
A Witch Or A Beast?

With a flick of her wand, her world turns completely upside down. A witch and a prophesy. A beast or a hero? Will she change the world for the good or the bad? THE PROPHESY : A girl is born in a little hut, in an empire full of sorcerers land. Her parents both strong and mighty, but hunted indeed. For the girl of youth has nowhere safe, to be hidden from the earth’s surface. On a full moon’s light she will find her mate, for a drop of blood she will start to crave. Eyes filled with lust they make love a mark Still on the run from people’s wants she will find her life’s own task. Her death for sure will be in his arms for all we know is love prevails.

cynndi_i · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Change of plans

"Will she be alright?"

"... choice to... and find out what's going on..." My conscience starts to come into focus as I listen to my mother speak to... a doctor?

"I see. Then we should make immediate preparations for the change in plans."

What plans?

My heart suddenly beats faster, like there's an emergency, and my breathing quickens as my eyes slowly cracks open, without acknowledging the sunshine that enters the room.

My mother notices my change in behavior and looks over at me, "Aurora, Aurora! My dear, are you alright? Can you feel your fingers? Your toes?" I nod painstakingly. There's a pounding in my head that makes the rustling of leaves from the forest sound more like the chewing of bananas.

Or maybe it wasn't the rustling of leaves. It sounds more like a millions twigs cracking at the same time. I look over to the window, the source of all the noise and I almost scream.

There are at most a hundred witches dashing over from the forest and they make their way into my room. They smell like the forest except for this tinge smell of... barbecue?

"Your Highnesses." A witch bows in front of my mum. My father is the tribe leader of my tribe, also known as a prince in the witch tribe, that makes me and my mother a princess. It's all complicated...

The King and Queen are the two Elders and the Superiors are the Emperor and his partner, the Empress. The rest of the tribe leaders are just like my family, young royalties. The Vampire empire is but the most confusing.

My mother nods to the witch and the witch stands and addresses her situation, "The Wolf Empire is currently having royalty affairs, an Alpha is to turn into a full grown on summer's full moon." My mother nods but remains silent.

Then, with a wave of her hand, she announces, "Dismissed. This matter is to be discussed further later." Why can't she discuss it here? With me? While I'm still here, and not half dead?

"Mum..." I look earnestly at my mother and she looks back at me and tilts her head in an upward nod, "What's wrong with me mother?"

"Nothing." She replies with a smile and I frown. She sees my distress and adds, "When confirmed, I will be sure to inform you of it."

"Okay." I mutter and look out of my window. After a long break of silence, I ask in a quiet but persuading voice, "Will I get to see Chase again?"

"Chase? Who's that?" My mother looks at me confusingly.

"My mate, mother." I answer her and she suddenly freezes at the word 'mate'.

"I see." She replies after a while but her eyes don't meet mine. Somehow, I know that all these have to do with my separation from Chase. I don't say anything and my mum sighs, "I have matters to settle, I will be back before noon." My mum tells me and she sweeps her cloak asides and strides out in a dramatic manner just as my nurse walks in.


"Well... desperate times desperate measures..." Cora says. Flora bursts out laughing.

"That isn't how it works!" I protest. "Tell me she did, not!" I look at Flora with desperate eyes.

"She did. She did! It was hilarious! You should've seen the look on Johnna's face!" Flora gasps for air in between laughters. "Indiana is furious!"

"No..." I gape at my friend. My friend who kissed a boy I had a crush on when I was seven. "But... I thought Johnna likes Indiana."

"Liked." Cora corrects me proudly. I roll my eyes and she continues, "He liked Indiana until he knew how well I could kiss." Flora laughs and Cora fakes a high pitched voice while saying, "Johnna was like, "Damn! I did not know you could kiss baby!" And then Indiana saw how passionate he was with I, and then I felt guilty and told Johnna, "Sorry baby, it was all to escape the librarian's annoying helper." And I pointed and his supposed girlfriend and I could see the desperation in his eyes." She emphasizes 'desperation' in s dramatic tone and I can't help but laugh.

"Fauna is coming soon." Flora tells me after our laughing fit, "She went to get some intel on Indiana and Johnna. Cora and I made a bet based on Johnna and Indiana."

I tilt my head to the right and frown, "What bet?"

"She's betting that Indiana and Johnna would break up, but I think that they'll make up." Flora explains.

"And why is that so?" I question further.

"Be... cause... Cora literally rejected Johnna and Johnna is desperately in need of a girl... so... I think Johnna will date Indiana." Flora grins at me but Cora snorts.

Cora tilts her head up and crosses her arms, "Says who? I did not reject Johnna, and I think he really likes me. So I'm rooting for a split up between those two."

"Interesting..." I lean back on my bed and stare at the ceiling.

"So choose, Aurora." Flora urges.

I sit up and look at her, "I think... I'm gonna have to go with Cora." I smirk as Flora pouts and slouches into her seat.

"Now that I think of it, I do think Cora may win the bet." Flora admits sheepishly.

"Of course I will!" Cora declares loudly and I chuckle.

"What did you guys bet on anyways." I ask with the sudden reminder that they haven't mention of it. Flora turns bright red and Cora laughs so hard I'm afraid she may wet herself. "Let me guess, the one that loses cleans Fontana's room?" Fontana is Flora's older brother... and you do not want to clean his room.

His room is the room of a true male. Dirty stuff everywhere! And you'll never know if you may just step on a used underwear or run across a box of c—

"Aurora!" The voice of Fauna interrupts me. I look up at her and smile. "So, I presume you've heard of the bet, which is won by Cora!" No one cheers.

I mean it would be weird if we do, right?

"Guessed that already." Flora mutters blandly and Cora cackles.

"Johnna apologized to Indiana for not liking her." Fauna giggles a little and for a moment, I see Cora's smile widen, but it goes back to normal when she catches me staring. She rolls her eyes at me and says, "I told you so."

It's not jealousy I feel when Johnna steps into the room, eyes on Cora, hands outstretched. It's misery, want, desperation for a partner of my own. A partner whom is from my own tribe, a partner that I don't have to miss seeing and hurt thinking about.

Johnna is a handsome man with a sweet smile. He has a hair of beautiful golden locks and a pair of bright green eyes. He has abs and six packs, and arms of a... that is indescribable, but his arms are lovely. Arms that I am not supposed to be admiring.

I look away, out of the window. My mind drifts to the woods. To the wolf barrier. The wolf empire. Then, to my mate, and it stays there. For the first time ever, I find that my mate is one of the most good looking guys I've ever come across.

He is handsome from the depths of his blue eyes to the gentle touch of his hands against mine. His chin is chiseled, and he has deep, matching dimples. Sure, he has a lovely toned body but his eyes are what caught mine. His dazzling pair of eyes are a mesmerising deep ocean blue, decorated with flecks of silvery light performimg ballets throughout his pupil. So mesmerizing, so alluring, and so missed.

I miss him.

I miss my mate.

And I want to say it out loud, but I am somehow forbidden to, and it hurts to know how peace, just doesn't exist enough for empires to stand in each other's presence anymore.