
Chapter 1 The two for one fiance package arrived

It was a cloudy day that promised rain any second. On one of the streets in Nurim stood a youngster in his fighting stance reading himself for the incoming threat.

In front of him stood a white beast with black spots on its hind legs. With claws that could tear through concrete walls and teeth that screamed predator, it snarled at the youth. With the sound of thunder as the cue, both rushed at each other and started fighting with a ferocity that would let anyone question how a father and son could fight against each other like that.

Far above the fight behind the dark clouds that shrouded the heavens a small tear in space appeared. "This should teach you a lesson," said a high-pitched voice that sounded like a 10-year-old girl. Through the tear in space fell a blue soul that glows like a candle that was about to be snuffed out. "I WILL BE BACK AND YOU WILL CALL ME DADDYYYYYYyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy"

At the ground, Ranma and his panda father were still fighting. As the rain started falling and Ranma's transformation began a blue cloud hit him and at the same moment his father slammed a stop sign in his face. With a small blue light explosion, Ranma in his now female form lost his conscience. Genma was bewildered for a short duration because of the blinding light that appeared out of nowhere but decided everything was fine. So he grabbed Ranma's body and threw him over his shoulder to make his way to the Tendo's.

Genma entered the residence of the Tendo without a care of the frightened family. After going all the way to the main room where everyone was gathered he placed Ranma in front of him. Ranma squirmed at first but after a short moment accepted the situation."I am Ranma Saotome…. I am sorry about this."

It became rather fast clear for the Tendo family that Ranma was female, especially after Nabiki started groping her, and Ranma involuntarily sensually moaned.

This was too much stimulation for Soun so he blacked out.

After Soun woke up he was immediately trash-talked by Nabiki. To prove her point again she started to fondle Ranma's breast. This led to a whimpering Ranma who teared up. Even the Tendo sisters got aroused by that display. But the most shocked was Genma in his panda form because of the unexpected behavior of his son. Akane was the first to get out of the shock and started to pull Ranma to the dojo to get away from this strange situation as she told the rest that she will do some katas with Ranma.

In the dojo, both girls relaxed a lot because they were in their element. Ranma even pointed out some flaws in Akane's movement. Afterward, they had some small talk and both girls decided to be friends. Kazumi came after two hours and told Ranma to take a bath. After Ranma left Kazumi turned to Akane.

Kazumi: Akane, can you throw the trash out? When you are done you can join Ranma in the bath.

Akane: ok

Ranma was in the bathroom now contemplating why her emotions were so volatile today. She knows that in her female form she felt less restrained in her feelings and in general. But today she had no filter. She remembers the shame she felt when she entered the Tendo residence. The arousal when a beauty like Nabiki caressed her. The fear of being seen as a freak and pervert when Nabiki fondled her for a second time. The happiness to befriend Akane. Even now it felt strange to her why she felt so scared to show her real form to the Tendo family but she knew that there was no way around it. So she entered the hot bath.

Over the span of 10 seconds, panic started to creep its way into her heart. In a last desperate attempt, she dipped underwater.

Ranma: I can't transform back!! Why can't I transform back? WHY!!??

With a piercing scream, Ranma ran out of the bath. Her mind was so much in disarray that she didn't even realize that Akane was just entering the bathroom in all her naked glory. Screaming all the way down the stairs and to the main room where Soun and Genma were, with a face that had despair written all over her face Ranma finally stopped screaming and looked to her father for answers with tears in her eyes.

As she came to a stop, her massive melons swung around like it was no one's business and her red little carpet was on full display while at the same time water drops were running down her body. Soun couldn't handle that kind of stimulation and blacked out again. Genma came out of his stupor and was about to explode in his son's face for being so shameless but a rather familiar voice called out to him.

"Oi old man, what is the big idea with beating me over the head with a stop sign but leaving me just like that?" A charming young lad with black hair and a ponytail entered the garden while jumping over the wall with a forced smile and a tick mark on his face.

Male Ranma came closer to confront his father about the injustices but stopped tracks to survey his surroundings. A man he didn't know lay on the ground bleeding from his nose, his father with a face as red as it can get with a confused look on his face, his female form dripping wet in all her naked glory with a tear struck face. Ranma was about to freak out and demand explanations but a voice in his head brought order to his disordered mind with a quiet but strong voice.

… 'Calm yourself, she needs you. Help her. Protect her.'

Ranma wanted to protest and resist but he realized that the advice from his inner voice made sense, so he followed its suggestion.

He pulled off his shirt as he walked to his female counterpart. Female Ranma flinched but didn't move away. Her head was filled with thoughts of distrust and fear. Male Ranma stood now in front of fem Ranma, put his shirt on her, and followed up with a tight hug while patting her head. With the most gentle voice he could use he told her "The situation seems a little complicated but Ranma Saotome deals with crazy stuff all the time and handles it every time by himself … ourself?... and this time it will be the same. So relax and let's find out what happened. … ok?" Female Ranma tried to push her counterpart away at first but as she listened to his calm voice, she felt herself loosening up. Any thoughts she had about "looking weak" or "not manly" were washed away. Now she returned the embrace with an intensity that looked like she wanted to fuse with her counterpart.

Hi, so if anyone has some suggestion pls share them. I have some other storys that i tryed to write but i am never sure if it worth to push them so if anyone has interest I would upload them too and see what has the most potential.

Also i have a ko-fi setup so there is that too, under the name wambolord. Cheers

Wambo_rambocreators' thoughts