 400 years worth of torture was something he had trouble healing.

"I'm sorry I took too long to save you," Sora said softly, his mother looked at him for a moment and shock appeared in her lifeless eyes for a moment, before she smiled.

"Sora... is that you?" She asked weakly, to which Sora forced a smile while nodding.

"Mother, your son has become the demon lord and has overthrown the gods. the war is over," Sora said softly as he slowly brought the soul outside, to see the cause the heavenly realm was in, she was stunned seeing all of this for some time, before smiling slightly.

"How are you doing?" She asked softly, she didn't care about all of this, Sora hearing that question smiled slightly,

"mother, you are a grandmother to two beautiful daughters. they are both strong and even more talented than me. Erza is the youngest, I named her after you..." Sora went on to speak softly, as her mother listened on with a smile. but since she was no longer within the cage, her soul was slowly disappearing,

Most of the stuff Sora told her was a lie, he didn't want her to know a few details. slowly, her soul floated up, and while facing Sora, she gave him a huge.

"you're always such a bad liar. the battle is over, so you can rest." Erza asked softly, to which Sora nodded slightly as he hugged her back, but she disappeared, entering the cycle of reincarnations.

demons can't enter the normal cycle of reincarnations, instead, the demon realms have their own cycle of reincarnations. but Erza is part demon and part human, so she couldn't be reincarnated in either. but right now, Sora opened the cycle of reincarnation for her to enter,

Sora sighed softly before he went on to find the Erza from a parallel world, who was currently laying on a bed, just a step away from death.

"you might not be my Erza, but I shall get revenge for you," Sora said softly, and with a thought, he healed Erza back up, restoring her soul and body to their peak, after which, he returned her to her world.

"it's almost over..." Sora said with a sigh, as he sensed across each realm, and found that battles were coming to an end. with a sigh, he returned to the demon realm, where he went on to bring all of the gods to a courtroom, where he sat at the main seat, he went on to wait a few hours for all of the demon lords to gather within the courtroom,

of course, upon appearing, the demon lords instantly wanted to fight the gods, but a barrier was blocking all of them, and Sora calmed their minds with a spell.

"There shall be peace within this courtroom," Sora yelled while slamming his little hammer, causing the demon lords who were speaking among themselves to go quiet.

"I will avoid rage blinding me... or at least I will try and see through it. today, you have all been captured, and shall be judged for the crimes you have all committed for the past billions of years you sat as gods." Sora said making some of the god's eyes shrink in horror.

"Hades, as the only god this demon lord respect, step forward and speak on the behalf of the gods. you will do well not to enrage me with any lies. the only reason I'm doing this is that this demon lord treats all races equally." Sora said coldly, he was not racist... maybe he was slightly towards humans, but that should be ignored for now,

Hades stepped forward, his heart heavy with everything that was about to happen. Sora ignored his unease look before he went on to slam the hammer down, revealing the first person who shall be judged, behind him, an image of Zeus appeared, and at the same time, Zeus was forcefully teleported to a stage where everyone can see him.

"You 3 sisters, step forward and list all of his crimes," Sora said coldly, the 3 sirens stepped forward feeling unease with everyone looking at them, and at the same time, their eyes landed on their master, who was stunned seeing them. but they couldn't say anything to her right now and went on to list all of Zeus's crimes.

From his cheating, Abuse of power, torturing others who did no wrong, and so many others, after everything was said, Sora looked towards Hades, waiting for him to defend his little brother.

"... My little brother is a troubled man. it began at the death of his first love." Hades said with a helpless sigh as he looked towards Zeus, who couldn't even speak, and only look at him with a hopeful look.

Hades went on to tell everyone a story about Zeus they didn't know. a story of how Odin tricked Zeus into turning his first wife into a fly, his first wife was Zeus' first love, and at the time Odin tricked Zeus into thinking that his pregnant wife would give birth to a son who would overthrow him, and so the cycle of parents being overthrown by their son would continue, So, Zeus ended it by turning his wife into a fly, and eating her.

from that moment onwards, Zeus began sleeping with people who reminded him of his wife, but as time went on, his memory of her faded, leading to him sleeping with pretty much everything that remotely reminded her of him,

Zeus was just suffering, and his way of sleeping with every female under the sky was his way of healing from killing the only woman he ever loved.

"I see... demon lords, as you all see before you a screen showing the number between 1 to 5. 1 would allow them to walk free, and 5 is the worst possible punishment. but before you, all void, does someone wish to speak against Zeus instead of speaking for him?" Sora asked calmly, to which a demon lord stood up and spoke.

"Zeus can suffer for all I care. for everything he has done, has he ever once turned around to apologies? Just look at his current wife. she was raped and pretty much forced to marry him, and had no choice but to make the best out of what she was forced to be in. and ever since it has been a living hell for her, forced to be with someone who would cheat on her." Tiamat said with a sneer while looking at Hades, to which Hades could only sigh.

"Indeed, if Zeus was suffering so much, he should have just killed himself so others didn't have to deal with him. My void is a 5." another demon lord said, and with that everyone agree, causing Zeus's face to pale,

Once everyone avoided, a number appeared over the image of Zeus behind Sora, which was a 5. Sora nodded slightly once everyone voided.

"then it has been avoided... Zeus shall be punished in the best way I can think of, well, in your case the worst way." Sora said calmly while looking at Zeus.

"Zeus, starting tomorrow, your mind shall no longer limit any information you take in. your mind shall no longer go crazy to escape pain or any form of suffering. at the same time, a zeptosecond shall fill like trillions of years to you. that small amount of time shall be hell, filled with unimaginable pain which would be more than your mind can even handle. but it shall be forced to endure... how long as this war between demons and gods gon on?" Sora asked calmly,

"... about 10 billion years." the 3 sisters said in a shaky voice, Sora nodded slightly hearing that, before looking at Zeus who had a horrified look.

"as the person who starts this war, it's only right you endure it for 10 times that long. so, 100 billion years seems about right. does anyone has something against my punishment, or wish to add something to it?" Sora asked with a cold smile, to which no one answered. tried his best to yell, but no words came to form his mouth, leaving him horrified as Sora was not giving him a chance to defend himself,

"Good, after 100 billion you, Zeus shall be free to walk. after which, he would have 10 years being watched to see if he has learned his lesson." Sora said as he slammed his hammer, sending Zeus away.

"Next person... well, Odin seems to be the root of Zeus' trouble, but only a small amount of it. so, step up, and face your judgment." Sora said calmly as the image of Odin appeared behind Sora, Odin's legs almost went weak, but he was forced to step up, as he was teleported to the stage...