
A will power power of the ghost

A WiLL POWER POWER OF THE GHOST a story of a young girl by the name Mandy who witnesses a wired act from her father..Her mother sends away She tries to figure out the truth with the help of a mysterious boy

Nonoejay_ · Teen
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2 Chs

Chapter 1..shock

it was just midnight when Mandy wake up from a night mare for the forth time that night..she decided to go to the kitchen to fetch some water for herself and as she was tip tocking there , she heard some voices from the living room and she could tell one of them was her dad s .

the more she came closer ..she could hear the voices clearly and questions started popping up in her mind

"who are those people talking to my dad so late at night and why did they seem to be so adamant about it

"But NO!! we cant take that risk...its too dangerous , we all know this could result in death!!""she heard her father say in a bold voice

" But sir the secret will have to come out some how and now that we have a chance , why cant we just take it, lets not do something we will end up regretting in the upper future " that was another man s voice .

" He is right , what ever move we will make right now will have a impact on the future" that was another different voice

And the next thing that happened after this conversation left a shock on Mandy s face

I have finished chapter 1 , please tune in for chapter 2 to find out what really shocked Mandy

Nonoejay_creators' thoughts