

{Name: Sora

Age: 11/60

HP: {5.600/5,600

Mana: {1,250/1,250}

Level: 57 {901/64,440]

School: [Fire] [Ice] [lightning] [Myth] [Life] [Death] [Balance] [Star] [Sun] [Moon] [Shadow]


Damage: [Fire- 77%] [Ice- 67%] [Lightning- 82%] [Myth- 52%] [Life- 52%] [Death- 52%] [Balance- 72%] [Star- 47%] [Sun- 47%] [Moon- 47%] [Shadow- 47%]

Resistance: [Fire- 41%/ 29] [Ice- 56%/ 29] [Lightning- 56%/ 29] [Myth- 41%/ 29] [Life- 41%/ 29] [Death- 41%/ 29] [Balance- 51%/ 29] [Star- 36%/ 29] [Sun- 36%/ 29] [Moon- 36%/ 29] [Shadow-36%/ 29]

Accuracy: [Fire- 42%] [Ice- 50%] [Lightning- 61%] [Myth-39% ] [Life- 39%] [Death- 39%] [Balance- 43%] [Star- 33%] [Sun- 33%] [Moon- 33%] [Shadow-33%]

Critical chances: [Fire- 22%] [Ice- 22%] [Lightning- 22%] [Myth- 22%] [Life- 22%] [Death- 22%] [Balance- 22%] [Star- 22%] [Sun- 22%] [Moon- 22%] [Shadow-22%]


Healing In and Out: [20%/29%]

Stunning Resistance: [31%]

Armor Piercing: [40%]

this was Sora's current stats after adding the jewels to his current equipment, although most of his equipment couldn't accept them, that was simply because they were too low level, soon, Sora could be able to give all the equipment he had better Jewels, in fact, he would be able to craft his own jewels.

Wizards could do many things, and crafting equipment was just one of the things, Sora just didn't learn this yet, as he saw he was too weak and would get better gear from the system at this point. the gear that could strengthen one strength by up to 10 times was the gear created by the wizards.

anyways, time passed after Sora took in the two kingdoms under him, for a time, of course, it caused an uproar, and it was a huge pain in the ass to take control of the two kingdoms, but his grandfather managed, simply put a pawn on the throne and control them. it was kind of like what they were doing to Sora,

as for the nobles, they were forced to do as the king said, or else they would find themselves in the underworld the next morning.

"My lord," a soldier came running towards Sora, Sora who was studying a map, couldn't help but frowned, what was up with this guy?

"the celestial mage, Anna Heartfilia has come to challenge our saint for the celestial key." The guard said quickly seeing he had displeased the king. Anna Heartfilia was a powerful mage, with her family being a welcome family all over the world, they were best known for their capability to use Celestial mage.

the celestial keys were unique keys used to summon those from the celestial realm, it was like how Sora summon beings to fight for him, but celestial mages needed to form contracts, and need the key to summon them. summon them of course cast, Mana, the longer they stayed within this world, the more Mana could be used. at the same time, the summons reflected Mana's strength, they were almost the same as Sora.

Anna was saint level mage, having 3 of the 12 keys, the Oceanic Overlord Empire had one of the 12 keys, the Gate of the Water Bearer Key, the key summons the Water Bearer, Aquarius.

Sora's hands flashed slightly as the key appeared in his hands, after he defeated the former Saint, he of course took their stuff, it's not like a dead man was going to use them.

"Bring her here," Sora said with a smile, those of the Heartfilia household belonged to the 3rd ranked kingdom, of course, the top 3 kingdoms' strengths were near each other, Dragnof was only ranked first because it had the most dragons.

soon the guard arrived bringing with her a blonde-haired woman, she had this noble aura about her, she stood strong, something which was hard to find in females nowadays, as they were birthed to be sold off and build connections.

She was the beauty in her early 20s and level 40, but of course, this was far higher with her summons. since she dared to seek a fight, most likely she could fight someone at level 60 or even higher if she is smart.

Sora looked at the guard, who bowed before leaving, leaving the two alone, Sora picked up the key and placed it on the table, something which caught her eyes instantly,

"Sadly, our saint passed away. but his key remains. but it now belongs to me." Sora said with a smile, Anna was stunned for a moment before a determined look appeared in her eyes, she came all this way because she saw how weak she was. she wanted strength to protect those she considered dear to her, so she wanted to collect all 12 keys, that was her goal.

"let's have a deal, I can see you want this badly," Sor said with a smile, Anna nodded slightly as she looked at Sora, waiting for him to speak.

"Take the key and form the contract with celestial spirit, I then what to fight with you, win or lose, you keep the key, but if I win, I want you to help me spread my business into Golden Dragon Empire. I would also want to take this chance to build a better relationship with your family if possible." Sora said with a smile,

Anna's eyebrow raised. if she was not wrong, was Sora not 10 years old? they to be like this at such a young age, to be honest, she hated those nobles and their scheming, how could a kid be like that? at least he was straightforward.

"I'm not willing to fight a kid." She said with a shake of her head, she was not a bully, sure she heard that Sora defeated a dragon, but let's be honest, who would believe that a 10-year-old did that? in her eyes, Sora was just blowing his own horn to draw attention while someone was controlling him from the shadows,

"I'm no normal kid," Sora said as he waved his hands, casting [Fairy], and with that a fairy appeared which flew around Sora before landing on his shoulder.

"I too am a summoner like yourself, but I don't use keys. I want to take this chance to study how we are different." Sora said with a smile while playing with the cute fairy. Anna's eyes were wide seeing this seen, she never heard of such a summon, but after a moment she nodded as she agreed to the challenge,

So, they left the room and went outside where there was a spot to spar, Anna went on to summon Aquarius. Aquarius resembles a royal blue mermaid. She has a long, blue fishtail, light blue hair that reaches up to her waist, and a large bust. She has blue eyes that seem to have no pupils. Aquarius wears a revealing dark blue bikini top and on each arm, she has a golden armlet and bracelet. Aquarius also has a circlet, three piercings on her tail, a golden belt at her waist, and light blue crystal earrings.

A dark blue tattoo resembling the Aquarius zodiac symbol rests right under her collarbone. Aquarius also wields an urn that acts as the basis of the Water Magic she employs in battle.

"..." Sora looked blankly at Aquarius, in the former summoner she was a fish, but in Anna's hands she was a beauty, Aquarius, of course, noticed Sora, after all, he is the person who lead to the death of her former owner. a worthless man who killed her just because she refused to submit,

Now her key was given to this woman, she couldn't help but wonder what the woman was like... after the contract was formed, Anna got ready to battle Sora, Sora nodded seeing this before he pointed forward and cast [Fire Cat[, with that spell, he summoned the Fire Cat, and to his shock he crits, making the cat twice as strong.

the normal Fire cat does 80-120 damage to an enemy, Sora being at level 50 and his mastery of the spell, that damage output increased to 180 = 220. but Sora's fire damage stat is at 77%. so the damage is increased to 318 - 389. since Sora Crit kicked in, that was 636 - 778. This 1 Mana spell could rival a 6 Mana Fire Spell, this was of course impressive,

"putting Fire up against water?" Anna asked with a raised eyebrow, Sora nodded slightly at her confusion,

"I will give you a handy cap," Sora said with a smile, a vein popped on Anna's forehead, what an arrogant brat, but she was the most angered person here. Aquarius had a vein on her forehead, since when was she ever looked down? she was if not, the strongest spirit, she was the only one he needed the requirement before being summoned,

she could only be summoned when her key was in the water, who else had to be limited because of how powerful she was? as if sensing each other thoughts, Aquarius moved as she attached the huge human size cat which seemed to be made out of flames.

a jet of water that could swallow the world shot from her Urn, planning to not only wash away the cat but even Sora. The Fire Cat jumped backward while shooting flames from its mouth toward the incoming flames,

the flames and water met, clashing heavily that they created a mist that covered the whole battlefield, but Sora cast a storm spell, creating a gust of wind that blew the mist away, allowing him to see the outcome of the two clashes,

The Fire Cat lost the clash, leading to it being blown backward, it was heavily injured far away, and water was its weakness after all. Sora cast a healing spell upon the fire Cat, helping it quickly recover to full health. the fire cat came running back, rage filling its eyes while looking at the fish before it. what was the last time a fish injured it? a fish should know its place, that is in its stomach,

"such powerful healing magic... you really do have god blood." Anna was shocked seeing this, she of course had heard of Sora's blood, and this showcase of it stunned her greatly.

"Well, it seems like we should take you on seriously," Sora said as he cast Fire Blade onto the fire Cat, now the Fire Cat's next attack shall have a 35% increase in power. next, Sora cast Fire Trap onto Aquarius, now the next fire damage she takes 30% greater.

Sora cast Fire Prism, which converts the fire into coming to Fire spell damage Aquarius take, into Ice Type. lastly, he cast Myth Prism, which converts incoming myth-type damage into storm damage,

this all happened at high speed, these were not summoning spells, so they didn't take long like them, it took Sora the time needed to wave a hand to cast all of them.

Aquarius, on the other hand, felt weird once she had these spells on her, she felt unease, and she could sense the spells once they hit her, but she just couldn't put a finger on it. she knew Sora did something and could sense that if she was hit with a fire spell, she would get a huge bobo.

"Go," Sora said with a smile, The Fire Cat feeling how empowered it was at the moment roared before jumping towards Aquarius, but before the cat could do anything, Aquarius pointed her urn forward, and from there, a set of water shot towards the Fire Cat,

"Tank It," Sora said as he cast [Storm Shield], onto the Fire Car, along with [Glacial Shield] allowing that coming damage to do almost nothing to Her. within the game, waterfalls under Storm magic, so a storm shield was used to block water spell. although the water was ice in a frozen state, no ice spell summoned forth water, unlike storm spells which summon waves of water

The water Jet did barely did anything to the Fire Cat, the [Storm Shield] absorbed 80% of incoming storm damage, and the [Glacial Shield] absorb 70% of the storm and Ice damage. although Aquarius magic had piercing Damage, that was only a small 15%,

She was left right open, and the Fire Cat launched a fireball at it, just when she got it, she felt the activation of the spells within her, increasing the damage taken until it was a storm spell that boost the damage as it was super effective.

she was sent flying backward, but Anna jumped in the way, catching Aquarius before she could get hit the wall, Aquarius was stunned by Anna catching her, but the next moment, Anna took out a potion and gave it to her to drink.

Healers were rare, but herbs that could heal injuries were not all that rare, with how rich Mana was within the air, of course, the herbs found would have unique abilities, potions to help others heal, potions to help others recover energy and so on, they were all out there.

"We won," Sora said with a smile, Anna look at Aquarius for a moment, and after seeing she was alright, she turned to look at Sora

"that was pretty much a two-on-one," Anna Said with a frown, if she knew she too was going to be fighting along with her summon, she would have joined as well.

"... I guess you have a point, how about the next round you join hands and fight me," Sora said as he looked towards the fairy he summoned earlier, the fairy flew forward and healed Aqurarius, until she returned to 100%, stunning Anna for a moment.

"deal," Anna said to which Sora nodded slightly before sending Fire Cat off, and with a few waves of his hands, he summoned the [Phonix]. From the ground, a huge heat wave suddenly shot out, stunning the two as they looked at the bird made out of golden flames

"I'm Ready when you are," Sora said with a smile, this summons deals 1,185, sadly Sora didn't crit, but this was far stronger than the Fire Cat, and the two can feel the power. Sora seeing this smiled slightly before he cast [Stormwing] summoning a lightning phoenix which did 1,256 damage, but he crits this time so that phoenix was twice as strong,

"look at the time, well I should get going," Aquarius said softly as she disappeared, leaving Anna there speechless, Aquarius was not foolish enough to fight Sora, she knew he was holding back, she had seen those other powerful summonses, what was the point of fighting? since her master was not in danger, then she should just avoid taking damage.

"you..." Anna yelled before gritting her teeth while looking at the phoenix, but after a moment, she too gave up. she would have had a hard time with the normal phoenix, ignoring that the number just doubled, but this new one made her feel like all chances of winning were only a dream.