
A Witch Requested to Make a Love Potion

One day, the ‘Good Witch of the Lake’ was asked by her crush to make a love potion, and thus, was heartbroken. –If this is the first and the last, then let me be together with him for at least a little bit longer. To at least extend the time, she began ordering as many materials as she could. That’s when the Knight took a notice of her staple food–a lettuce. For somewhat unknown reason, the Knight began to come and eat as well. Starring a Hikikomori witch with lettuce as her nutrients source, and the serious yet also arrogant Knight–a romantic tale that started from a Love Potion.

UsErMaNuP · Fantasy
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38 Chs

The witch and the poisonous apple

What happens afterwards is unbelievable—

"—excuse me."

Harij keeps coming by. Each time, he never fails to bring sweets.

…Even though the promised day is still a long way off.

He also starts to wear casual clothing—probably seeing no use in wearing armor.

After handing the food to the excited Roze, he sits gracefully, waiting.

"…But, this isn't exactly the place for hanging out…"

Roze bluntly says, and yet, she can't stop checking the basket—I wonder what he brought today…

That day's incident has somewhat helped her to speak naturally with Harij. It's a situation commonly known as 'shock therapy'.

…I totally didn't fall in front of him in an embarrassing manner. That totally didn't happen. At all.

She must stop thinking about that small accident.

"Don't worry about it." Harij, who brought a book, starts reading it.

She doesn't know what does he mean by that—but it's okay. Today's food smells good, too, so she'll turn a blind eye to him.

How does it taste today? I can't wait to take a bite…

Roze, who hasn't had a regular diet until now, is fascinated by everything Harij brings. It can be said that she's completely satisfied.

When she stands in the space that used to be the kitchen, Harij peers from his book and says;

"Prepare more tea leaves."

"O-oh, right…"

The custom of serving tea to guests, she hads almost forgotten about it.

It's neither a place for hanging out nor a café, yet she can't refuse because Harij has kindly delivered food to her.

At last, she finds the tea can within the messy interior of the cupboard.

…How long has this been in here?

Roze peers inside the can before finally deciding to taste it—

"—ugh, moldy…"

"…Wait a minute. You are still going to brew that thing—!?"

Harij storms towards her and snatches the tea can. Next to the stunned Roze, Harij looks into the tea can.

…a few seconds later, he gently closes the lid in silence.

"Tomorrow, I'll bring some tea leaves with me."

"Oh, oka—huh!? You'll also come tomorrow?!"

"Yes, do you have any preferences regarding tea?"

"…No, not at all." Roze answers, stupefied.

Harij's sudden visits puzzle Roze. Customers usually don't come around this time—they don't hangout, either, and this particular customer isn't just anybody…

…Gosh, if my crush stays longer than this, then my heart will give up for sure…

Harij, who's oblivious to Roze's feeling, rises one eyebrow.

"I truly don't have any special preference…"

"…no, I'm just wondering if I'm inconveniencing you by frequently visiting like this…"

"It's alright for you to come."

Such is Roze's answer—and her heart agrees with it.

"…Because of my absences, I've been reprimanded by my subordinates. There's going to be a large-scale mission in the near future, only after that can I expect to receive my salary."

Roze, who's ignorant towards the way of the world, can only tilt her head.

"In short, instead of taking a whole day off, I'm extending my lunch break."

Harij explains in the middle of eating, yet it doesn't bring any differences towards Roze's confusion.

—yet, one thing she knows, Harij visits her not because he doesn't have better things to do—but because he wants to. To the extent of bringing food…