

"so this is Dragnof?" Sora said softly as he looked at the city which they were entering, this city was far larger than Oceanic Overlord city. the city was filled with lively people, and today was a special day as rules from all over were coming here.

when they arrived at the center of the city, where a huge pyramid-like building stood, Sora stepped out of the carriage with Brandon. looking around for a moment, he saw a butler walking up to him, this was one of his father's men, and he inform him of a few things before leaving.

Sora could do as he wished, of course, he needed to watch himself, Oceanic Overlord empire couldn't anger this kingdom or those who ranked her, a week from now, the meeting would be held, which Sora had to join. so with that out of the way, Sora left to explore the city, looking for a nice spot

Sora took this chance to see if he could expand his businesses to the kingdom, it was a 4 days trip to arrive, but Sora had brought a carriage along with maids who went on to set up a small shop and cook a few sweets for the people,

like this, people were drawn over to the shop, Sora sat on a carriage while watching the small shop which seemed as if it might be knocked over at any moment by the huge crowd of people, who were fighting to have a taste of this thing called cake.

"You must be Sora." a red-haired girl around 5 years old said while looking at Sora, Sora was caught off guard as he didn't notice this girl, but seeing her, he instantly understood who she was,

"Well, isn't it the princess herself, did my treats catch your attention?" Sora asked with a smile, this was the little princess of Dragnof, a talented enchanter. she was at level 9 which was impressive for your young age,

"That and you. news of your blood has spread far and wide, I want to see it for myself." She said calmly, she was considered a prodigy, but the news lately was that Sora might be the most talented person of his generation, which would put him above her, she, of course, couldn't just accept this and move on with her life, she wanted to see what was the big deal about the blood of a god, it's not like he was 50% or something like that.

"Well, before that have some cake," Sora said as he ordered a maid to get her a cake, which was created and brought to the princesses. seeing the vanilla, the princess smiled slightly, seeing nothing to be impressed by, and she took a bite. and with that simple bite, her body froze,

the guards behind her grew worried seeing the weird reactions, but the next moment she couldn't help but let out a soft cry. she never eat anything so good, she might grow addicted to the stuff, with a finger, she pointed at the chief who made this.

"you shall become my chief," she said with bright eyes, the chief suddenly being pointed out like this was caught off guard. he didn't dare to agree or disagree, he didn't know what to say.

"little princess, he doesn't know the secret ingredients, only I and a few people do," Sora said with a smile, stunning her for a moment.

"then can you give it to me?" She asked, but Sora shook her head, stunning her. this is the first time she asked for something and someone said no, she didn't know how to react for a moment before she grew annoyed

"then I challenge you to a fight, if I win, I want the ingredients," she said seriously, how greedy can a person be, didn't he know sharing was caring?

"What if I win?" Sora asked with a smile the princess was caught off ground, how could she lose to someone of around the same age? she was 99% sure she could win this battle with closed eyes,

"name it," she said with a shrug, she didn't believe for a moment she would lose, after all, she was Irene, who could stand up to her.

"then... if I win, let's be friends. You are the first person of around the same age I meant I could say to be a rival." Sora said with a smile, Irene was stunned for a moment hearing this, she didn't expect this, but after a moment she nodded slightly, a simple request,

She quickly finished her cake and the two went on to make some space for a spar, the crowd seeing this couldn't help but gather to watch the battle. they knew of them, Irene, but the new person was a mystery to them. Irene grew up around dragons, and from a young age always stood out among others. they didn't think someone of around the same age would defeat her.

"Ready?" She asked to which Sora nodded slightly, with that she enchanted her body, making herself far stronger than before. with a step, she shot forward, with a burst of wind, her fist and Sora's fist clashed,

time seemed to freeze for a heartbeat before she was sent stumbling backward. catching her step, she looked at Sora in shock, she didn't expect Sora to be able to match her,

"... I seemed to have been looking down upon you," she said softly, Sora smiled slightly as he held out a palm, with a magic circle, which was covering another magic circle from everyone's view.

Ice formed on the ground. and from the ground, an Ice Beetle dug itself out jumping up into the sky and landing heavily on the ground.

"above everything else, I'm most skilled with summoning magic, this here is a... frost Beetle," Sora said with a smile, Irene's body shook slightly from the cold air, but she enchanted herself to be resistant to the cold, as well as to not be slippy when she came into contact with the ice.

"bring it on, I will crush that overgrown bug." She said while waving her hands, the Ice Beetle was about the size of two soccer balls, it still had its ways to go before Sora could master it. at which point, it would be the size of a human or more.

Sora pointed forward and the Beetle rushed forward and fought with her, they were shockingly evenly matched. of course, Sora summoned this Beetle to be around the same strength as her, he didn't want everyone to know how freakish he was,

"is this all you got?" the ice on irene's Body slowly melted away as Irene Enchanted her body to give off a powerful heat. Sora smiled slightly as he went on to summon 5 more Ice Beetles, leaving Irene standing there with a speechless look as all of them surrounded her,

"... thats cheating, why don't you face me head-on." She said unwilling to accept defeat,

"I'm a Mage, not an all-rounder like yourself," Sora said with a shake of his head, she could handle any field, and although Long rage would give her some trouble, she could still and away, she could turn a rock into a bomb and throw it at her enemy or something like that, plus she could enchant the air, making it explode, shot word at high speed, and so on. she could do anything, with only her imagination and skills holding her back

"... fine, you win," she said angrily, Sora nodded slightly before he waved his hands the summons all disappeared, after which he pulled out a paper and handed it to her, the angrily Irene was about to leave, but this caught her attention.

"you forgot the deal? we are now friends, friends share. so here is the ingredients needed" Sora said with a smile, irene was stunned for some time at his words. she looked at the paper and back at Sora, she wanted to take the paper with all her heart, but she stopped herself.

"Snort, I will defeat you and take it with my own strength." She said as she looked away from the paper, afraid that she would take it. Sora's eyebrow raised at this, but he nodded slightly. calling over the maids, he had them make Irene a few more treats, after which he had them take a break and relax,

"So, I just arrived at this city, I was thinking of putting up a store here. mind showing me around?" Sora asked while watching her happily enjoy the cake. Irene's eyebrow raised at Sora's words, that would mean she would be able to eat this whenever she wants. it was a win-win in her book, so she nodded while she went on to show Sora around, trying to help him get the best spots

with this move, they got to speak even more, Sora took this chance to deepen the connection between the two. after all, she was the princess of the strongest kingdom, it would be foolish not to take this chance.

later that night, Sora sat before a crystal ball. around him, an ice wall was formed, blocking out the outside world's senses, this was the spell cast by Brandon, which create a form that blocks off outside senses. It's called ICe Dorm.

"it said that 5 years ago, the sisters of fate came together to tell the gods that something has changed with the future. and a vision of the demons up raising was told, there for the gods picked ahead a hero. the gods like to pick the underdog, so a person is most likely a poor person who has risen to status. a good-for-nothing whose fate was changed or something like that. they are the easiest to control and trick. so ask around and find the next hero, it's always a male who has a team around him." Sora's grandfather said seriously,

"is that not when mother got pregnant?" Sora's eyebrow raised at this news, his grandfather froze for a moment at Sora's words, but his eyes brightened as he nodded.

"it seems so... but it also might not be, but either way, you must find this hero and report back to me. I will do the rest," he said too which Sora nodded slightly,

"The Dragnof kingdom is dangerous, but it's good you made a connection with the princesses, the king has 5 wives and only 3 of them could give birth, all being females. out of all of them, she is the only one who shows intreast in becoming king. and she is the one with the highest likely hood, push hard enough, and we might be able to form an arranged marriage with her," he said softly to which Sora's eyebrow raised,

if he was going to be king of the Oceanic Overlord Empire, it was almost impossible for him to marry Irene, that is someone else married her. shaking his head, Sora changed the subject as he asked about the gods, would they not be looking over the hero?

"you have nothing to worry about that. once you find them, we demons would start at nothing until that hero is dead. each hero has killed millions of us demons, most of the time the gods pick fights with us, only for us to fight back, and they send a hero into the demon realm. even if we demons cut ourselves off from the outside world, we still must be slaughtered. it reached a point where those of the demon race can't get along with the humans and gods." He said as he looked at Sora deeply through the crystal ball.

"you can see the rick we took with you, it's new and it's fresh. it would catch the gods off guard, but rick is great. grandson, you would have a hard time proving yourself to the demons. but ignoring that, you would have a harder time uniting the humans under the goal to go against the gods. but as the demon lord ordered, you're in control, you have our support." He said calmly,

"... what's with the demon lord? why do you all respect him so much?" Sora asked with a raised eyebrow, this just didn't make sense to him.

"It's simple, She was the strongest demon lord of all time. under her, the whole demon realm came together and was tamed under her. So, when she spoke of her plan that day before setting out, many people were against it, but they trusted her. in a few thousand or so years, she would be reborn, at which point the final stage of the plan shall fall through. the complete slaughter of the gods," He said with a look of respect, thousands of years ago, he was there, as one of the elites of the demon realms, he was one of the few who rejected the plan, but over time he came to accept it.

her plan went deep, Sora was just the 4 pieces of the puzzle, and it was going to be hard for him to unite the humans or something like that. thats where his children shall come out, Sora's children, grandchild, and so on, they would do this until her rebirth.

by then, the human should be slaughtered, or have turned against the humans, one of the two had to come forth. the demons hated the gods more than the humans, the humans were nothing more than puppets, cannon folder, their armies, and so on.